AIDS at 30: The Real Story

Posted: 06/ 3/11 03:10 PM ET

June 5th marks the 30th anniversary of the recognition that a new disease was killing our species. It would become our era's Great Plague, killing somewhere between 28-35 million human beings, and infecting about 75 million with HIV. That June 5, 1981 paper by Dr. Michael Gottlieb of UCLA, published in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, made a mistake that has haunted the AIDS epidemic for three decades.

Gottlieb noticed that otherwise healthy young men were gasping for air and dying from infection with the usually benign pneumonia parasite, Pneumocystis carinii. They shared one other thing: they were all gay. Los Angeles colleague Dr. Joel Weisman had a cluster of young men also dying of a usually benign infection, the fungus Candida albicans: also, all gay men. In San Francisco Dr. Donald Abrams was treating young men suffering the grotesque, metastatic purple skin blotches of Kaposi's sarcoma, a type of cancer seen only in old men. His young patients were all gay men.

Physicians across the globe drew similar conclusions: this new nightmare was a homosexual problem. The Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta was given a measly budget of $200,000 to make sense of this. By Christmas 1981, the new disease was dubbed GRID, Gay-Related Immunodeficiency Disease.

The assumption that the ailment was uniquely associated with homosexuality was a tragic error that will haunt history forever. It allowed a conservative President Ronald Reagan and most top political leaders worldwide since to turn their backs on an exploding plague. People had been dying of AIDS all over the world, but as a result of heterosexual encounters or injections of narcotics or medicines with unclean needles. Dr. Fred Siegel treated a Dominican immigrant at Mt. Sinai in New York in 1979: she died of AIDS before the disease had a name. Dr. Henry Masur had a group of 11 GRID patients in his New York practice in 1981, half of whom were heterosexuals or drug injectors. A female prostitute with the moniker Mrs. Profit gave birth in 1981 to twins, both of whom died in San Francisco of pediatric AIDS. And Drs. Margaret Fischl in Miami and Sheldon Landesman at King's County Hospital in Brooklyn had practices that were overwhelmed with dying women and children, all of them Haitians.

It wasn't until July 1982 that a small CDC team stumbled on their most vital clue in this out-of-control epidemic: dying hemophiliacs. Hemophilia is an inherited blood disease linked to the Y chromosome, therefore only found in males. The most common form leaves the boys unable to make a crucial blood clotting protein, either Factor VIII or IX. Without these Factors, a scraped knee, mosquito bite or bloody nose could all be lethal, as once bleeding begins, it may never stop. In the 1960s, scientists figured out how to extract the Factors from normal blood, creating concentrates that hemophiliacs could inject when they were cut or bruised, causing their blood to clot and saving their lives. In 1973, the National Hemophilia Foundation worked with the U.S. government to create a network of 141 blood factor treatment centers. And by the mid-70s, a miracle unfolded, as the first generation of hemophilia survivors came of age, having survived childhood injuries, and become adults.

But to stay alive these men still required periodic Factor VIII or IX injections, and therein lays the greatest crime of our modern plague. The Factor proteins are so potent that only scarce numbers can be found in a pint of normal blood. To make a life-saving concentrate of Factor, drug companies needed thousands of pints of blood, and each Factor injection contained the blood of as many as 13,000 people. By the time a boy with hemophilia reached the age of 18, he'd likely been exposed to the blood of more than 100 million people. The average exposure rate for Factor VIII users was to the blood of 3 million people every year. We know the virus was there; a sample from one batch of Factor VIII was saved and then tested a decade later. It was HIV-contaminated and had been injected into 2,300 American boys in 1978. By 1981, more than half of all hemophiliacs in the U.S. were infected with HIV. The blood Factors made by U.S. companies, particularly Baxter and its foreign licensees, were sold all over the world. The scandals toppled Ministers in some countries, and resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of lawsuits against manufacturers, blood banks and government agencies.

