Memorial Day 2011: How To Honor Soldiers

First Posted: 05-30-11 01:18 AM   |   Updated: 05-31-11 12:22 AM

As many of us excitedly look forward to gathering with friends and family and enjoying the long weekend, it's easy to lose sight of the significance of Memorial Day.

But for military families across the U.S., especially those of the estimated 5,885 American soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan in the last 10 years of war, it's a day to remember and honor those who have given their lives for our country.

For anyone in need of a refresher, Memorial Day, originally known as Decoration Day, was first widely observed on May 30, 1868, when flowers were placed on the graves of Civil War soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery to honor their sacrifices. In 1971, federal law changed the observance of the holiday to the last Monday in May and extended it to honor all who had died in American wars.

Today, many cities celebrate Memorial Day with parades, speeches and the decoration of graves. At Arlington National Cemetery, an American flag is placed on each grave, and it's tradition for the president or vice president to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

As you make preparations for your weekend barbecues or camping trips, consider how you can do something for the soldiers who have done so much for our country -- whether by honoring a fallen soldier, supporting a military family or brightening the day of one currently serving.

Observe the National Moment of Remembrance


As many of us excitedly look forward to gathering with friends and family and enjoying the long weekend, it's easy to lose sight of the significance of Memorial Day. But for military families acro...
As many of us excitedly look forward to gathering with friends and family and enjoying the long weekend, it's easy to lose sight of the significance of Memorial Day. But for military families acro...
Filed by Melinda Clark  | 
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5 hours ago (12:44 AM)
How not to honor soldiers on Memorial Day?

Show up with your posse and insert yourself in front of the people who are really honoring soldiers/f­allen to draw attention to yourself and away from those who really deserve it.

Palin inserted herself in the front of the RT people who were really there to honor the fallen and in doing so she disrespect­ed the dead troops.

The so-called media in this country should be ashamed of them thenselves for their feedin freenzy and the family members of the soldiers who died in wars should be angry.
5 hours ago (12:28 AM)
An excellent article in the NY Times...
Bring them home NOW!
2 hours ago (3:24 AM)
Thank you Tom, didn't know the exact history, great article :)
5 hours ago (12:00 AM)
Not sure I "get it"... how do you REALLY honor someone who has already been killed? It would seem that any such honoring is really for the people doing the honoring..­. which is fine obviously. The best way to "honor" our servicemen and women who have been killed in the line of duty, is to make sure that when our nation calls on them to sacrifice their lives, it isn't for total nonsense like Vietnam, Iraq and now Afghanista­n! Killing and maiming our brave soldiers in fraudulent conflicts is the most offensive act of dishonor imaginable­!
7 hours ago (10:44 PM)
I had a close relative who was a highly decorated veteran of 3 wars. A member of the 10th Mountain Division, he survived heavy combat from North Africa to Vietnam only to die as a victim of elder abuse at the hands of a corrupt attorney, presently a district judge. I wonder whether he should have bothered.
Bring them home NOW!
2 hours ago (3:29 AM)
The only thing that will keep us sane with a story like yours, is that you have to believe in Karma. Someday, of all people, a Judge, will get his.
Should he have bothered? We may not be able to answer that question today, but some day, you will know, it was not in vain.
I am so sorry to hear a story like this about a Veteran. Actively going a relative of yours for his money, is what I call "an activist judge".
8 minutes ago (5:09 AM)
Thanks and peace to you.
Floating on a dime, skimming the Universe...
7 hours ago (9:49 PM)
Extend a hand and say thank you.
8 hours ago (9:17 PM)
If you really want to honor fallen soldiers then let's make sure we have no more soldiers being killed or maimed for corporate greed. Let's STOP the war in Afghanasta­n and bring our soldiers home now... not next year or next decade, but N O W.
9 hours ago (7:54 PM)
Most of those ideas are complete and utter bullcrap. Its piddly stuff you do once a year to salve your conscience­, not make a real difference­. Want to truly remember the sacrifices of the fallen, the broken and those still among us?
1) Protest spending on 350 million dollar airplanes and 5 billion dollar ships at a time when veterans health, mental health and transition­al services are so poorly funded.
2) Everyone knows a veteran and now more people than ever know a combat veteran. Make that person a regular part of your life, thought and prayers.
3) Many of our returning soldies have gone through 2 or more tours of duty and countless horrors. We need effective counseling and treatment for anxiety and PSTD for all our returning soldiers. Write a letter a month to your Congressma­n demanding we help our vets.
4) Demand real veterans benefits such as college plans, housing plans and health plans for all vets. The post WWII boom was in large part to the growth of educationa­l and economic opportunit­ies provided by the government for our vets. If we can give $700 billion to banks, why not a fraction of that for improved services?
5) Serve in the Armed forces or Coast Guard. There is no better way to honor the service of those before you than following their example.

Have a great Memorial Day!

2/505 P.I.R.
10 hours ago (7:08 PM)
Follow Obama's lead and go play golf
total frizz
I'm not dead yet.
7 hours ago (10:32 PM)
10 hours ago (6:50 PM)
“On Memorial Day in 1945, Pulitzer prize-winn­­ing cartoonist and author Bill Mauldin told how General Lucian Truscott turned his back on hundreds of visitors and VIPs and spoke to the 12,000 dead at the Anzio-Nett­­uno cemetery in Italy. Truscott apologized to the dead for their presence there. He said everybody tells leaders it is not their fault that men get killed in war, but that every leader knows in his own heart this is not altogether true. Truscott said he hoped any soldier who died through any mistake of his would forgive him. But he realized that was asking a lot under the circumstan­­ces. Truscott did promise the dead soldiers that he would not speak about their glorious deaths because he didn’t see much glory in getting killed in your late teens or early twenties. He promised them that if in the future he ran into anybody, especially old men, who thought death in battle was glorious, he would straighten them out. He said he thought that was the least he could do.”
11 hours ago (6:01 PM)
US special interests have slanted US foreign policy toward a losing propositio­n. We should stop supporting the usurpation of Palestinia­n land and demands from Israel and its supporters in the US for more, more, more….. The results are deadly for the sons, daughters, husbands, wives, siblings and fellow Americans; American lives are cheap for AIPAC
13 hours ago (4:41 PM)
I was thinking more in the line of getting a bus tricked out and taking the family on an expense paid trip courtesy of my PAC donors... If Grifter Sarah can make Memorial Day about her...why can't I???
13 hours ago (4:29 PM)
"How To Honor Soldiers on Memorial Day?"

Log onto the Huffington Post and type snarky political comments, as can be witnessed by all the "honoring" below.
13 hours ago (4:07 PM)
To honor them is to never forget them and never allow politician­s to use our armed forces as political tools. No more wars!

There is very good web site I always visit to remember those fallen during WII.
Google "WWII in color"
13 hours ago (4:00 PM)
I told you I would never forget you and I haven't, my friend.

John Sweeney -- Killed in action, May, 1968, KheSanh, RVN, 18 years of age.