UNICEF, Japan Coordinate To Give An Education To Somali Refugee Children


First Posted: 06/ 4/11 11:56 AM ET Updated: 06/ 4/11 11:56 AM ET

In Somalia, a distant benefactor has provided education to a makeshift town of displaced refugees.

Contributors in Japan have coordinated with UNICEF's efforts in the Somali region to provide basic supplies and access to secure schools.

Hibaq AbdiRahman, a 14-year-old girl who attends one of the provided schools, told UNICEF of her educational aspirations:

"After I finish primary school, I want to go to high school and then to university. I want to become a doctor so I can help people in my community."

Since 2009, Japan has worked with UNICEF to provide an education to both boys and girls in the region. Since the initiative began, more than 400,000 kids have access to safe schools because of the country's contributions.

Ali Abdullahi Ibrahim, headmaster at Abdulqadir Koosaar Primary School, told UNICEF that the supplies are especially crucial, as many students live in abject poverty.

"You must realize that the people living here are among the most vulnerable. Some cannot afford even a pencil or a notebook for their children at school."



In Somalia, a distant benefactor has provided education to a makeshift town of displaced refugees. Contributors in Japan have coordinated with UNICEF's efforts in the Somali region to provide basic ...
In Somalia, a distant benefactor has provided education to a makeshift town of displaced refugees. Contributors in Japan have coordinated with UNICEF's efforts in the Somali region to provide basic ...
Filed by Carly Gillis  | 
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Recency  | 
8 minutes ago (12:06 AM)
I guess the Japanese said if the Chinese are in Africa, we need to be there too.

Why in the heck do Somalia need foreign government­s to build schools or anything else for that matter for Somalis? Government officials are eating, sending their kids to school, and have a roof over their heads. Why don't all Somalis live like that? If the Somali government is so ineffectiv­e, it's time for another one.