HIV had probably been in the U.S. blood transfusion system for decades, but at extremely rare levels that were transfused into already-ill patients, failing to produce a chain of infection sufficient to draw public health notice. It was only when the hemophilia treatment system was created and presented itself in into a large population of young men, many of whom were sexually active, some of who were injecting drugs, that the plague really exploded. The CDC team figured it out in July 1982, but the blood bank and blood products industry blocked every attempt to mandate screening for viruses until 1985. And even after contaminated products were banned inside the U.S., manufacturers knowingly continued to sell and export HIV-infected and hepatitis virus-contaminated Factors and blood all over the world. Decent methods of treating blood to kill HIV were not developed until 1987, based on methods that had been in experimental use since World War II.

This hideous legacy haunts HIV prevention efforts today. Instead of GRID, the 1981 moniker for the epidemic might better have been BRID -- Blood-Related Immunodeficiency Disease. If today the worldwide AIDS prevention and treatment effort were focused on BRID, we might not have the shameful nightmare that we now witness. If we called this plague by its proper BRID name, there might not be hundreds of villages in China wherein half the adult population is HIV-infected, thanks to 1990s contaminated blood injections. East African governments might be aggressively tackling the now-soaring heroin use in their region, recognizing that droplets of HIV-infected blood lurk on the needles used for narcotics. The world would loudly decry the former USSR countries, nearly all of which in 2011 still render most forms of safe needle use by drug addicts and de-addiction treatments, such as methadone, illegal.

Remarkably, to this day many countries do not properly screen all blood supplies. Indeed, blood is big business, attracting criminals that sell adulterated products, and PAID donors, most of whom are alcoholic or narcotic users in need of quick cash.

On this dubious 30th anniversary of our 21st century plague, the delegates that will gather this week at United Nations headquarters in New York to debate the AIDS epidemic would do well to consider BRID. They will be under pressure to provide medicines to those already infected with HIV. We strongly applaud expansion of access to anti-HIV drugs for every infected person in the world. But remember that if a country today has a HIV prevalence of more than 20 percent of its young adults -- such as is the case in South Africa -- the virus will continue to lurk in unclean blood, blood products, unclean needles and inadequately sterilized medical equipment.

Think BRID or this awful history will repeat itself. Again, and again, and again.

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01:08 PM on 6/04/2011
AIDS is a preventabl­e disease. Cuba does one thing right. They medically test everyone every year for AIDS and other diseases and quarantine those with AIDS. We quarantine those with TB, Why not AIDS, too?
01:46 PM on 6/04/2011
You sound like you are blaming the victim.
04:09 PM on 6/04/2011
When was the last time someone was quarantine­d for TB? Do you know of any Sanitarium­s full of patients?
Compassionate conservative is an oxymoron
11:20 PM on 6/04/2011
Your post is quite ignorant. TB is a RESPIRATOR­Y disease. That's why people *used to be* quarantine­d. Nowadays they are advised not to travel and to be very careful about sneezing and coughing because it is so easily transferre­d, but AIDS is NOTHING like that. At all. You can't get HIV or AIDS by an infected person coughing on your, or touching you. So it's not even in the same league as TB in that regard.

You need to research these diseases before you make inflammato­ry suggestion­s like that.
11:37 AM on 6/04/2011
After 30 years the anual infection rate is 'stuck' at an annual 15% increase in new HIV carriers.

With all the 'education­', and all the free condoms, we still haven't managed to tackle the fact that carriers are transmitti­ng for up to five years before they become aware that they might be ill.

Add this to the more obvious human errors on the oganizatio­nal level and you see why the spread of AIDS is still, essentiall­y, dependent on human behaviour.
22 hours ago (10:32 AM)
It is unfortunat­e that many parents still will not allow their children to participat­e in human sexuality classes in school, and it is just as unfortunat­e that there are many school boards that will not allow AIDS or any sexually-t­ransmitted disease to be mentioned in the classroom.

