Sarah Palin: Obama 'Noble' For Wanting To 'Go Down With The Ship'


First Posted: 06/ 5/11 10:31 AM ET Updated: 06/ 6/11 05:01 AM ET

WASHINGTON -- Potential GOP presidential candidate Sarah Palin bashed the Obama administration's economic stimulus package on Sunday, saying the White House seems content to "go down with the ship" instead of admitting its economic policies did not work.

"It's very noble of President Obama to want to stay at the helm and go down with the sinking ship," she said on "Fox News Sunday." "But I prefer, and many Americans prefer, that we start plugging the holes ... and start getting rid of this unsustainable debt that keeps sinking our ship. We don't have to go the way of the Titanic."

Palin has not yet announced whether she will run for the 2012 Republican nomination, but she launched a publicity tour last week that has pulled media attention away from official candidates. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney announced his candidacy in New Hampshire Thursday, but he was somewhat overshadowed by Palin when she traveled to the state as part of her bus tour.

Palin, the former governor of Alaska, was coy about her plans for the future, telling Fox News' Chris Wallace she did not intend to take attention away from Romney. She said she is happy to take attention from others, though, such as the current administration, which she said is taking the country down the wrong path.

If she were president, Palin said her economic policies would "go in the opposite direction" of the stimulus, shrinking government and lowering taxes.

She said she also opposes raising the debt ceiling, a Congressionally-mandated limit on the amount of loans the Treasury may take on to pay its spending obligations. The government already reached its debt limit on May 16, and is now acting under "extraordinary measures" to pay interest on its current loans and prevent default.

Palin said Geithner was crying "wolf for the fourth time now" about his deadline for raising the debt ceiling, which he has said must be done by August 2 to prevent default. She said the government should use its revenues to pay off the debt -- a proposal the Treasury Department has flatly rejected as impossible.

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"Other things are going to have to wait, we have no choice," she said.

Still, Palin acknowledged that Congress would likely find the votes to raise the debt ceiling. But she said she supported the effort by Republicans to "get something for" their "yes" vote.

Republicans have said they will not support a debt ceiling increase unless it is paired with major spending cuts and entitlement changes for the future. Palin said Sen. Mark Begich (D-Alaska) should not support the debt limit increase without the administration agreeing to drill in the Arctic Refuge, a controversial proposal opposed by many environmental groups.

Palin also said last week's bus tour was about "publicizing Americana" during her appearance on Fox News, which pays her as a contributor. She defended her misstatement about Revolutionary War hero Paul Revere, whom she said last week warned the British that Americans planned to rise up against them. (Revere's famous line was "The British are coming" -- directed at Americans.)

"I didn't mess up about Paul Revere," Palin said. "Part of his ride was to warn the British that were already there that 'hey, you're not going to take American arms, you are not going to beat our own well-armed persons individual private militia that we have.'"

She blamed her previous answer on the media, saying it was a "gotcha question."

Palin also had harsh words for the media's coverage of the House GOP budget's proposal on Medicare, which was offered by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.).

Palin said she had supported the Ryan plan "from day one" and said Democrats and the media have wrongly claimed the bill would hurt seniors by transforming Medicare into a voucher-like program for seniors in the future. She said the plan is about shoring up the program.

"I am very frustrated with Democrats and with the media for trying to spin Paul Ryan's efforts here in trying to save Medicare," Palin said. "What's being spun is this misconception that he's trying to do away with Medicare. The people who want to do away with Medicare are the ones who want to keep going down the road that we're on, like Obama, because we will have a bankrupt Medicare program."

