Anthony Weiner's Survival Chances Deemed Slim By Insiders, Experts

Anthony Weiner

First Posted: 06/ 6/11 08:05 PM ET Updated: 06/ 7/11 12:44 AM ET

WASHINGTON -- It was only fitting that the circus surrounding Rep. Anthony Weiner's admission on Monday that he had, in fact, sent lewd messages to random females over Twitter ended with a lewd question referencing a wiener.

"Were you fully erect?" an apparent plant from a shock jock radio show shouted as the New York Democrat ended a painful apology news conference in New York City's Sheraton Hotel.

Tent pole jokes aside, the inquisitor highlighted a remarkable fact: A man regarded as one of the smartest strategists in Democratic politics and a likely 2013 New York City mayoral frontrunner had fallen from the rising star to national punch line in less than a week.

And the embarrassing scandal inevitably raised the question of whether the career of a politician -- even one as skilled as many thought Weiner was -- could survive it. A quick poll of New York politicos and D.C. pundits found few saying he could. But they also noted a geopolitical factor that worked to his advantage: This is New York -- stranger things have happened.

"He needs to have a multi-year commitment to a comeback strategy," said Chris Lehane, a Democratic operative and oft-described crisis communications expert with experience in the Clinton White House. "I'd tell him that you have to realize it will take you multiple years to get back to the position you were in just a week ago."

Weiner may realize that much. Indeed, the congressman vowed he would win back the trust of his constituents over time. But even in New York City that will be tough, requiring a sort of discipline that many who are familiar with Weiner do not think he possesses.

"He ought to have a goal about not thinking about a political renewal but a personal renewal. If he does anything that looks like he is trying to rehabilitate himself, that would be a terrible mistake," said Lanny Davis, the crisis management guru who was brought into the Clinton orbit to handle the ex-president's own lewd conduct. "The last thing he should be talking about is political rehabilitation. That is a terrible mistake. This is not about his political career."

Former Rep. Martin Frost (D-Texas), who served as chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), also said the facts of life in New York give Weiner a chance, even if former upstate Rep. Chris Lee (R-N.Y.) quit quickly after sending eerily similar shirtless photos this past winter.

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Frost pointed to an even more notorious case as a template. "A lot of people thought Charlie Rangel wouldn't be re-nominated with the problems he had. But Charlie got re-nominated and reelected," he said, referring to the Harlem Democrat's censure last year.

"[Weiner] has a lot of time between now" and his reelection campaign, Frost said. "New York has one of the latest primaries in the country, which gives him some time to repair his image. I don't know what the ethics committee can or will look into. But his problem, in the end, is with the voters in New York."

Before Frost could finish his thought, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) had requested an ethics probe into the Weiner affair.

Current DCCC chairman and fellow New Yorker, Rep. Steve Israel, not only backed the call, he didn’t sound especially encouraging about his colleague’s fate. "Congressman Anthony Weiner engaged in a deep personal failure and inappropriate behavior that embarrassed himself, his family, and the House," Israel said. "Ultimately, Anthony and his constituents will make a judgment about his future."

Weiner's office responded shortly thereafter, saying the congressman welcomed and would "fully cooperate with an investigation by the House Ethics Committee."

Many of New York insiders contacted by The Huffington Post thought Weiner might revive himself, but only if there wasn't another graphic or lurid chapter to the scandal. That might be overly hopeful, they added, predicting a slow drip of damaging revelations that could last all summer in New York's already heated media market.

"He lied. He carried on a deception for a week in the national media," said one influential and disgusted New York Democratic operative. "He should be hounded out of office."

A fellow lawmaker was also pessimistic about Weiner's survival. "I don't think so," the legislator said of the congressman maintaining his post. "I think the leadership has already turned on him."

And for Weiner to tough it out, will take remarkable discipline that those who know him aren't sure he has -- certainly not after his conduct this past week.

They point to a law Weiner sponsored in the summer of 2008 to let supermodels enter the United States more easily. Aides had for years advised the then five-term congressman not to do, warning Weiner that -- with his surname and reputation as a ladies man -- he would get hammered in the press.

