WHO Predicts Tobacco To Kill 600K Non-Smokers Yearly

Smoking Deaths

Posted: 05/31/11 03:54 PM ET

Tobacco will kill nearly six million people this year, including 600,000 non-smokers, because governments are not doing enough to persuade people to quit or protect others from second-hand smoke, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Tuesday.

Since there is often a lag of many years between when people start smoking and when it affects health, the epidemic of tobacco-related disease and death has just begun, the WHO said. But by 2030, the annual death toll could reach 8 million.

The United Nations health body urged more governments to sign up to and implement its tobacco control treaty, warning that if current trends persist, tobacco could cause up to a billion deaths in the 21st century, a dramatic rise from the 100 million deaths it caused in the previous century.

So far, 172 countries and the European Union have signed up to the WHO's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), which came into force in 2005 and obliges them to take steps over time to cut smoking rates, limit exposure to second hand smoke, and curb tobacco advertising and promotion.

The WHO noted some encouraging recent moves -- Uruguay now requires health warnings that cover 80 percent of the surface of tobacco packs, and China last month implemented a ban on smoking in public places such as restaurants and bars.

But it said that if the FCTC was to achieve its full potential as the "most powerful tobacco control tool", more needed to be done.

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"It is not enough to become a party," WHO director-general Margaret Chan said in a statement. "Countries must also pass, or strengthen, the necessary implementing legislation and then rigorously enforce it."

Tobacco kills up to half its users and is described by the WHO as "one of the biggest public health threats the world has ever faced". It causes lung cancer, which is often fatal, and other chronic respiratory diseases. It is also a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, the world's number one killers.

The WHO said smoking is one of the biggest contributors to a worldwide epidemic of non-communicable, or chronic, diseases such as heart attack, stroke, cancer and emphysema, which accounts for 63 percent of all deaths worldwide, nearly 80 percent of which occur in poorer countries.

To mark World No Tobacco Day on May 31, the World Lung Foundation (WLF) campaign group launched a website of graphic and gruesome images of the health effects of smoking that health officials can download for use as warnings on tobacco packaging.

The WLF said that on average, smokers see images on tobacco packs 15 times a day, adding up to almost 5,500 times a year which makes pictures "a highly effective channel to inform smokers about the dangers of tobacco."

One image shows a cut-open human chest in full color with black lungs protruding from inside.

"Countries that mandate large graphic pack warnings are not only fulfilling their legal obligations, they are taking a big step forward toward better informing smokers of the deadly harms of tobacco," said Peter Baldini, the WLF's chief executive.

Copyright 2011 Thomson Reuters. Click for Restrictions.


Tobacco will kill nearly six million people this year, including 600,000 non-smokers, because governments are not doing enough to persuade people to quit or protect others from second-hand smoke, ...
Tobacco will kill nearly six million people this year, including 600,000 non-smokers, because governments are not doing enough to persuade people to quit or protect others from second-hand smoke, ...
Filed by Meghan Neal  | 
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4 minutes ago (11:19 PM)
switched to a blu cig, haven't had a cigarette since mid-Jan
that's why electronic cigarettes are being banned in buildings and considered for full ban in places like Seattle, because cigarette companies are putting lots of money into this, their consumer base is too far threatened­.

Components in e-cig fluid : glycerol (widely used in a ton of things including food), water
and nicotine (which in and of itself is not carcinogen­ic), and instead of being smoke it's water vapor.

And this is banned inside buildings in Seattle. Shouldn't we be encouragin­g people to switch to a safe alternativ­e instead of taking away reasons to switch?
America is not Exceptional
3 hours ago (8:38 PM)
Anyone who takes their first puff on a cigarette coughs. Your body is telling you something. It is telling you that smoke is bad for you.
trust me... I'm liberal.
18 hours ago (4:56 AM)
If I'm subjected to second hand smoke, and it kills 600,000 people per year, shouldn't I be able to defend myself, with some kind of carcinogen­ic spray? Maybe something that'll make the smoker's clothes smell bad. That'd be sweet.
read their lips
10:49 PM on 6/01/2011
Dr. Who?
Helping stamp out bad opinions since 2004.
09:26 PM on 6/01/2011
I don't know, who?...
04:50 PM on 6/01/2011
This amazing to me. Cigarettes and second hang smoke gas been killing people fr years. For a moments let's look at cigarettes as a person. Please will someone tell me how long would we let that person continue to kill human being? I say not long. Well, why do we allow cigarettes to do this. I know it's hard for people to stop smoking. That should those who allow the sell of cigarettes that this is a addictive drug. A writer wrote many years ago before the world thought that cigarettes were harmful that, "tobacco is a slow, insidious, but most malignant poison". The writer of that quote Ellen G. White died in 1915, yet the sell of tobacco is still being sold. The death toll continues to rise. Again, I ask if cigarettes was a human being how long would we allow him or her to kill? How many of us would stand idly by and just watch the killing? I don't think many of us would be able to stomach it, just the thought makes me sick. Yet, many of the lobbyist and the cigarette companies continue to do whatever it takes to get their products into the store at an estimated death rate of 600,000 per year. My God help us to realize that money isn't everything­. There got to more to live for.
20 hours ago (3:03 AM)
" isn't everything­­. There got to more to live for. " You would hope, but money rules - especially in the halls of power of the United States where Corporatio­n$ come before the welfare of the "little people" - you know, the ones who pay taxes. It's kind of silly - we prohibit pot and other drugs, but cigarette smoke is a known harmful carcinogen­ic and the additive, nicotine, is addictive. There is no justificat­ion. I don't see the government stepping in any time soon to prohibit cig sales given the size of the industry. But I wish I knew why young people in 2011 actually pick up their first life-long cancer causing addicto-st­ick in the first place.
6 hours ago (5:49 PM)
The govt will not step in to ban cig's because no one in the govt at any significan­t position thinks that a total ban makes the least amount of sense.

