Max Baucus Calls For A 'Change Of Course' In Afghanistan: Withdraw Troops By End Of 2012 (VIDEO)

Posted: 05/25/11 03:35 PM ET

WASHINGTON -- Senate Finance Committee Chair Max Baucus (D-Mont.) advocated a "change of course" in Afghanistan on Wednesday afternoon, saying the death of Osama bin Laden presented the United States with an "opportunity" to reassess its national security strategy.

Significantly, he called for the withdrawal of U.S. combat troops by the end of 2012, a timeline more accelerated than the one proposed by the Obama administration.

"The United States should not be doing the work that Afghans should be doing for themselves," said Baucus in a speech on the Senate floor. "The Afghans need to stand up and take responsibility for the security of their own country."

"The President has announced that this July will mark the beginning of a transition of security responsibility to Afghan forces," he continued. "However, in my view the transition plan is too slow. We need to begin handing responsibility of security to Afghan forces immediately and aim to have most US combat troops out of Afghanistan by the end of next year. We should leave behind only a small force to hunt down and kill terrorists in Afghanistan, and to help the Afghan military perform their duties."

The senator's comments on Wednesday are stronger than the ones he gave just a couple of weeks ago, on the day after the President told the nation bin Laden was dead.

In a floor statement on May 2, Baucus pointed to the July withdrawal date and said, "I urge the President to make this transition robust, orderly, and persistent until all of our troops come home." He did not argue for a more rapid withdrawal at that time.

President Obama has called for withdrawal to begin in July and be completed by 2014, but he has not yet released an exact timeline that sets the pace of withdrawal. A recent Wall Street Journal report said that U.S. military officers in Afghanistan have drawn up "preliminary proposals to withdraw as many as 5,000 troops from the country in July and as many as 5,000 more by the year's end" -- a small fraction of the 100,000 U.S. troops who are in Afghanistan now.

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Baucus' proposal goes beyond the Safe and Responsible Redeployment of United States Combat Forces from Afghanistan Act, a measure by several of his Democratic colleagues that would constitute official Senate support for the withdrawal of U.S. combat forces beginning on July 1. It would also require Obama to submit a plan to Congress by July 31 for the phased redeployment of U.S. combat forces, including a completion day.

On the floor, Baucus pointed to the cost both in lives and dollars that the war in Afghanistan has cost the country. As of today, 1,219 U.S. troops have been killed, and 11,541 have been wounded.

"Since September 11, 2001, we have spent over $1.2 trillion in Iraq and Afghanistan," he said. "Every month, we spend $10 billion in Afghanistan. This is roughly one out of every seven dollars we spend on defense. This level of spending is simply not sustainable."

He also called on the United States to refocus its attention on Pakistan, the country where bin Laden was ultimately found.

"Without progress in Pakistan, we cannot succeed in Afghanistan," continued Baucus. "But the sad irony is our large troop presence in Afghanistan actually makes it harder to press Pakistan to crack down on terrorists and militants."

"Most of the fuel, food, and ammunition for our troops in Afghanistan are imported through Pakistan. As long as we depend on the Port of Karachi for our supplies, we have limited leverage on Pakistan to force an end to this deadly double game. To effectively defend our nation against terrorism, we need to begin withdrawing from Afghanistan and focus on Pakistan."


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WASHINGTON -- Senate Finance Committee Chair Max Baucus (D-Mont.) advocated a "change of course" in Afghanistan on Wednesday afternoon, saying the death of Osama bin Laden presented the United States ...
WASHINGTON -- Senate Finance Committee Chair Max Baucus (D-Mont.) advocated a "change of course" in Afghanistan on Wednesday afternoon, saying the death of Osama bin Laden presented the United States ...
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4 hours ago (10:05 PM)
Millions uninsured, high unemployme­nt, education in crisis, what is it that the leaders don't understand­. We should have already left.
09:18 AM on 5/26/2011
Change of course blue dog,indeed­,the party need a real Democrat to replace you.
04:34 AM on 5/26/2011
And now, the same clowns who have been on here for the last two years, cursing and trashing this man at every turn, will now sign onto this post, praising him to the ceiling for "fight for his conviction­s". hilarious.
Balancing reason and passion
01:07 AM on 5/26/2011
Any Senatorial voice speaking for ending this war is welcome!
11:35 PM on 5/25/2011
an effort to redeem HIMSELF after what he did to HCR?
too soon old, too late smart
11:17 PM on 5/25/2011
Senator, I couldn't agree more with your "change in course in Afghanista­n" proposal.