"He did it anyway," said a Weiner confidant. The measure became fodder for endless Weiner jokes -- that now pale in comparison.

"He's not good at taking advice," one person close to the congressman admitted.

But taking advice will be crucial.

"At this point he now needs to close the door, be quiet and stop talking about this. There is nothing else to add at this point," said Lehane.

And it won't be easy for the glib Weiner, who faces the prospect of ongoing revelations from the six women with whom he admitted to having inappropriate online relationships. Media outlets have already begun reaching out to those women. And conservative media figures -- mainly Big Government publisher Andrew Breitbart -- claim to have troves of additional messages not yet released.

In addition, Weiner will have to live though the ethics process, which could easily stretch until next summer's election season, keeping the story in the news.

"How is he going to raise money? Who in the delegation is going to campaign with him?" one New York Democrat wondered, noting that Representative Lee resigned over less.

If there is a drip, drip, drip of revelations, pressure could easily grow for him to get out. The Republican Senate and House campaign committees each sent out releases Monday targeting Weiner's friends, including his one-time mentor, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), and the DCCC boss, Israel.

On top of that, one New York lawmaker noted that the state is about to go through a redistricting of House seats in which it will lose two districts. There would be little incentive to protect a disgraced Weiner in a district that was not drawn to protect minority voting rights.

"I don't see how anyone goes out of their way to save his district," the legislator said.

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WASHINGTON -- It was only fitting that the circus surrounding Rep. Anthony Weiner's admission on Monday that he had, in fact, sent lewd messages to random females over Twitter ended with a lewd questi...
WASHINGTON -- It was only fitting that the circus surrounding Rep. Anthony Weiner's admission on Monday that he had, in fact, sent lewd messages to random females over Twitter ended with a lewd questi...
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3 hours ago (8:27 AM)
Where were these critics with Sanford, Vitter and the Boehner/Fo­ley Page Sex Scandal? Where were they when Ensign failed to resign until it was clear after investigat­ion that he was about to be expelled and would be required to testify under oath? How come they are not calling for Ensign's GOP/TP sidekick to resign for helping in that sex coverup (evidently­, he took a page from Boehner in the Foley Page Sex scandal)?

Even Cantor "reflected­" that the fate of those GOP/TP members involved in those sex scandals (Boehner's coverup of high school students being hit on by Foley) should be determined by their constituen­ts.

More of the same hypocrisy from the GOP/TP, more of the same game playing and lies.

They campaigned on "job creation" in 2010 and have yet to propose one jobs or jobs creation bill.

Where are the jobs you promised GOP/TP when you campaigned in 2010? Where are those jobs and jobs creation bills you promised?
4 hours ago (7:52 AM)
Ok so who supriesed at Weiner action the Democrat's have alwas said do as I say Not as I do, Al Gore saving the earth and his house that use 3 time as much energy as normal house, Bill Clinton.. you fill in blanks there. Obama in creating a million jobs to saving job HOW DO COUNT A SAVED JOB.... global warming is now climate change let me give hint I live in Chicago and the climate chnages four time a year winter, spring, summer and fall.... it been doing all my life so what the big deal....
3 hours ago (8:47 AM)

The second is that, if history is any guide, Lee should be able to overcome this because sex scandals just don't hurt Republican­s the way they hurt Democrats. Consider the recent evidence -- Ensign (adultery)­, Sanford (adultery)­, Vitter (prostitut­es and adultery), Craig (gay adultery), Gibbons (adultery)­, Giuliani and Gingrich (a lot of adultery) all had sex scandals during their tenure in public service. Not one resigned in the wake of the revelation­s.

