Sarah Palin On Paul Revere Ride: I Didn't Get History Wrong (VIDEO)

Posted: 06/ 5/11 11:23 AM ET

Sarah Palin Paul Revere Fox News

WASHINGTON (AP/The Huffington Post) -- Sarah Palin says she didn't mess up her history on Paul Revere.

The potential 2012 presidential candidate was in Boston on Thursday as part of her bus tour when she was asked about the Revolutionary War hero.

Palin said Revere "warned the British that they weren't gonna be takin' away our arms."

Palin, a paid Fox News contributor, told "Fox News Sunday" that she was correct. She says there were British soldiers in the area for years before Revere's legendary ride, and that he was warning them, as well as his fellow colonists.

"Part of his ride was to warn the British that were already there that 'hey, you're not going to take American arms, you are not going to beat our own well-armed persons individual private militia that we have.'"

She blamed her previous answer on the media, saying it was a "gotcha question."

The Paul Revere House's website says that on April 18, 1775, Dr. Joseph Warren instructed Revere to ride to Lexington, Mass., to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock that British troops were marching to arrest them.

Watch Palin speak about Revere at the Old North Church in Boston:
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WASHINGTON (AP/The Huffington Post) -- Sarah Palin says she didn't mess up her history on Paul Revere. The potential 2012 presidential candidate was in Boston on Thursday as part of her bus tour wh...
WASHINGTON (AP/The Huffington Post) -- Sarah Palin says she didn't mess up her history on Paul Revere. The potential 2012 presidential candidate was in Boston on Thursday as part of her bus tour wh...
Sarah Palin apologizes for upstaging Mitt Romney but not for Paul Revere story -
BIG idea. Palin running with Bachmann. Plan to have Paul Revere warn the British in Lexington and Concord, New Hampshire.
Palin is now saying the Paul Revere question was a "gotcha" question. Also that her answer was right.
1 day ago from web
Wow, Sarah Palin doubles down on her Paul Revere explanation...
Paul Revere And Palin's Mind
Video: Sarah Palin describes midnight ride of American patriot Paul Revere in wildly inaccurate terms
Palin doubles down on her Paul Revere claim, calls out Shep Smith
Palin Fans Try To Edit Paul Revere Wikipedia Page To Reflect Her Version Of History
Sarah Palin Denies Chris Wallace's Charge That She 'Messed Up About Paul Revere' (Video) JN
1 day ago from web
Palin sticks by Paul Revere story
RT : Palin Fans Trying to Edit Wikipedia Paul Revere Page
truthier? RT : DIY-history: Palin fans try to edit wikipedia to match her statements on Paul Revere
Sarah Palin, keeping her promise to help us rediscover Am. Hist; when is the last time Paul Revere got this much ink?
1 day ago from web
Jamie Mowder suggests Sarah Palin's understanding of Paul Revere may be derived from this 1976 cartoon:
Palin fans attempting to edit Paul Revere's Wikipedia page to match Palin's botched view of history.
no, really. RT Palin Cultists Attempt Wikipedia Rewrite Of Paul Revere Story:
1 day ago from web
Sarah Palin scary revisionist history about Paul Revere caught on video? via
Hilarious... Palin Fans Trying to Edit Wikipedia Paul Revere Page
Palin, oddly, sticks to (wrong) story that Paul Revere rode to "warn the British" - she's bordering on mental illness
Crossposted At C&L;: Palin: 'I didn't mess up about Paul Revere'
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Bike Commuter   14 hours ago (11:58 AM)
Whenever Palin makes these mistakes it always seems like it is something more than a normaI mistake, so much so that I have sometimes wondered if it was intentiona­l. This lastest one is a perfect example. She gave too much detail in her rambling answer, and some of the details match certain aspects of the lesser known story too closely to be coincidenc­e. ..... I don't know if anyone  Read More...
You can have your own opinion, not your own facts.
6 minutes ago (1:48 AM)
She got it right in the same way she was exonerated by the Alaska Legislatur­e Ethics committee on Troopergat­e. She knows her followers do little in the way of fact checking so she tells them what they want to hear and that becomes the truth for them. Luckily they are a minority of Americans.
12 minutes ago (1:42 AM)
I actually don't think Palin misspoke. I've listened to it a couple of times now, and it seems as though she's trying to answer the reporters simple question by being cute and comes off ignorant. Instead of just telling the real story she just heard, she tries to turn it into a yarn about militia members defending their second amendment rights. Sarah Palin is a joke, but a dangerous joke.
15 minutes ago (1:39 AM)
She is a shameless and ignorant .Perfect republican candiate.
18 minutes ago (1:36 AM)
Conceit. The illness that invigorate­s the victim and sickens all others.
20 minutes ago (1:35 AM)
Most people know just a little about Paul Revere's ride. A more thorough reading of the history will inform that Revere was captured that night and he did indeed warn the British and did his best to enhance the image of the armed colonialis­ts. Warning bells were rung. This is in addition to the horse ride and the lantern factor (one if by land, two if by sea). Sarah was correct and the progressiv­e left wing brain trust would rather die than concede on something like this. Palin was/is right about this and her detractors have egg on their faces!
20 minutes ago (1:34 AM)
Can anyone tell me why Sarah Palin is not at home taking care of her minor children? Why not stay home and take care of them rather than making a fool of yourself? I'm just saying.
calm,fitter,healthier & more productive
23 minutes ago (1:31 AM)
Sarah Palin accepts the blessing of Pastor Thomas Muthee, who asks Jesus to fund her political campaigns, and protect her from witchcraft­. Really.
My micro-bio: exactly forty-nine characters long.
29 minutes ago (1:25 AM)
CivilDebat­e10: The difference is that there is a clear bigotry out there that people like Palin are just presumed to be dumb so every gaffe just "proves" it meanwhile when gaffe a minute Biden says even more absurd things, its just written of as "good 'ol Joe" just slipping up a little.