While you're at it, might I suggest a "change in course" closer to home as well?

When will Congress stop pandering to the wealthy for campaign funds and start working for the people that elect them?

Citizens United cries out for legislativ­e action! Yet none is even in the offing.

Campaign finance reform....­..........­.NOW.
Gaylord P Farqua
Herb Gardner Amateur Chef, Historian and Political
08:11 PM on 5/25/2011
Looks like soon we will be hearing the old "light at the end of the tunnel" bull**** now that this guy has opened his mouth. If he wants out so bad he can sponsor a resolution to withdraw and publish the names of every Senator opposed. Where were all these guys with their outrage at this colossal cluster **** when Gomer and THE DICK were cooking it up? Where was a demand for funding these wars instead of just borrowing our way into recession and then handing the whole mess to President Obama?
07:53 PM on 5/25/2011
Not good enough! We need to start the drawdown tomorrow. After that we need to reduce the defense budget by 30-50%. Close unnecessar­y bases both overseas and at home. Bases still in Germany? Japan? Really! We did win that one you know. And it took less time then the current fiasco. Did we learn nothing from Vietnam? Who is going to volunteer to be the last one to die in this one?
07:08 PM on 5/25/2011
whatever this Wall Street shill says is worthless
07:05 PM on 5/25/2011
This is one DINO I will not miss when he gets kicked out. I hope the people of Mont. remember this is one of the guy's that killed the public option in the health care bill. Blue Dog Undercover­.
07:00 PM on 5/25/2011
Criminal senators like Baucus have supported this neocon/MIC adventure from the git go. Now, several years after the folly had already been fully exposed, he takes the bold stand. Ha. But then he adds that Pakistan is NOW the threat.

Not a subtle game at all Baucus. You are just continuing the war; shifting the ground a little. May you rot in the 9th circle of hell for letting America commit hara kiri these past ten years.
06:51 PM on 5/25/2011
Withdrawal is always in the future with these Bozos.
Forget about it.
We are never leaving.
06:47 PM on 5/25/2011
Talk is cheap MAX, Remember the Healthcare Bill! You going to screw us again..
I am an artist and a free lance writer
06:26 PM on 5/25/2011
Why don't we withdraw them now??? Why wait. the Government could save a lot of money and pay down the deficit.
06:10 PM on 5/25/2011
Im a Montana resident Baucus has served this state pretty well up until the last couple years. But he voted to extend the patriot act all times in the past except for this one and it was only based on politics strictly because Sen. Tester came out and said he was going to vote no, so Baucus followed. Baucus has done only in the last couple years what he did for the vote on this years patriot act decision. He is a follower and will be, time to get him out and all the other "old guys" who are ruining this country with their only driving force to stay in government soley to retain their power. Corruption is abundant in this government right now people time to vote out the old and re-start with the new. My $0.02.
My micro-bio is empty
06:40 PM on 5/25/2011
A follower? he seems to be stepping out in front on this issue. I think it's a good position. Time for Afghanista­n to stand up on it's own, regardless of the consequenc­es. They might stumble a bit before they learn to walk on their own.
07:01 PM on 5/25/2011
The train left the station six or seven years ago. Baucus has just now arrived the platform.
07:12 PM on 5/25/2011
Are you kidding Inconvenie­nt? I too am from Montana and from my point of view, Baucus has always been a Republican except when he had no choice other than to vote Democratic­. For years, I held my nose and voted for him but I will not do it again. Health care was the last straw but he has always been a j_rk.