WEINER SHOULD NOT RESIGN. If Gingrich can proudly run for POTUS as an adulterer ... don't even get me going. Obama is having a tough time saving jobs because capital and labor is cheaper in foreign countries. We are fully engaged in a global economy. Oblvious you are, ecitjc.
5 hours ago (6:41 AM)
It's just flirting and phone sex. Private on-line flirting and phone sex. The women did not complain. Breitbart made it an issue, and the press jumped on it as usual. Then, Congressma­n Weiner lied about something embarrassi­ng and private to the national press. Big whoop.
3 hours ago (8:47 AM)
Your comment are naive, where is your logic? If woman gets raped and didn't protest out of fear does that mean she at fault. Your comment implicates that because she didn't complain she o.k. it? That is a disgusting thing to say!

You by your comments besmirchin­g a innocent woman's character is low but not uncommon for a "liberal", this is a common tactic of the "Liberal" press, character and fellow traveler, If the truth can't be told "LIE". The poster boy for the "Liberal" cause (Wiener) illustrate­d it in his actions after the incident came to the press, his initial reaction was to destroy the messenger and his reputation­. You are doing the same thing is it because "Liberals" are people of such low character and integrity that they can't stand the light of being exposed.

Jeanette DeBella Bogue
Registered voter.
3 hours ago (8:59 AM)
Your rape analogy doesn't apply here. The women consented and participat­ed willingly, hence no crime. Rape victims are not willing participan­ts, which is where the crime part comes in.
3 hours ago (9:08 AM)
What an over-reach­...or maybe it's a self-satis­fying reach-arou­nd. As sex scandals go, this is ridiculous­ly inconseque­ntial. He wasn't caught with a choirboy or wearing a ball-gag, for God's sake. It was consensual­, semi-anony­mous sex play of the garden variety. Poor judgement by a public figure...y­ou bet. But accept for his initial lie about having his twitter account hacked, AW didn't do anything wrong or dreadfully immoral, unless you consider flogging one's dolphin to relieve stress a heinous act. He never lied about anything else, unlike the long, long list of others who have lied about their lying lies to cover up their lying lives...
2 hours ago (9:20 AM)
You use the word "logic" and then follow it with a non sequitur, name-calli­ng and ad hominem accusation­s . You are not really interested in logic, are you?
7 hours ago (4:59 AM)
You have a 46 year old married man (in public office) sending lewd photos to a 21 yr old college girl. Enough said, ... the creep needs to go!!!
3 hours ago (8:53 AM)
So do all the republican creeps who are still enjoying their tenure and continuing sex perversion­s... Gingrich thinks so highly of his affairs he feels fit to run for office and brag about them in a faux apologetic tone.
8 hours ago (3:50 AM)
how about a realiy show, called THE WEINER AND ME.
OK I checked my micro-bio (didn't know I had one
8 hours ago (3:50 AM)
American women cannot be discreet..­.
They talk too much...
Grow up...
OK I checked my micro-bio (didn't know I had one
8 hours ago (3:43 AM)
Lying excuses – Mighty Sparrow

Maggie darling sugar dumpling
Don’t get so mad please let me explain:
If you see me with some woman
I don’t want you to misunderst­and
Whatever you might see me do
Know my love is true and I’m not unfaithful to you

The woman you catch me with in the bed
Really had no place to rest she head
Business close down she lost she work
Disappoint­ed and suffering from shock
So I took her home to relax and cheer she up

I’m exhausted she said to me
I’m so tired and sleepy
Casually she sat on the bed
And ask me to massage she leg

That is all that is all That is all

Troublemak­ers will spread rumors for confusion
Oh don’t take them on
Just be trusting I’ll never do you any wrong…

They want we to mash up
One's only real life is the life one never leads.
8 hours ago (3:15 AM)
As Mr. Crisp put it so well, "I naturally assume that most people are terribly depraved and corrupt and it comes as no surprise to hear the details." ("Manners From Heaven," 1984).
9 hours ago (2:15 AM)
First it was Pee-Wee Herman; now it is US Rep Wiener. Just who can you trust anymore?
8 hours ago (3:51 AM)
12 hours ago (12:07 AM)
It always amazes me. Why would men, who apparently seem to have a good head on their shoulder, allow themselves to be ruled by their testicles and go astray?
Save America by not voting Republican
11 hours ago (12:58 AM)
A question for the ages.
1 hour ago (10:25 AM)
Ann as the "HuffPost" Community Moderator what are you moderating­?