Heaven forbid that some irresponsi­ble radio or TV station might mention AIDS on any day other than December 1st, World AIDS Day.
11:15 AM on 6/04/2011

While basic research is necessary, why not go directly to solving the problem.

1. As far as I know most AIDS is still spread by sexual contact.

2. If you stop the spread of the virus from male to male, and from male to female, you stop a great deal of the spread of the virus.

3. The condum, is an effective way of stopping the transmissi­on of the virus from males to their partners.

4. Most males do not like to use condums. If you don't know why ask a male, over the age of twenty one "Why"

5. You do not a study of the Harvard University Department of Social Work. Hint: two words:
Mess, Feeling.

7. Psychology tellw 101 humans will do that which they enjoy, are rewarded buy, they fee comforable with, and do represent a danger that wish to avoid.

BIG PROPOSAL: The Unite Nations Health Organizati­on, Unesco, the United States Department or Health and Human Services, The Health Department­s of all the G-20 countries, especially incluing China, combine together to award TEN (10) ONE BILLION DOLLAR ($1,000,00­0,000) to those corporatio­n, countries, non-govern­ment organizati­on., who devolop a cheap, non-messy, invisible, impossible to feel condum.

Five prizes for the female version, five more the male. All prizes open, until all ten are awarded.
Mother friendly.
11:04 AM on 6/04/2011
Prime example of Ronald Reagan's christiani­ty.
10:55 AM on 6/04/2011
I am troubled by your article, which is enlighteni­ng, and interestin­g, does not take a line or two to mention that the incidence of AIDS, penile cancer, and uterine cancer is lower in those population­s who circumcise those who do not.

Nature has already conducted a double blind experiment on that.

In Kenya, the Luo people, tribe, if you like, live next door to, and have battles with the Kipsigis people. I had the pleasure of living with the Kipsigis people from 1966-68.

Both have similar cultures [although they would deny that]. The incidence of AIDS among the Kipsigis is much lower than among the Luo.

Jewish people, who cricumise in infantcy have a lower rate than Kipsigis who circumcise at puberty. It's not just a statisical associatio­n.

Hopeless romantic draped in potent skepticism.
06:17 PM on 6/04/2011
foresure: " ... The incidence of AIDS among the Kipsigis is much lower than among the Luo. "

Interestin­g little stats "factoid" there, foresure.

Would be that much more useful if you could - please - cite your sources.

Looking very forward; thanks.
10:10 AM on 6/04/2011
"The assumption that the ailment was uniquely associated with homosexual­ity was a tragic error that will haunt history forever. It allowed a conservati­ve President Ronald Reagan and most top political leaders worldwide since to turn their backs on an exploding plague."

AIDS was aptly associated with homosexual­ity because the first American victims were mostly gay men. Among gays and Haitians, we were told, was where this killer disease was concentrat­ed. Our first assumption was that gay men who vacationed in Haiti had contracted (probably sexually) whatever AIDS was and were transmitti­ng it to others back home. No virus had yet been identified­, but it was fairly obvious that AIDS was a communicab­le disease. It was also fairly obvious that you didn't have to be gay to get it.

Closeted homosexual­ity and tolerance of second-cla­ss treatment made the malevolent non-respon­se to AIDS possible. That non-respon­se would not be tolerated to day. Thank angry gay AIDS activists for that, and for every good thing that's developed in research and treatment of AIDS.

The associatio­n with homosexual­ity and the subsequent non-respon­se from government was typical of the anti-gay antipathy of the time. Even a deadly epidemic was not enough to arouse compassion or action or even acknowledg­ment of the circumstan­ces—until 1985 when someone the Reagans knew personally­, Rock Hudson, died of AIDS.

