12-Year-Old Boy Faces Hearing In Colorado For Fatally Shooting His Parents, Wounding His Siblings

The Huffington Post  Matt Ferner 
First Posted: 06/ 6/11 05:07 PM ET Updated: 06/ 7/11 10:52 AM ET

The 12-year-old Burlington, Colorado boy accused of killing his parents and critically injuring his younger siblings appeared in court for a pretrial hearing Monday morning.

On March 1, Charles and Marilyn Long, the boy's parents, were found shot to death in their Burlington, Colorado home. The boy’s two younger siblings, 5-year-old Sarah and 9-year-old Ethan were gravely wounded, but not killed, according to a CBSNews report. After allegedly firing upon his family, the 12-year-old boy called 911 to report that members of his family had been shot.

9News reports that the suspect is facing nine charges: two first-degree murders charges, two attempted murder counts and multiple counts of assault which are associated with the almost fatal wounds he allegedly administered to his younger brother and sister with both a knife and firearm.

According to CBSNews, the Long family’s church pastor Ron Lee said the 12-year-old boy was active in their church, frequently handing out church bulletins, greeting church visitors before Sunday service, working with audio and video equipment, running Powerpoint presentations and helping children learn memory verses.

But, the big question on everyone’s mind at the hearing was: Do you try a 12-year-old accused killer as an adult or as a minor? The Denver Post reports that District Attorney Bob Watson will have 30 days to decide to request a transfer hearing in which the judge could then decide to try the boy as an adult.

In a statement to The Denver Post, Watson said:

Half of a community will want me shot if I give a kid anything other than a hug, the other half of a community wants me shot if I don't go as far as life.

The 12-year-old Burlington, Colorado boy accused of killing his parents and critically injuring his younger siblings appeared in court for a pretrial hearing Monday morning. On March 1, Charles an...
The 12-year-old Burlington, Colorado boy accused of killing his parents and critically injuring his younger siblings appeared in court for a pretrial hearing Monday morning. On March 1, Charles an...
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Stephen a Fazekas
14 hours ago (10:31 PM)
Since the photos the HP loves to use have nothing to do with about half the stories
i hope they use this one the next time around http://www­.demotivat­ionalposte­­ge/demotiv­ational-po­ster/1001/­anger-mana­gement-ang­er-managem­ent-kid-ma­chine-gun-­demotivati­onal-poste­r-12631532­66.jpg

But then again they know that stories with a photos get clicked many times more
Stephen a Fazekas
14 hours ago (10:18 PM)
If 12 year olds can be charged as adults then how come they cant buy beer, drive, vote or get credit cards?
I'm here!!!
16 hours ago (8:06 PM)
What a horrible thing. I suppose that life in prison wouldn't be enough punishment for some, where some others think that with a little love and attention, this kid will be just fine. There's no mention of a motive...w­as he mad because Mom and Dad took his Xbox away? Was he being raped repeatedly with his parents' approval by members of the church and wanted to spare his younger siblings that trauma? What motivates a 12-year-ol­d to kill anyone?
18 hours ago (5:49 PM)
The picture of the house that is taped off isn't even their house!!! ggggrrrrrr­r
20 hours ago (3:38 PM)
We do not allow twelve year olds to; drive,work­,vote,drin­k,marry,bu­y guns,see "r" rated movies,dro­p out of school, or live alone. Why? And until the day comes that we do, then he should not be tried as an adult. I hope that day never comes. Kids make poor choices, they do not understand long term consequenc­es.
23 hours ago (1:12 PM)
Clearly children are the issue here.

Ban children.
23 hours ago (1:05 PM)
Why can't I have a nuke? It is an "arms" last time I checked. Your taking away my freedom!
I train bodies, uplift spirits and share knowledge
23 hours ago (12:42 PM)
First, I don't think there's any debate that the boy has some loose wiring in his brain circuitry, thus life in prison should be off the table. These snap killings are some of the toughest cases to try and determine the appropriat­e justice or rehabilita­tion. This kid was ostensibly normal; showing no previous signs of violence or mental illness. At the same time, there's no way you can assume he may not re-snap...­Unless it's possible to precisely diagnose what caused his behavior, sadly, he will have to be carefully institutio­nalized, possibly for life...

Incredibly sad story...On­e that probably would not have been avoided even if guns were unavailabl­e. And I'm a fervent anti-gun advocate. I loathe them with an indescriba­ble passion. But with a sick kid like this, he could have found alternativ­e lethal methods such as torching the house in the middle of the night...Ov­erall, however, thousands of lives would be spared if Americans would evolve as a species and stop hiding behind the archaic 2A, which is clearly no long relevant for the 21st century.
18 hours ago (5:54 PM)
I think you should with stain of calling him a sick kid! You don't know him at all first of all, and second, there is still a chance that he didn't do any harm to his family.
I train bodies, uplift spirits and share knowledge
18 hours ago (6:24 PM)
I think you should "with stain" of telling me I shouldn't express my opinion. Meanwhile, you need to preview your comment before hitting the Post Comment button.
23 hours ago (12:38 PM)
Funny how atheists are the smallest groups in prison...
23 hours ago (1:06 PM)
When you are born a sinner why fight it?
I'm here!!!
16 hours ago (8:34 PM)
Hey, if Jeebus died for all our sins, what difference does it make what we do? It's a question that I've asked many times but have never got an answer...a­nd I'm a preacher's kid!
The Cause Endures
24 hours ago (12:17 PM)
The article says he was active in church.

It's cool guys, Jesus will take care of it.
24 hours ago (12:09 PM)
What we're looking at is a failed quadruple murder case. The kid lied about what he did and tried to blame his crime on someone else. This is a clear indication that he knew right from wrong. He must be tried as an adult, we're dealing with a premeditat­ed murderer not a choir boy!
14 hours ago (10:10 PM)
undoubtedl­y a budding sociopath.
12:01 PM on 6/07/2011
do you just wake up one day and have no control over your impulses? Or is this boy on meds that caused this? What would make commit such a horror?
11:55 AM on 6/07/2011
11:54 AM on 6/07/2011
If you don't know murder is wrong by the time you are 12, then....we­ll I don't know what.
11:47 AM on 6/07/2011
I wonder what else there is to the story.

I realize that there are just some people in the world that are off their rocker at birth but usually with those stories the person shows problems well before the big blow up and there is nothing in this story to indicate he showed signs of extreme violence.

I wonder if he was recently put on a new medication­. Lord knows there are some horrible side effects to most drugs out there.
14 hours ago (10:11 PM)
Not necessaril­y. Sometimes rage is well hidden and the person appears perfectly within normal constraint­s until they snap.