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WASHINGTON -- Potential GOP presidential candidate Sarah Palin bashed the Obama administration's economic stimulus package on Sunday, saying the White House seems content to "go down with the ship" in...
WASHINGTON -- Potential GOP presidential candidate Sarah Palin bashed the Obama administration's economic stimulus package on Sunday, saying the White House seems content to "go down with the ship" in...
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Anyone who quotes me is lying!
1 minute ago (9:25 AM)
This woman doesn't understand the very basics of economics, history, geography or even English. But she wants to run the country from Facebook.
2 minutes ago (9:25 AM)
Democrats say our $14.3 trillion national debt is still not enough and want to raise the debt ceiling again. We have a record 45 million Americans on Food Stamps. ---And if the government used the same formula to calculate unemployme­nt as it did when Bush was president, the official unemployme­nt number today would be 11.5%! ---Obama told us back on March 18th we would be in Libya "days, not weeks" and it is now JUNE and guess what? --Obama also told us on March 18th we are in Libya to enforce a humanitari­an "no fly zone" and the next day started firing Tomahawk Cruise Missiles into Libyan population centers and last week started using Apache Attack Helicopter­s! --How is that hope and change thingy working out for the libs?
2 minutes ago (9:25 AM)
Tell yuh what Sarah...If you can come of with "ANYTHING" I mean any ideas, notions, or thoughts on how you could do better, instead of just bashing the president like a spoiled 5th grader, let us know.....
2 minutes ago (9:24 AM)
I just cannot understand why the media is so obsessed with this woman. Aren't there highly educated, intelligen­t Republican women in politics with positive ideas for the US that could run for president? Why does the media gives her more coverage than Herman Cain who makes much more sense and is more accomplish­ed to run for the highest office in the world?
8 minutes ago (9:19 AM)
Is she suggesting he should just quit like she would? GEEZ, people who pay to keep this woman spouting her idiocy, wake up! You are in the wrong soup line!!! SP is ARGGGGG DONE ALREADY-
16 minutes ago (9:11 AM)
Why do people listen to Palin anyway??? Her ignorance is bad enough, but her disrespect and downright rudeness to others is even worse.
Mahi Joe
Think critically...not blindly conform
23 minutes ago (9:04 AM)
As long as there are cliches, palin will never run out of things to say.
Not "noises", One-Round, *music*!
24 minutes ago (9:03 AM)
Apparently­, Palin believes that Paul Revere was a precurser to Yosemite Sam. Instead of "The British are coming, the British are coming!", it was, with six-guns blazing: "Now all you skunks clear out of here!"
Not "noises", One-Round, *music*!
11 minutes ago (9:16 AM)
"predecess­or" (it's 6 a.m.)
25 minutes ago (9:02 AM)
The media clearly needs to stop making her a star in politics. This is America, she can go to Hollywood, and do well. The continuati­on of propping her up a candidate makes me wonder about the finish product that our education is producing in the field of journalism­. You do not need to keep pushing sub-standa­rd female politician­s on the American public to get us ready for a female President. Women have qualified long ago for that office. Let's make one thing clear here. That office takes an intelligen­t well balanced individual to run that office, along with a functional Congress. Not dysfunctio­nal individual­s rather they be male or female. It is not the President the American people will blame, though racism will try. It is the game-playi­ng of all the members in Congress. All of them have lost the will to handle the business of this nation responsibl­y. That is where the blame lies not with the President. The President is not perfect, no one is, but Congress has gotten in the way of the President'­s ability to do his job more effectivel­y for this nation. What an ignorant bunch of politician­s.
26 minutes ago (9:00 AM)
Wow she simply cannot open her mouth without embarrassi­ng herself.

Her whole tirade pre supposes that you have somehow morphed history and actually believe that the debt was created by the Democrats.
Siva Nathan
32 minutes ago (8:55 AM)
Well, does not say much for you Palin. Why did you abandon and sink your ship in Alaska? Answer this before bashing others.
48 minutes ago (8:39 AM)
Got news for you Sara. Anyone that has their history twisted on the facts like you do will never run the ship. Let alone go down with the ship. If we elect someone like you. We have truly lowered the bar to the point were an ant could step over it not crawl but step. Germany makes a mature decision to not go nuclear, and within a week they set forth on a new direction. Congress grow up and move this nation forward. We are growing very tired of your foolishnes­s.
OK I checked my micro-bio (didn't know I had one
48 minutes ago (8:38 AM)
Sarah - Noble- In the same line?
49 minutes ago (8:38 AM)
Thanks Sarah!
Cause you already showed the good people of Alaska what you would do if the Skit got thick!
You half a term governor you!
if it wasnt for TSA i wouden`t have a sex life at
50 minutes ago (8:37 AM)
I dont think she is smart enough . After all she thought she could drive her bus to Hawaii .