How You Can Help Victims Of The Joplin Missouri Tornado

Joplin Tornado

First Posted: 05/23/11 01:30 PM ET Updated: 05/26/11 03:21 PM ET

On Sunday, a massive tornado plowed through southern Missouri, leaving thousands without homes in the densely occupied city of Joplin. At least 89 are confirmed to be dead.

Kerry Sachetta, principal of Joplin High School, described the physical damage to the Associated Press:

"You see pictures of World War II, the devastation and all that with the bombing. That's really what it looked like... I couldn't even make out the side of the building. It was total devastation in my view. I just couldn't believe what I saw."

Joplin's tornado was one of more than 60 that appeared in the Midwest over the weekend, reports the AP.

CNN reports that President Obama has already sent federal aid to the afflicted region, including Federal Emergency Management Agency teams and supplies.

Other organizations have begun to answer the tornado victims' calls for help, and are eager for volunteers and donations.

Missouri's State Emergency Management Agency is encouraging all who can to donate funds or commit to volunteer in the short-term or long-term recovery efforts.

The Heart of Missouri United Way launched a Joplin Relief Fund, where 100 percent of all donations will be given to relief efforts in Joplin. Text "JOPLIN" to 864833 to make a $10 donation, or visit the organization's website for more information.

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For any animals that may have been victims of the storm, the Missouri Humane Society has dispatched a response team to the area. So far, the organization has rescued at least 50 animals displaced by the tornado., a local community site, has complied resources for local Missourians to help nearby.

A Facebook page titled "Joplin, MO Tornado Recovery" has been launched for community members to announce needed relief. Similarly, Relief Spark, a nonprofit dedicated to designing schools, has turned their Twitter feed into a constantly refreshing resource of local information, announcing new shelters and calls for supplies as the organization finds them.

The Salvation Army has deployed efforts in both Joplin, Missouri and other areas across the affected Midwest states. To find out how to get involved, visit the organization's website.

Any with medical skills who can volunteer are encouraged to sign up with Show-Me Response to donate their abilities to relief efforts.

The Red Cross has launched Safe and Well, a service that helps families reconnect after natural disasters. Also, the organization has made a call not only for monetary donations but for blood donations as well. Any in the area interested in donating can find a local donation center, or money can be sent through the Impact links below.


On Sunday, a massive tornado plowed through southern Missouri, leaving thousands without homes in the densely occupied city of Joplin. At least 89 are confirmed to be dead. Kerry Sachetta, principa...
On Sunday, a massive tornado plowed through southern Missouri, leaving thousands without homes in the densely occupied city of Joplin. At least 89 are confirmed to be dead. Kerry Sachetta, principa...
Filed by Carly Gillis  | 
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truly moderate
Blue Dog Democrat Views...Independent Voter
13 hours ago (1:34 AM)
I personally like the text method. Its not only convienent­, its affordable and you can even text how to donate via text to other friends :)
Emily O
03:56 PM on 5/30/2011
This was so devastatin­g. I have never seen such destructio­n. I cannot believe people actually LIVED through that tornado! My heart just goes to the victims and the missing. I really hope more of the missing are found, since it is clear how easily people could have become so. Pictures can never really represent just how awful the damage was. You can only get slices of the whole picture, and you certainly don't get any idea of the sheer SCALE of the damage. I felt so tiny in Joplin amongst all the debris and destroyed buildings.
08:50 PM on 5/29/2011
So sad.
10:20 AM on 5/28/2011
Start by recalling those "Compassio­nate Conservati­ve" Tee-Braggi­ng GOPers who will help only
if we agree to kill Medicare, Social Security, Union
The Horror. . .The Horror. . .
11:33 AM on 5/28/2011
To be fair, the Republican­s did say they were going to pray harder.
truly moderate
Blue Dog Democrat Views...Independent Voter
13 hours ago (1:35 AM)
There's only a handful of "real" compassion­ate conservati­ves. For most its just a slogan for votes. Few put their support and mouth together on that one.
11:08 PM on 5/26/2011
I donated. Wish I could do more.
07:20 PM on 5/26/2011
Don't worry. President Obama will be there on Sunday after a round of golf this weekend.
07:44 PM on 5/26/2011
maybe they can put a few snapshots in the envelope along with the bill they're flying to him in France because his signature is needed before midnight..

I know overnight to Europe is pricey with FedEx, but I wonder what it costs to use the USAF as a courier for one stinking package!!!­!!
07:49 PM on 5/26/2011
I just read your comments page. You are pissing off a lot of people here. Keep up the good work. Fanned!
01:54 AM on 5/27/2011
I guess in your fantasy world everything was sunshine and lollipops when Bush was president. You teapublica­ns have let Beck fry your brains.
01:43 AM on 5/27/2011
I wonder how many of these red state republican­s who have railed against government bail outs will now expect a government handout. If someone was unwilling to protect their own assets why should us taxpayers foot the bill?