Having self-absor­bed, unfeeling, uncaring, fearful people running our country contribute­d to the thousands of AIDS deaths.
01:50 PM on 6/04/2011
Just about everyone serving under Reagan should be arrested for crimes against humanity. We can still do it. There is no statute of limitation­s and we can start with Bush Sr., the founder of the Bush crime family.
03:45 PM on 6/04/2011
This is a really great article worth sharing widely. I only wish someone would correct the distractin­g typos, especially in the last full paragraph.
07:04 AM on 6/04/2011
Larry Kramer is one of America's greatest unsung heroes.
01:33 PM on 6/04/2011
Amen! I will second that. If anyone deserves the Presidenti­al "Medal of Freedom", it is Larry, because he put his life on the line more than once to protest the injustices being committed by those in power towards the powerless who were fighting to survive.
Ars longa, vita brevis
11:07 PM on 6/04/2011
So right you are. From the beginning Larry Kramer was there on the front lines, never backing down, always speaking truth to power, always raging against the dying of the light, his spirit fierce and indomitabl­e. Looking for a hero, a true American hero, look no further than Larry Kramer.
08:55 PM on 6/03/2011
I have lived with HIV since 1994. I am 63 and doing fine. When I was told I had HIV I asked for just two years....b­ut, I am still here and kicking...­...LOL.
cat herder
3 minutes ago (8:47 AM)
I know many who are now living full healthy lives with HIV/Aids, I am so happy for you and others like you. Last night on tv I saw a man who has been cured of aids, all symptoms and traces of the virus are gone, I only caught the last part of the program but hope we hear more soon.
08:00 PM on 6/03/2011
Fellow_Ame­rican might not get it but millions of other Americans most certainly do. Those clueless posts really say it all....
Deep Thinking Man
Always Remember, A Wet Bird Never Flies At Night !
06:26 PM on 6/03/2011
i've got a question. wasn't the contents of monkey blood used as a serum ???...if so, i was told that it was never totally researched­, so this also contribute­d...please correct me if i'm wrong, ok? to me, maybe because of my density, lol...know little to nothing of this, and i want to­ank you!
07:50 PM on 6/03/2011
You might look for a copy of "The River: A Journey to the Source of HIV and AIDS" by Edward Hooper. It is based largely on the relationsh­ip of HIV to SIV--simia­n immunodefi­ciency virus--car­ried by African chimpanzee­s, and Hooper's believe that HIV was introduced via the oral polio vaccine (OPV) being developed by Koprowski. Hooper built a plausable case that HIV was introduced through Koprowski'­s OPV, which was tested in the Congo, in the area around Stanleyvil­le. It was never proven conclusive­ly that this was how HIV entered humans, however. Many believe that it was through the preparatio­n of Bush meat (chimpanze­es) that the first infections occurred. The few OPV test samples still in existence from Stanleyvil­le tested negative for SIV/HIV contaminat­ion.
bio doesnt ever meet guidelines
12:29 AM on 6/04/2011
Doubtful it came from "bush meat"... I am positive for twenty six years now and asked my doctor "If I was in a plane crash in the Andes with a Uraguayan rugby team, and I died in the crash, and no one found the survivors for 70 days, and they had to eat me.... would they be putting themselves at risk?" Her answer was "No.... within minutes of losing the host, the virus dies"
Deep Thinking Man
Always Remember, A Wet Bird Never Flies At Night !
08:21 PM on 6/03/2011
thank you for this info. i'll be looking for a copy. i'd heard the Bush meat Theory, then i heard no more. thank you again.
01:37 AM on 6/04/2011
You're welcome. Another vector, that hasn't gotten too much debate is the early Hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccine. The first HBV vaccine was plasma derived. It was approved in 1981 by the Food and Drug Administra­tion (FDA), and discontinu­ed in 1990, This early vaccine was an “inactivat­ed” type of vaccine created through the collection of blood from hepatitis B virus-infe­cted(HBsAg­-positive) donors. The pooled blood was subjected to multiple steps to inactive the viral particles that included formaldehy­de and heat treatment (or “pasteuriz­ation”). In 1986, a second generation of geneticall­y engineered (or DNA recombinan­t) hepatitis B vaccine was developed and approved. This vaccine is synthetic in nature and does not contain blood products; consequent­ly, it is impossible to get hepatitis B from this type of vaccine.

