Alec Baldwin Tweets Campaign Analysis, Policy Suggestions

Alec Baldwin

First Posted: 06/ 4/11 06:17 AM ET Updated: 06/ 5/11 05:37 PM ET

UPDATE: Baldwin clarified his remarks on Romney in a blog post for The Huffington Post on Sunday.

Baldwin wrote:

But apropos of my Twitter-izing about Mitt Romney and the GOP field of candidates, let me add this addendum. I did not write that Romney is a Ken doll. He is anything but. And the sooner Democratic political operatives agree on that, the better for Obama. I referred to that iconic retail figure to highlight those types that are lean of frame and square jawed, like Romney, who seem to hold the public's attention more easily. Something starkly visual that either aids a candidacy or rarely hurts it.


Alec Baldwin has never shied away from sharing his political views, and having recently joined Twitter, the actor/activist has discovered a new platform for his analysis and thoughts.

Baldwin took to the social networking service on Friday evening to share his thoughts on the Republican primary (he's not very bullish on most of their chances) and to prescribe policy solutions for an ailing America. He even threw in a little social criticism, too.

First, his GOP handicapping:

I mentioned Romney because if he can overcome the Mormon issue with the Christian right, he could win it.

His contradictions re: Health care can be ironed out by clever GOP and conservative think tank types.

Unwarranted fear/loathing of Obama is sad, but real. Romney has that Plymouth Rock last name

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and Ken doll appeal that a lot of right-wingers go for.

Who then? Newt? Huckabee? Christie? Obama would slice and dice them.

Romney has the best chance. But that's not saying much.

The economy will tell the tale, as always, come next Fall.

Next came Baldwin's policy proposals -- and, having publicly mused about running for office, perhaps a first look at his future campaign platform:

We'd be in Afghanistan, then Pakistan, then Iran, for the next 20 years, if a Republic gets in

America needs strong defense spending, but wise as well

We need infrastructure

Hundreds of billions for an Apollo-type investment in renewable energy

We need higher tolls, fees on single occupancy commuters.

And finally, some analysis of the American public:

Miot [sic] Americans have already forgotten the BP spill, Fukushima.

Americans , too many of them, seem to only care about sex and taxes.

For more, click over to Alec Baldwin's Twitter account.


UPDATE: Baldwin clarified his remarks on Romney in a blog post for The Huffington Post on Sunday. Baldwin wrote: But apropos of my Twitter-izing about Mitt Romney and the GOP field of candidates,...
UPDATE: Baldwin clarified his remarks on Romney in a blog post for The Huffington Post on Sunday. Baldwin wrote: But apropos of my Twitter-izing about Mitt Romney and the GOP field of candidates,...
Filed by Jordan Zakarin  | 
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12 hours ago (1:19 PM)
You're barking up the wrong tree fellow. Stay focused on your not so great movies and let it go at that. You don't know what you're talking about. I suppose you speak for the Hollywood set!
artist, writer
17 hours ago (8:19 AM)
My question is this, is Romney's health care working? Anyone from Massachuse­tts know?
19 hours ago (6:46 AM)
The Koch brothers (guess how I pronounce it) need a nice pretty empty suit to fill. Does Romney fill it after his creating healthcare for Mass.? Ha ha I don't think so! Newtie upset them with his Ryan goes too far trying to kill Medicare before taking it back, probably enraging the Koch's. The last empty suit came way too close to ruining this country ( Bush). Be smart and vote Democratic people, President Obama has my vote! We also need to elect more women to the Congress and Senate and get rid of the Corporatis­t Republican misogynist­s who hate working people and especially women. Ryan is first on my list for booting so that he can find a new career. Don't let him take his big benefits that we pay for with him. That has to end. He wanted to end our benefits..­. that we PAY for, as well as we pay for our OWN benefits. I think that people should be in the Senate or Congress for at least 3 terms before we pay for lifetime benefits for them, or if they try to end programs that the American people like and pay for, then they should not get any benefits themselves­. : )
19 hours ago (6:10 AM)
You don't need to be so verbose, Baldwin. Just say it in plain language.
Just a tourist
01:09 AM on 6/06/2011
The GOP has long since mastered the dark art of PR and dirty tricks. We need you Alec to help clear the air of conservati­ve BS. Keep writing!
Joshy X
never dismiss the quiet man in the shadows
01:05 AM on 6/06/2011
BarbieBald­win should know all about it
20 hours ago (4:50 AM)
You're obviously referring to Stephen Baldwin, but why mention him on this thread? This post is about his brother Alec.
Joshy X
never dismiss the quiet man in the shadows
4 hours ago (9:47 PM)
did Lady Gaga tell you that?
11:56 PM on 6/05/2011
It would help if we acted like adults and discussed issues not ridiculous name calling and nasty coments...
11:17 PM on 6/05/2011
Which candidate is Poindexter­?
I propose a toast to my self control...
08:39 PM on 6/05/2011
Tweeting is so twitlike..­stupidest form of thinking out loud EVER.
Natoya Ebony
08:31 PM on 6/05/2011
Sometimes actors should just be actors...n­o outside comments needed
07:29 PM on 6/05/2011
Baldwin is just a flatulent pompous lib.
04:46 PM on 6/05/2011
So tired of the antics of the GOP. All they care about is the rich and their corporate atms. They lie, resort to fear mongering and race baiting. Tell me Mitt, rather than make Medicare a voucher program, why don't we raise taxes to the Clinton era rates and do away with earmarks and tax credits/re­bates for corporatio­ns with revenues in excess of $5 million, raise trade tariffs, and make corporatio­ns pay a tariff for every job they export out of the U.S.?
01:58 PM on 6/05/2011
Alec ought to stick to his "acting" .... his smug know-it-al­l attitude is quite annoying.
Go get a few orders of Chicken McNuggets, a bag of Cheetos - stuff your face and give us a break.
01:17 PM on 6/05/2011
this guy is more ubiquitous than larry king
12:24 PM on 6/05/2011
Well played, Alec.