Larry Magid

Larry Magid


Apple Issues Malware Fix But it's Time for Mac Users to Wake Up

Posted: 06/ 3/11 02:52 PM ET

When asked why he robbed banks, Willie Sutton reportedly said, "because that's where the money is." Although he later denied saying that, the quote endures and is applied to both legitimate businesses and criminal enterprises, including the production and distribution of what we generally think of as computer viruses or malware.

While many of the early PC viruses might have been motivated by ego and the desire to make a mark on the world by publicly disrupting other people's lives, today's malware writers, according to Trend Micro's senior threat analyst Paul Ferguson, are motivated by the same thing that motivated Sutton and most other criminals.

I thought about this as I read a number of reports over the past few weeks about an anti-virus scam that goes by a number of aliases, including MacDefender, MacProtector and MacSecurity. As the various names imply, this particular scam goes after Macintosh users.

The Fix is In

Although Apple was first in denial about the threat the company ultimately did respond by issuing a patch to its OS X operating system to fix this particular problem. Apple's initial fix was quickly circumvented by malware writers, but to its credit it did respond with yet another fix.

While the Mac has never been immune to malware, it's pretty rare that we hear about attacks against the platform, compared with the constant threats that Windows users have to deal with. For more than 20 years, I've been religious about making sure my Windows machines are protected by anti-malware programs but until very recently hadn't bothered adding protection to my Mac. I just downloaded a 30-day trial copy of Trend Micro Smart Surfing for Mac (there is also Symantec's Norton AntiVirus for Mac). It's time for Mac users to wake up.

The fact that malware writers are going after the Mac shouldn't come as a surprise. While there are still far more Windows machines than Macs in the world, Apple has been enjoying increased market share. One reason for Apple's success is that a lot of people think the Mac is more hassle-free than Windows PCs, partially because it's thought to be less vulnerable to malware.

PC to Mac: "Welcome to My World"

Well, it's time for a new episode of those famous "I'm a Mac" commercials, but in this one, the disheveled PC guy should turn to that cool-looking Mac guy and say "welcome to my world."

Apple, of course, would never make such a commercial because it has no interest in promoting the fact that its customers are vulnerable. But on May 24, the company finally posted a Web page to warn Mac users about MacDefender, reporting that a "recent phishing scam has targeted Mac users by redirecting them from legitimate websites to fake websites which tell them that their computer is infected with a virus."

In this particular scam, the malware writers try to convince users that their machine is infected and that the solution is to install their software, which actually does infect the machine.

The program, according to security firm Intego, "is very well designed, and looks professional." It will occasionally report that your machine is infected and will also redirect you to porn sites which, according to an Intego blog, is most likely to make users think that they are infected by a virus, and that paying for MacDefender will fix the problem.

The most recent variant of the program doesn't even require the user to enter a password, as is typically the case when installing Macintosh software.

Too Little Too Late?

Although it's good that Apple has released a patch to OS X to find and remove MacDefender and its variants, ZDNet blogger Ed Bott, in an earlier blog post, called Apple's response "too little, too late." Bott wrote that "Apple appears to be treating this outbreak as if it were a single incident that won't be repeated. They seriously underestimate the bad guys, who are not idiots. "

Trend Micro's Ferguson agrees that criminals who write malware are far from idiots. "For the past three or four years this whole 'scareware' issue has become a real epidemic, solely because it's so financially lucrative for the criminals." Ferguson speculated that the motivations behind these Mac attacks "may be an experiment to see how successful they can monetize it." He said it might be a "test drive to see if they can increase their monthly revenue." Lots of legitimate businesses expand into smaller markets to eke out a few percentage points in revenue, why shouldn't criminal enterprises?

Ferguson said that he is also seeing a growing number of threats to Android mobile users because the platform is popular and because, unlike Apple with its tightly controlled App Store, Google isn't locking down the distribution channel. We're also seeing a growing number of threats against Facebook, which has attracted hundreds of millions of users.

As Microsoft did a number of years ago, Apple needs to admit it has security issues and not only provide technology fixes but also education to help its customers understand that using a Mac, while nice, is not as worry-free as was life in the Garden of Eden before Eve took a bite out of that other Apple.


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Recency  | 
5 minutes ago (2:12 PM)
Mr. Magid, nice article. Its amazing how any article about Macs brings out so many predictabl­y boring comments. The Windows Zealots who just think all Mac users are fools and the Mac Zealots who think Apple can never do any wrong. I use mostly Apple technology but I've always been conscious of security issues.

One thing that happened to me recently, I saw an unauthoriz­ed computer on my wireless network. My wireless network was password protected and it was a strong password, not something anyone could guess. I posted this on the mac support site and found that the security protocol I was using (WEP -- which was the default when I set up my router) was easily hackable. I changed my protocol to WPA2 and haven't seen any strange computers on the network since.
Semper Fidelis Tyrannosaurus!
10 hours ago (3:53 AM)
It's never going to happen. Apple has put all their PR efforts into the delusion that they're just magically superior to Microsoft, despite all evidence to the contrary. Apple will continue to censor their forums and run adds which claim Apple's computers are immune to viruses and spyware. It's going to take a huge event to make Apple change anything.
Network administrator, voiceovers
14 hours ago (12:33 AM)
Well it turns out that now that the script kiddies are targeting Macs that the old story about Macs being safer wasn't simple not true, it was exactly the opposite.
23 hours ago (3:31 PM)
Larry, I registered just to respond to your lackadaisi­cal coverage of what is already old news anyway. So I guess your mission accomplish­ed, right? How is a a respectabl­e publicatio­n such as the Huffington Post allowing such half-baked "stories" to be published? As a reader, I don't appreciate your plug of some unnecessar­y antivirus into a tech story geared for the contempora­ry reader. Quite frankly, you're spreading technologi­cal ignorance.

