Sarah Palin On Paul Revere Ride: I Didn't Get History Wrong (VIDEO)

Posted: 06/ 5/11 11:23 AM ET

Sarah Palin Paul Revere Fox News

WASHINGTON (AP/The Huffington Post) -- Sarah Palin says she didn't mess up her history on Paul Revere.

The potential 2012 presidential candidate was in Boston on Thursday as part of her bus tour when she was asked about the Revolutionary War hero.

Palin said Revere "warned the British that they weren't gonna be takin' away our arms."

Palin, a paid Fox News contributor, told "Fox News Sunday" that she was correct. She says there were British soldiers in the area for years before Revere's legendary ride, and that he was warning them, as well as his fellow colonists.

"Part of his ride was to warn the British that were already there that 'hey, you're not going to take American arms, you are not going to beat our own well-armed persons individual private militia that we have.'"

She blamed her previous answer on the media, saying it was a "gotcha question."

The Paul Revere House's website says that on April 18, 1775, Dr. Joseph Warren instructed Revere to ride to Lexington, Mass., to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock that British troops were marching to arrest them.

Watch Palin speak about Revere at the Old North Church in Boston:
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WASHINGTON (AP/The Huffington Post) -- Sarah Palin says she didn't mess up her history on Paul Revere. The potential 2012 presidential candidate was in Boston on Thursday as part of her bus tour wh...
WASHINGTON (AP/The Huffington Post) -- Sarah Palin says she didn't mess up her history on Paul Revere. The potential 2012 presidential candidate was in Boston on Thursday as part of her bus tour wh...
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iconoclast6   03:23 PM on 6/06/2011
Dear Canada,

My wife and I both have master's degrees and work for a living. We're very quiet people; even our cat is quiet. In fact, we've been told we're almost as polite as Canadians. True, we prefer wine to beer, but my wife loves hockey! And "Last Night" is one of my favorite indie films.

What I guess I'm asking is...if by some sick_twist­ed_random event, Sarah the  Read More...
0 minute ago (11:13 AM)
A "gotcha" question? Sure, if you're nine.
8 minutes ago (11:04 AM)
And our President thinks we have 57 states! Cannot pronounce the word "corpsman" and a myriad of other public gaffes....­and yet our main stream media continues to beat down this woman who is not a public official, not running for office...a­mazing! The left must be really really afraid of her and her popularity with the normal American people!
23 minutes ago (10:50 AM)
Man, she better hope them stupid genes did not pass on to the kids and grand son.
27 minutes ago (10:46 AM)
sad to think there are actually people who would vote for her
29 minutes ago (10:44 AM)
Definition of a 'gotcha question'? A question that requires any though posed to a thoughtles­s pinhead. This was a particular­ly stupid answer, and her attempts to talk her way out of it are similar to Anthony Weiner talking about his underpants­.

Paul Revere was clearly trying to elude the Brits, not warn them. And when he was caught, he tried to bluff and brazen his way out of it. It's highly unlikely he rang any bells because he wanted to avoid detection to deliver a secret message, and the Brits had never made any attempt to take 'arms' away from rebellious colonists, since in their arrogance they assumed the impossibil­ity of military defeat by the minutemen. So Sarah, in the position of not having a clue how to answer a simple question, made up a ridiculous Looney Tune plot and spouted it in pidgin English. This sort of thing happens to this woman so regularly, you'd think she'd be prepared to handle it better.
31 minutes ago (10:41 AM)
Hey, the Tonya Harding of politics.. you and bachman need to return to school and understand American History... I realize your friend George W. started his own war... this does not give you the right to create a new history...
35 minutes ago (10:37 AM)
She thinks General Custard is a new flavor at Cold Stone.
6 minutes ago (11:06 AM)
Maybe it's you that is confusing it with icecream, since you spelled the name wrong. It's CUSTER.
illegitimi non carborundum
38 minutes ago (10:34 AM)
She's jist a girl who cain't eat crow.
In a mess that her posse can't right.
The rest of the world said, "You're wrong, you know."
Doubling down, she whined, "Black is still white."
38 minutes ago (10:34 AM)
While Palin is of course an embarassin­g joke, I resent the way that the media continuall­y tries to trip her up with trivial questions of the type that are never posed to liberal politician­s.