OK a certain A. Capone from Chicago writes that he thinks a ban would be a wonderful idea.

A few decades ago over 50% of the adults in the US smoked. Today less than 20%.

What the govt is doing is working quite well.
04:27 PM on 6/01/2011
I am completely anti smoking and do believe that second hand smoke is harmful, but there is absolutely no way they can link the deaths of these non smokers to second hand smoke. There are a lot of factors that can affect one's health: genetics, diet, environmen­t, chemicals they are exposed to etc. There are people who never smoke or are not around smokers who die of lung cancer or emphysema.
6 hours ago (5:52 PM)
Actually there are experts in the field of epidemiolo­gy that can do exactly what you say they cannot.
02:11 PM on 6/01/2011
I wish luck to everyone who tries to quit smoking - it is very difficult. Also, I think we should send all our cigarettes to the Taliban, the prisoners in Gitmo, and all hedge fund brokers.
Helping stamp out bad opinions since 2004.
09:30 PM on 6/01/2011
I think you just hit on the solution to Afghanista­n....
Radical Independent
09:22 AM on 6/01/2011
I am as anti-tobac­co as anybody can possibly be, but I still don't buy those numbers. People living with active smokers would have a higher chance of contractin­g disease, but 600K deaths per year? I highly doubt that.
Tobacco Treatment Specialist
10:02 AM on 6/01/2011
That's worldwide and with over 300 million smokers in China, not surprising­. In the USA, it's about 53,000, still more than die in car accidents each year.
Radical Independent
10:13 AM on 6/01/2011
See, I just don't buy that. It is hard for me to believe that more NON-SMOKER­S die from tobacco each year than car accidents. I've known several people who have died in car accidents, but I can't think of a single NON-SMOKIN­G person in my life who has died from a tobacco related disease - although I've known several SMOKERS who have died as a direct result of their smoking. The article's statement, and your statement, just don't pass the basic "smell" test for me.
frank day
Krusty says, "read a book"
10:45 AM on 6/01/2011
My wife worked Oncology for nearly a decade.

You'd be shocked.
Helping stamp out bad opinions since 2004.
09:32 PM on 6/01/2011
Unless you actually live with someone who smokes, I don't think you're in much danger.
Princess Wolfie
23 hours ago (12:31 AM)
I think you're right about that. Some of my friends are smokers. I don't worry about being around them from time to time, although I have to wash all my clothes (yuck!)
trust me... I'm liberal.
18 hours ago (4:57 AM)
Or work in a bar.
08:29 AM on 6/01/2011
WHO buried the report on a study they did in Europe on the effects of second hand smoke because it didn't yield the desired results.
Fact: The press release doesn't mention the one statistica­lly significan­t result from the study, that children raised by smokers were 22% less likely to get lung cancer.
07:28 AM on 6/01/2011
Bullshit, Junk Science! By that logic cars and power plants should kill millions and don;t say it does because that is also bullshit.
05:07 AM on 6/01/2011
After reading tonights aol news, I hope i can finish this paragraph. I am eating a McD`s burger, while talking on my cell phone
Helping stamp out bad opinions since 2004.
09:33 PM on 6/01/2011
Been nice knowing you....
3 hours ago (8:19 PM)
I can`t say the same. I can say I am GLAD I don`t know you. I don`t need to know anyone like you or you that tries to tell everyone else how to live their life.
ps. That wasn`t even the whole comment. when I clicked post comment, only 1/3rd of it went into the box.
03:04 AM on 6/01/2011
Clearly not enough as we head for the big seven bee
01:47 AM on 6/01/2011
'marijuana illegal, but cigarettes cool, i might look kind of funny but i ain't no fool'
-andre 3000
Fan me ... or else!
10:45 PM on 5/31/2011
Thank god for Mayor Bloomberg ! Lmao.