Seriously, I have no idea what this means. Who are "people like Palin?" People who say dumb things? Then yes, absolutely­.

You mention in another post the idea that it's because Palin is perceived to be "white" No. There are plenty of people who grew up in poor circumstan­ces that have risen to levels of respect. The current president, for example. You mention Joe Biden. He was actually at the bottom net worth rung when he was a Senator. (OK, that doesn't exactly put him on the welfare lines, but still.)

It has nothing to do with upraising, or skin color. It has to do with what the person says, how they behave, what they believe. There are plenty of dumb people of circumstan­ce, too.

The reason "good ol' Joe" might get a little more of a pass is that he admits his mistakes, and we all move on. Did you see the White House Correspond­ent's Dinner? The president devoted an entire 5 minute video to Biden's gaffes.

The difference­: he doesn't go on the Sunday morning circuit the next weekend and demand that people believe that he didn't make a gaffe.
35 minutes ago (1:19 AM)
Saw an article the other day (in the WSJ) indicating that the main Alaska Oil Pipeline was running under capacity. And that there had been fewer explorator­y wells drilled in Alaska, because when Ms. P. was governor she increased the oil production tax so much that it made it less attractive to drill in Alaska now.

She better hope that her "Tea Potty" buds don't hear about that.

Of course, I've always felt that her Alaska governing experience could never help her in the lower 48 where the citizens actually have to pay taxes, rather than collecting from the socialist state government­.
You can have your own opinion, not your own facts.
3 minutes ago (1:51 AM)
And from the Feds. They get over $2.00 for each dollar they raise in Federal taxes. That'll help balance a State budget. New York and California could balance their State budgets if the Feds weren't sending over 10% of the taxes raised to Red States.
40 minutes ago (1:14 AM)
The best part about her denial of getting the history wrong is that her most ardent supporters are totally oblivious and will believe anything she utters even if she contradict­s herself multiple times in the same sentence. Her fans are entirely faith based and don't even begin to comprehend the concepts of logic and factual reality.
Deb Jesser
For What It's Worth
18 minutes ago (1:37 AM)
well put. F & F
41 minutes ago (1:13 AM)
Sarah, stop. Just stop. Get back on your bus and tour Canada for a while.
16 minutes ago (1:38 AM)
She did that already, and was kicked out.
You can have your own opinion, not your own facts.
1 minute ago (1:53 AM)
And Fox didn't enter the Canadian market because there is a law against falsehoods in News programs, so her soapbox wasn't in place.

That's a funny story, Harper pushed to have the law changed and was rebuffed, although he'll probably try again now he has a majority.
I do just fine thank you. I don't get paid to post
49 minutes ago (1:05 AM)
The whitewashi­ng of her words is even more funny than Palins first words on this.
Those darn Gotcha types the've beem pestering Palin since elementary school history class, and the gotcha media is just as bad.
Pretty hard to miss something as big as a barn door. So gotcha journalist­s have an easy target every time Sarah opens her mouth.
52 minutes ago (1:02 AM)
Not surprising that the self-descr­ibed pitbull in lipstick is still, in reality, a sackfull of hammers in lipstick.
49 minutes ago (1:06 AM)
YES! Somewhere, a village is missing their idiot; and perhaps a charter bus.
55 minutes ago (1:00 AM)
" What have you seen so far today and what are you going to take away from your visit?"

Thats a gotcha question?W­hat can you ask this woman that isnt a gotcha question ?
52 minutes ago (1:02 AM)
Just her name, and that's it. Someone from her staff will have to get back with you though for the answer. Upon review, of course.
49 minutes ago (1:05 AM)
Every question is a gothca question to this simpleton.
57 minutes ago (12:57 AM)
Could anyone see her at a presidenti­al press conference when asked a really tough question about, say, our relationsh­ip to Russia or the Israeli - Palestinia­n problem. Just thinking about it scares me to death. To think there are people in this country who believe she is "president­ial" material.