12:49 PM on 5/27/2011
The Governor of Oklahoma has already stated that he doesn't want any federal money, pumpkin.
The Horror. . .The Horror. . .
11:34 AM on 5/28/2011
I thought cutting brush in Texas was the proper response.
12:57 PM on 5/28/2011
Bush has been out of office for almost 3 years and your still obsessed with him. You silly little spoiled brat lib. Get over it. He's not the president anymore. What's it going to take for you college kids that never grew up to realize that? Bush is not the president anymore. Got that?
truly moderate
Blue Dog Democrat Views...Independent Voter
13 hours ago (1:39 AM)
Heh, Bush is a liberal compared to some of these heartless conservati­ves. Atleast Bush eventually gave aid, even if he did take his time. Some of these tea publicans wont even accept aid!
10:51 PM on 5/29/2011
03:38 PM on 5/26/2011
Help pass the mandatory basement zoning law.
Proud to not be republican.
12:22 AM on 5/26/2011
I live in SW Missouri, in Springfiel­d, to be exact. Missouri is a mess right now. Another round of storms hit the state today - more deaths and destructio­n. In addition, flooding continues as our waterways are full and dams are releasing more and more water. The there was the "saving of Cairo" - the Army Corps of Eng. blew up a levy and flood many houses - on purpose! To make matters worse, the Westboro Baptist "christian­s" are going to be protesting in Joplin


Thank you to all of you who have donated.

Someone mentioned the toddler that was missing - his body was identified today.

There are still people missing and searching continues. They brought cadaver dogs in today.

The tornado was an EF5 with multiple vorticies.
12:01 PM on 5/29/2011
The people of Joplin should totally ignore Reverend Phelps and the WBC gang. His goal is publicity, your goal is to figure out how to minimize the attention he gets.
Widespread Panic
does anyone really care??
11:46 PM on 5/25/2011
I wish I lived close enough to help out. But I donated what I could, I hope it helps.
10:20 PM on 5/25/2011
I wish the Red Cross used PayPal. I would be more inclined to donate. As it is, I donated to the Salvation Army because they do take PayPal.
02:27 AM on 5/26/2011
That's fine. Either will help, for sure!
04:32 PM on 5/25/2011
I got a half assed idea, but smarter& more energetic folks may improve it.

Phone towers are down, demand is heavy, comms are critical, narrow destructio­n paths

So volunteer geeks to go door to door in suitable neighborho­ods, & make broadband connected home wi fi base stations, securely public.

responsibl­e smartphone­s in the emergency area get free, bandwidth limited, more reliable, bandwidth at little, if any cost to the donor. VOIP works at way under 4kb per conversati­on.Even with a serviceabl­e tower, many folks on the data limit will have no funds, or means of recharging the account.

IE - allow your home wifi to be switched to ~secure public, in case of emergency, even if u r paranoid.. Mini emergency cell tower donation?
03:38 PM on 5/26/2011
Door to door?

Door's gone man!
02:06 PM on 5/29/2011
funny, but we are talking outside the narrow swathe of the twister.
11:49 AM on 5/29/2011
During a major disaster, home Wifi systems are unlikely to have power and may also have lost their connection to the Internet. Cell phone systems have battery backup, but coverage will be spotty because towers will be damaged.

Something to remember is that cell phone text messages will often get through when normal calls do not.
02:37 PM on 5/29/2011
re "During a major disaster (am just talking narrow swathe twisters), home Wifi systems are unlikely (true but not impossible­) to have power and may also have lost their connection to the Internet. Cell phone systems have battery backup (maybe, but clearly they become overtaxed even if perfect) , but coverage will be spotty because towers will be damaged.

Something to remember is that cell phone text messages will often get through when normal calls do not. (Yep - require a fraction of the scarce bandwidth compared to a voice call - they will be reserved for emergency services - 1900hotbab­es probably wont work ( a 160 total char lo priority transmissi­on vs a ~2kb ps urgent transmissi­on))"

Perhaps I should have explained better. w/ the right systems in place, Those w/ power and web live connection­s ought be easily identifiab­le by utilities, and which of those could most help by becoming wifi base stations to improve the network. Its not a random door knock (pre selected via phone
President & CEO, Operation USA,a Los Angeles-based
04:11 PM on 5/25/2011
Give locally to organizati­ons based in or near the community. They won't have vast amounts of PR and media "helpers" getting their name out giving to a national organizati­on (like "you know who" that rhymes with "Dredd Gloss") is basically ineffectiv­e in this type of disaster. Tracing missing persons can be a 1-2 person job for experience­d staff and victim hand-holdi­ng can be done with volunteers­ why give millions unless you want to rebuild a school...w­hich the locals do best in any case...
01:24 PM on 5/25/2011
Call Donald Trump,FEMA is useless and the Army will rob you blind,I survived on my own from Katrina and the Army wants rent in Jackson,Ms­.they are cult minded freaks if you don't go to their church they put you out,and as the Red Cross never gave a dying soldier a cigarette during the Vietnam era.
12:57 PM on 5/25/2011
i am new to the post and i would like to think all the people with such heart felt remarks. my friend took his life last night before he could be informed that his dad and sister were okay.he is with god now so he is in no more pain. however, his sister and his dad's pain is only starting. god be with them.
Emily O
03:58 PM on 5/30/2011
That's so sad. :-(
06:54 AM on 5/25/2011
Saw an interview with a woman searching for her 12 yr old son. I have a 12 yr. old son. There but the grace of God go I. So sad! Do what you can to help!
11:32 AM on 5/25/2011
Just horrific.
That poor woman.....­i hope she finds her child alive and well.