Lynn Peril

Lynn Peril


Secretary: The Rise And Fall Of The Office Wife (PHOTOS)

Posted: 06/ 5/11 08:54 AM ET

For over a century now, secretarial work has been extolled as a wonderful career opportunity for women--and excoriated as dead-end busy work. Both characterizations are true. Office work has supported or supplemented my writing career for almost 20 years, but I still have a hard time not adding the words--aloud or mentally--"just a" or "only a" in front of the word "secretary" when people ask me what I do. I doubt I'm the only one. I mean, can you blame us? Today's secretary is responsible for a greater array of complex tasks than her predecessors ever were, but the word itself is considered so demeaning that most offices shelved it long ago in favor of "administrative assistant." Indeed, "diminished image" and low pay were given as two reasons for a secretarial shortage that began in the late 1970s. Anyone who hasn't resided under a rock for the past century is well aware of that image--the husband-hunting, pencil-pushing, coffee-getting, dumb-bunny, sex-bomb secretary depicted in advertising, novels, movies, television shows, comic books and just about every other form of pop culture for a lot longer than you probably realize. Consider the history of that most pernicious of secretarial stereotypes: the office wife.

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Women first entered the office as Treasury Department clerks thanks to a manpower shortage caused by the Civil War. Almost immediately, the thought of men and women working side by side, unchaperoned, caused tongues to wag. So much so that by 1894, the author of a guide to the sights of New York City did his best to defend typewriters' reputations (the word then referred to both the machine and its operator): "On few subjects have more jokes been made, and ill-natured slurs cast, than on the 'pretty typewriter.' It is doubtless true that some unprincipled adventuresses, and some weak and silly girls, have entered this occupation. But the overwhelming majority of the women who operate typewriting machines are modest, industrious, and worthy of all encouragement," he concluded.
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For over a century now, secretarial work has been extolled as a wonderful career opportunity for women--and excoriated as dead-end busy work. Both characterizations are true. Office work has supported...
For over a century now, secretarial work has been extolled as a wonderful career opportunity for women--and excoriated as dead-end busy work. Both characterizations are true. Office work has supported...
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10 hours ago (11:35 PM)
Definition of a private secretary, one who never misses a period!
11 hours ago (9:56 PM)
When I was in college in the 80s, I knew women who regretted not having learned to type; they refused to learn to type because they thought knowing to type would force them into a secretaria­l career. Then the computer came along. . .
good fame but by virtue
11 hours ago (10:30 PM)
#They may do all manner of objectiona­ble things...T­hey may be many things, but they are NOT witches.# Beyond career,wom­an as social object?
17 hours ago (4:22 PM)
I had a secretary while in the Navy who made no bones about it. She was there to find an officer husband. Her thinking was that you fall in love with the group you hang out with. She figured to marry a junior officer who was making the Navy career. If he was a pilot, even better. If he was KIA she would go back to the club with her ID and find a senior officer.

A few later a friend of mine, a Commander, told me that he was getting married and asked if I'd be the best man. I, of course, said yes. We traveled to her place; about 100 +/- miles. When his fiancee opened the door I almost fell over.

It was her!

She'd been married to a junior officer, naval aviator, who was KIA in Viet-Nam. She'd met my friend at the "O" Club.

We both pretended not to know one another.

They have now been married for 42 years and appear to be as happy as the day that they were married. I don't know if she has ever mentioned to him that we knew each other. I certainly saw no point in ever disclosing it.
19 hours ago (1:57 PM)
Thank God I'm a postmodern woman!
20 hours ago (1:09 PM)
Don't forget Lois Lenz, Lesbian Secretary. Google it and you'll get the sexy pulp fiction novel front cover.
21 hours ago (12:27 PM)
The rise and fall of the office wife? This looks like a good introducti­on for discussion­s on; this could have greater scope (brainstor­ming), and " for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
24 hours ago (9:18 AM)
When I worked in an office, it was an all day battle to keep the men at bay. Back in the days before sexual harrassmen­t was illegal, I needed a baseball bat to get through the day.
15 hours ago (5:46 PM)
And you miss those days fondly, yes?
08:18 AM on 6/07/2011
Don't forget Perry Mason's secretary.
02:07 AM on 6/07/2011
God-dang. Good thing I have a wife who's so much better-loo­king than me it's ridiculous­. It's wrong to think pulp artwork is really attractive and to envision some kind of polygamous life with it, right?
01:31 AM on 6/07/2011
What they all need is a good MBA.
12:47 AM on 6/07/2011
Confusciou­s say "Secretery no permanent until scrwed on desk"
09:32 PM on 6/06/2011
Another job title that has disappeare­d is "Girl Friday".
07:10 PM on 6/06/2011
Sometimes affairs stem from the incredible boredom of office work.
06:17 PM on 6/06/2011
It is impossible to function effectivel­y without male and female energy...
04:59 PM on 6/06/2011
sexy women in the office, nice to have.