The only antivirus you need is to uncheck "open 'safe' files after downloadin­g" located in Safari's Preference­s > general pane. That's it.

The only time I've witnessed somebody with a mac get a virus is when my mother, trying to watch some obscure foreign video was invited to download some random "codec." IN 2011, YOU SHOULD NEVER HAVE TO DOWNLOAD ANY CODEC EVER. (Perian being the one exception, but only out of convenienc­e, not necessity) Ofcourse, she had to install it and enter her username and password to give it access. And woe be me, she did.

There is no antivirus for ignorance. You should clarify in your post that if one is technologi­cally (or mentally challenged­) they need install an antivirus on their mac.

Larry Magid
19 hours ago (6:51 PM)
You are assuming that everyone is using Safari. It's hardly the only browser on the Mac. I use Chrome and Firefox on my Mac.
Network administrator, voiceovers
11 hours ago (3:02 AM)
But not every attack vector is a web page there is also email attachment­s USB drives and so forth
11 hours ago (3:36 AM)
the safety by obscurity myth has been disproved time and time again. Millions of people is millions of people.
6 hours ago (8:03 AM)
Set your system so USB sticks do not autorun (I think this is now true of all operating system). Don't let you email system run things attached to emails. Close the front door, before doing anything more complex.
Network administrator, voiceovers
11 hours ago (3:04 AM)
Not every attack vector is a web page and not every scareware attack requires anything at all to be opened.
12:09 PM on 6/04/2011
Larry ... "an anti-virus scam" and "recent phishing scam" means it's a scam and not virus. Why do you get to write for money when what you write is erroneous? Malware threatens any user of any OS. It accomplish­es it's job by exploiting the user's ignorance. I don't believe there will ever be a fix for this.
Larry Magid
01:18 PM on 6/04/2011
A scam that installed malicious software on your computer IS malware. Most PC malware involves some type of social engineerin­g. If it wasn't malware, why would Apple have put out not one but two fixes.
01:49 PM on 6/04/2011
Viruses are also installed through scam. People have to click on something or open a file for the virus to infect a computer.
Semper Fidelis Tyrannosaurus!
10 hours ago (3:55 AM)
Viruses spread themselves­, that's the definition of a virus. Trojans require execution of a payload to infect, that's the definition of a Trojan. It's possible for a malware to be both a virus and a trojan.
01:07 AM on 6/04/2011
Its always smart to be careful with what you download o to your system.

That said, for the next while, Mac users are relatively safe so long as they use some basic common sense about what they download/i­nstall to their system. Sadly, I may soon have to lay down some tighter controls on my parents's system to protect them.

Side note: ever notice how these articles keep popping up with people who would greatly profit from it professing the greatest FUD about the issue (meanwhile they sound like their actively frothing at the mouths over the boost in sales they're finding here).
Larry Magid
01:19 PM on 6/04/2011
I'm not profiting by FUD. If anything, I've been extremely critical of people who do. If there wasn't a problem, why would Apple have issued a fix? Also, as I said in the column, I'm a Mac user (Windows too). I just got back from a week on the road using nothing but my MacBook Air (which I love)
Semper Fidelis Tyrannosaurus!
10 hours ago (3:57 AM)
It seems the cultists are going to get angry at anyone saying anything even slightly negative about Apple, especially when it's true.
Julie Spira
Bestselling author and entrepreneur
03:35 PM on 6/03/2011
Thanks for this post Larry. Mac Defender appeared on my MacBookPro and I immediatel­y called Apple Care and they helped me remove it. We've felt so privileged to have a virus free system for a long time on our Macs. This is an eye-opener and worth sharing.
01:02 AM on 6/04/2011
Don't believe the hype, stories of Macs being vunerable as PCs have been around forever, as long as you're not downloadin­g things that you're not sure of you're pretty much safe. Stories like these are meant to scare people new to the Mac world, I've been virus-free the day I switched to Mac years back and have yet to install an "anti-viru­s" app. Ask a pc person to buy a pc, go home, get online and just start surfing without installing some sort of anti-virus­, the only "security" in anti-virus­es are the job security of the "developer­s" thanks to super secure OS that is windoze.
My micro-bio is empty
11:59 AM on 6/04/2011
"Ask a pc person to buy a pc, go home, get online and just start surfing without installing some sort of anti-virus­­,"

I do it all the time. Anti-virus software is hardly necessary. I simply don't visit websites that are obviously questionab­le and I have scripting disabled by default via a plugin. Even anti-virus software is no protection against ignorant and reckless computer use habits.
02:04 PM on 6/04/2011
I've been using Windows for 16 years and I never had a virus. I always use a anti-virus software but it never detect any viruses. I had spyware though but I also have a anti-malwa­re. I do not have malware anymore because I do not using bitTorren anymore.

Don't believe if you want but there is nothing in the Mac that makes it invunerabl­e to malwares.