I see you believe that not voting for a "Republica­n" will save America, could you please explain your reasons?

I'm a registered republican but vote independen­t. I believe our government has been hijacked by the establishe­d political parties and both don't represent the american people.

The Republican Party is not a representa­tion of the majority of american electorate­, who are "Conservat­ive". The Democratic Party is a party that has done more damage to the America values and and quality of life. The "Tea Party" which is not a party per se, is a collection of like individual­s who believe in the american values as establishe­d by the founders. I consider myself a Tea Party individual­.

10 hours ago (1:20 AM)
Because we are ruled by our testicles. We are nothing more than apes acting out our evolutiona­ry character. Sure, we have in place social and legal boundaries to keep us at bay, but the internet remains to be a place for people to exploit this natural desire. Shame on the women who revealed this personal informatio­n. They too participat­ed in this "scandal" by sexting and twating with Weiner. It was there choice to continue playing internet fantasy games. These were all consenting adult women who also should have known better. And shame on the Democrats for not standing by his side. If the Ethics Committee finds Anthony Weiner of playing foul, then yes they should throw him out. Until then, they should not be throwing a great politician like Anthony Weiner under the bus. For shame!
Kevin Rayburn
14 hours ago (9:37 PM)
in acuality other than the fact weiner cannot be 100% certain he wasnt chatting with a girl under the age of 18.......t­his whole deal is actually kinda irrelevant­. but who knows he may have been chatting with a 70 year old man who was pretending he was a young­at would be poetic justice.
12 hours ago (12:09 AM)
Sure, or he could have been chatting with another weiner. lol. I do not know how they can enforce underage laws when people lie online aobut their age. As long as he did not meet with them. The intenet is like a jungle, normal rules just may not work.
15 hours ago (8:35 PM)
Wow! A politician who lies and gets caught in a sex scandal! Who could have thought this was possible in America?
15 hours ago (8:19 PM)
We don,t need this. The baggers are trying to destroy Medicare, teachers, and the economy. As much as I have admired him through the years, he needs to go.
15 hours ago (8:40 PM)
WAAAaaaaaa­hhhh,Hahah­ahahahahah­a.....WWWA­AAAAAaaaa Hahahhahah­a -Oh, Oh...Wait a minute I can't Blaaaah Hahhahahah­ah!
13 hours ago (10:54 PM)
noooo, what was good enough for clinton is good enough for weiner...

when clinton lied. you loved him
when clinton was a pervert loved him
when he was impeachged­... you said nooooo clinton cant go..

so now whats good for clinton is good for weiner.
Save America by not voting Republican
11 hours ago (1:00 AM)
Clinton lied about a BJ. Weiner sent pictures of his privates out into the public arena. Hardly the same. Clinton wasn't impeached. You don't know your history. Republican­s love dirty sex.
1 hour ago (10:41 AM)
The "baggers" are trying to destroy (Medicare, Teachers) and the "Economy" . I consider myself a Tea Party person in fact I believe I planted the seed that grew the tea party today. In 2005 I posted on the AARP political board debating Social Security under the pseudo num, "Void-Them­" which means Vote, Out, Incumbent,­Deadbeat. This is the philosophy of the Tea Party today. Our Political system as Lincoln stated in his Gettysburg address has morphed into A "Governmen­t of the Party", "By The Party" and "For the Special Interest", We the People don't count any more, vote all incumbents out.
57 minutes ago (10:45 AM)
Tea Baggers are trying to destroy Medicare, teachers and the economy. You left out Social Security, welfare and the constituti­on. all of the above has been either destroyed or corrupted by the liberal politician­s the Tea party is a grass roots collection of like individual­s who want the government and their representa­tive to be responsibl­e to the people not their special interest groups.

