Man Claims Mars Space Station Discovered On Google Mars (VIDEO, POLL)

Mars Space Station

The Huffington Post  Dean Praetorius  First Posted: 06/ 7/11 04:25 PM ET Updated: 06/ 7/11 04:25 PM ET

Google Mars is a pretty cool concept--it shows an interactive map of mars--but also leaves a lot to the imagination.

Perhaps every armchair astronomer on the Internet hopes to use it to find life on Mars. And it seems one of them may have--or at least that's what David Martines claims, according to NPR.

The video below, which shows the location of what Martines calls "Biostation Alpha," is hotly disputed. While the supposed object does appear on Google Mars, scientists challenge the idea that it signals there's life on Mars.


[Planetary Geologist Alfred ] McEwen [from the University of Arizona ]says, "with space images that are taken outside our magnetosphere, such as those taken by orbiting telescopes, it's very common to see these cosmic ray hits."

Martines says he's not an astronomy expert and doesn't know what the image is but isn't sold on McEwen's explanation.

"He says that it's a glitch caused by the reflection of the sun, but even he doesn't know what camera took the picture and even he doesn't know where the raw data exists" says Martines.

The original video, which garnered over 1.2 million hits was pulled from YouTube, but was then reposted.

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Google Mars is a pretty cool concept--it shows an interactive map of mars--but also leaves a lot to the imagination. Perhaps every armchair astronomer on the Internet hopes to use it to find life o...
Google Mars is a pretty cool concept--it shows an interactive map of mars--but also leaves a lot to the imagination. Perhaps every armchair astronomer on the Internet hopes to use it to find life o...
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49 minutes ago (3:03 PM)
The Martians are coming! Go to fictionpre­ search Mars Paradisio just like I predicted!
3 hours ago (1:00 PM)
Its just part of the set of Total Recall.
3 hours ago (12:51 PM)
I know you're all excited, but this is just gamma rays causing an aberration in the image. They happen regularly, and have this kind of pattern.­/nadir.png is one example, and another is www.darker­­CDProblems­/images/pa­rticlehit1­.jpg
3 hours ago (12:39 PM)
It is obviously a mini mall, maritian need to come to the surface to buy smokes and slurpies and do their dry cleaning, its very dusty there.
7 hours ago (9:16 AM)
What really bothers me... Yahoo had this removed not too long after it was posted. Then YouTube had Martines remove the video. After that it was annouced that Google erased the image from Google Mars. What is everyone so afraid of? Guess we're going to need a bigger boat.
Non-theist Zen priest, Heinlein-esque Libertarian
8 hours ago (8:16 AM)
SarahPAC had a house built on Mars just in case it becomes our 58th state...
12 hours ago (3:39 AM)
18 hours ago (10:20 PM)
The Martians are coming! Go look up fictionpre­ and search Mars Paradisio as I predicted!
18 hours ago (10:15 PM)
That, I think, is the Martian's machine for controllin­g Global Warming .......on Mars of course.
20 hours ago (7:47 PM)
To those that deny the possiblity of life outside of earth, for you I will call it a cosmic skid mark, and to those that believe, I will call it a possiblity­.
21 hours ago (7:04 PM)
by the way, if you want to know what that is, it is David Icke's home
21 hours ago (6:32 PM)
There are also bases on the moon. Didn't you know that the ones who control the government are planning far FAR ahead of us; they are the 'dungeon masters', we are the players. They planned the internet long before it came out, they plan wars, nation building, social engineerin­g, etc. BELIEVE IT! look on the back of the dollar bill.
noway lv
Foo Fighting
23 hours ago (5:16 PM)
Probably just a build up of solid CO2 at best . . . an image error or light issue at worst.
23 hours ago (5:08 PM)
But it is strange that there are another in Lat 71°30'30.2­7"N , long 27°35'49.6­2"W
23 hours ago (4:57 PM)
I found it Latitude 71 491 18.11" N, Longitude 29 33' 1.99"W