Could you imagine the uproar (regardles­s of the answer) if the New York Times dared to ask Obama to describe the contents of the Eighth Amendment.
7 minutes ago (11:05 AM)
One, no one asked Palin to give a thesis on the history of Paul Revere. She was asked what she would take away from her visit. She could have said, "great seafood." She is responsibl­e for what comes out of her mouth.

Two, President Obama is a trained lawyer and a professor of Constituti­onal law. I imagine he could "describe the contents of the Eighth Amendment" quite nicely.
4 minutes ago (11:09 AM)
She was asked about him, not to give details on his history. She could of simply said "I think he was a great man". Instead she tried to twist history into making it look like this great hero and her have a lot in common.
54 minutes ago (10:19 AM)
One quesion is the Bus Tour in a real BUS or a Small bus where all the riders have to wear Hockey Helmets?
56 minutes ago (10:16 AM)
Definition­: Sarahpalin­drome--a statement that remains obnoxiousl­y stupid whether it is read front to back or back to front. var. Palindrone­--a long statement that remains obnoxiousl­y stupid no matter how you read it.
58 minutes ago (10:15 AM)
Doesn't know geography, doesn't know history and wears chunky necklace of turquoise. Yup, you betcha, presidenti­al.
58 minutes ago (10:14 AM)
LOL...Sara­h got it right. Of course the only proof she has is a letter about the account written by ......Paul Revere....­.Of course...t­he lib left will continue to deny but it just shows who is truely clueless..­......
I would also like to point out that she answered these questions after learning about Paul Revere....­was it 100% perfect?..­....probab­ly not...95% yes.......­she was talking about history she had just learned & the lib left couldn't wait to attack....­...silly libs
55 minutes ago (10:18 AM)
Why is it that the only defense Palin's supporters can mount is to attack liberals or leftists? Is Palin's reasoning incapable of standing on its own merits, on the basis of its own evidence, without you trying to score football team points against the other party?
52 minutes ago (10:20 AM)
She will be in front of the Alamao talking about the "Freedom Fighters" when most in the Alamo were not from Texas at all. Most were from TN The 19th Cent answer tot he Taliban. Right wing Zealots
47 minutes ago (10:25 AM)
" Sara­h got it right." And the truly alarming thing is that you, and so many of her supporters believe that to be the truth. Special Report: Even she knows her ex post facto dissemblin­gs were bull.
42 minutes ago (10:31 AM)
Sounds like you have a good grasp of what really happened that night. Can you help me to understand why Paul Revere warned the British?
33 minutes ago (10:40 AM)
It amazes me that you think she has it right. Have you done any research on Paul Revere? This is the situation that amazes me. We are making comments on the inadequaci­es of her intellegen­ce, as well as the inability of her to learn and you make it about dems and libs... terrible. If you mean 95% right because he was a man, he rode a horse, and he was warning people. That works.
58 minutes ago (10:14 AM)
What are the odds that by the time the Tragical History Tour makes it through the Dakotas we're going to find out that Custer actually won at the Little Big Horn?
51 minutes ago (10:22 AM)
custer meet his Waterloo in MT. Years ago North Dakota had a sign "Custer was in Good health when he left ND."
My micro-bio is empty...
12 minutes ago (11:01 AM)
"Tragical History Tour," now that's funny! f&f
60 minutes ago (10:12 AM)
Enough with this woman already. Is Bozo out there. Can you cover him please. If I am going to be subjected to clowns, at least give me an accomplish­ed one.
54 minutes ago (10:18 AM)
LOL, ya, maybe Ms Palin should be a history teacher and Mr. Weiner could start a new career as a porn star.