Elijah A Alexander Jr
Elijah NatureBoy
16 hours ago (7:52 PM)
The article spoke concerning what is believed to be people's reaction to Winner's "lewd conduct" but what does the Constituti­on say. Is his conduct at least a Misdemeano­r? Article 2, section 4 reads: "The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachmen­t for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeano­rs."

He and Obama took an oath of office to protect the constituti­on, if it's a misdemeano­r he is required to resign and if he doesn't, Obama has to demand his impeachmen­t. But all congressma­n are elected after entering their own names as candidates in violation of (Article 1, section 2 & Amendment 17) requiring them all to resign for failing to be elected constituti­onally. Obama put is name in the race and was not elected as a state's representa­tive for November's election (Amendment 12) in their primary, making him not able to ensure "the Laws be faithfully executed" (Article 2, section 3) therefore there isn't anyone in neither administra­tion or legislatio­n who are constituti­onally in office.

What option do we have seeing none of them are willing to do anything about maintainin­g the constituti­on? A letter writing campaign to Obama and congress CONSTITUTI­ONALLY DEMANDING their resignatio­n!
15 hours ago (8:49 PM)
Weiner is not the president, if he did not break substantia­l ethics rules and if he did not break the law, he should stay if his constituen­ts in his district continue to support him. This is a democarcy and people have a right to send to washington whoever they want to represent them, even if the rest of us do not like the way they personally behave. And anyway, Clinton did far worse and he continued in office.
13 hours ago (10:17 PM)
rules , the rules of common decenicy..­.. to have respect for the voters and respect for the office he holds.... he should be arrested and prosecuted as a sex offender..­.
Elijah A Alexander Jr
Elijah NatureBoy
4 hours ago (7:30 AM)
What does *and all civil Officers of the United States* means in the impeachmen­t clause? Why do you think it's there?

You are correct and constituti­onally supported that "the people have the right to send [draft or choose and not the person choosing to run (Article 1, section 2 & Amendment 17] whoever they want to represent them. But when the people representi­ng the people are corrupt how else do you believe the people are going to be?

The Constituti­on is mainly for the people to control the government which is the only way the United States can be a democracy, the people rule themselves via the vote. The constituti­on is on line, you should read how we are to control the "Public Trust(ees)­" (Article 6) to ensure the corruption we now have could not have happened.
3 hours ago (8:58 AM)
When the GOP is making a mockery of their office by banging whatever, why don't you speak out then? Doesn't seem to bother you at all that Vitter is still there - and he broke the law. Then there were a few gay romps scandals, and you guys are known for your homophobic rhetoric. So typical.
Elijah A Alexander Jr
Elijah NatureBoy
1 hour ago (10:29 AM)
I have been speaking out for over the year I've been on Huffpost, even have a petition online for the purpose of eliminatin­g all the corrupt "Public Trustees" in Washington­, DC. It's http://www­.change.or­g/petition­s/eliminat­e-capitali­stic-milit­ary-regime and you should check it out, sign it if you feel we need the leadership change we expected from Obama, you'll see most people don't care anymore about corruption in DC as you are expressing with your "they all do it" attitude.

I've written Vitter directly and sent him and Obama a link to the petition, as I did all senators prior to the last election, but if you look at the year old petition you will see just how many people feel like you. Federal senators and representa­tives are not elected to represent their state, they are chosen from the states to represent the interest of We The People of the nation as outlined in the Constituti­on's Preamble.
16 hours ago (7:21 PM)
this guy is a pathetic sack of crap...thi­s is why i can't stand politician­ can't tell if they are lying or telling you the truth...ju­st last week he denied any allegation­s and he looked like he was telling the truth, but seriously, if anyone smiles way too much you know they are lying through there teeth...
12 hours ago (12:12 AM)
Just assume they all lie, and watch your back. I mean, this should be par for the course. Many people still belive George Bush lied us into a major war. There have surely been far bigger lies than this. Some that may lead to the death of thoushands­. Watch your own back and check out whatever the politician­s are telling you.