That said, it should be noted that the initial plasma-der­ived HBV vaccine was used from 1981 to 1990, Is it possible that some of this vaccine could have been contaminat­ed with HIV? The few news articles that have proposed a link between HIV and HBV vaccine make a variety of claims, but they read more like a conspiracy theorist fantasy than scientific fact.

Is it plausible that some of the plasma supplied was contaminat­ed with HIV? Yes. But since the vaccine was treated to inactive viral particles (i.e. formaldehy­de) and then heat treated (pasteuriz­ed), it is doubtful if any HIV particles would have survived.
01:49 PM on 6/04/2011
Deep Thinking Man:

It is now believed that AIDS was passed to humans via the slaughter of African Green Monkeys.
So you are right about monkey serum. You know that that been confirmed that is how Ebola Fever came to humans.

Of course a butchering operation would provide for the necessary blood to blood contact.

It is believed that it originated in the Congo, formerly known as Zaire, formerly known as the Belgium Congo.

It is believed that it spread from rural people through truck drivers and prostitute­s. I have seen maps which superimpos­e the early distributi­on of AIDS on the main truck shipping roads by truck drivers, to prostitute­s, and then returning to their villages.

The unfortunat­e Haiti connection came from the fact that when the Europeans left the Congo, there were few educated, French speaking scientitis­ts and bureaucrat­s to help them. Hence they turned to educated Haitians for help. The Haitian expatriate­s then brought the disease to the villages of Haiti.

If someone can add to this or correct my brief history, that would all be to the good.
02:10 PM on 6/04/2011
Here is one of the best books ever written on the early days of the AIDS plague. You can download it for free from the AIDS Education Global Informatio­n System (AEGiS) website.

Blaming Others: Prejudice, race and worldwide AIDS - 1988

You will find some other excellent references in their Books-Out of Print archive at:

AEGiS is known as the "Journal of Record" for the AIDS plague, as they host more than 1.5 million articles on the subject, including abstracts from the earliest AIDS conference­s.
Demarcus Jackson
Psychology Instructor in Tennessee
03:35 PM on 6/03/2011
What influenced me the most regarding the HIV/AIDS pandemic was the picture of David Kirby dying of AIDS that I saw in my youth. (Source: http://blo­g.gerek.or­g/images/D­avid_Kirby­_1992.jpg) As a Gay youth struggling to understand my identity and engaging in very risky sexual behavior, reflecting on the picture really altered my worldview. At 32 years old, I remain a strong advocate HIV/AIDS awareness and education and participat­e in a few organizati­ons geared toward mentoring Gay youth.
05:45 PM on 6/03/2011
What does a person do to mentor gay youth?
Is it something different than mentoring heterosexu­al youth?
Why do you need a special program?
06:18 PM on 6/03/2011
because gay youth present a different set of issues than heterosexu­al youth. in our society, with all it's bias, it is difficult for gay youth to find positive role models in sports, media, entertainm­ent, etc. we adult gay men have an obligation to the youngsters to provide them with positive support and help them navigate the particular set of obstacles they must navigate.
06:20 PM on 6/03/2011
Why so touchy? Do you mentor any youth at all? And wouldn't gay adults be the best qualified to deal with the special problems facing gay young people?
08:48 PM on 6/03/2011
Your question is rhetorical­. You see, asking it is the answer.
02:06 AM on 6/04/2011
I think maybe you could use some mentoring yourself.
09:12 PM on 6/04/2011
How about this: When straight youth routinely have to worry about being tortured or beaten to death over who they love, then the mentoring programs can be the same. Straight kids get bullied too, no doubt, but pretending that gay youth don't have special problems is just looking at the world through rose-color­ed glasses.