Portugal's election

That was the easy bit

That was the easy bit

After a strong election performance the centre-right now faces the daunting task of implementing Portugal's international bail-out(23)


The cover-up can be worse than the crime

Sarah Palin and Anthony Weiner show how obstinance can be self-defeating


On the wrong track

Is there a better way to mimic the stockmarket?

Weekly quiz

Ten questions drawn from the current edition of The Economist, covering a range of subjects from census-taking on the cheap to the history of in-flight perks

Influential Africans

They might be giants

Parsing a list of the 100 most influential people in Africa

Caption competition

A chance to see your wit in print


Erdogan's last hurrah (possibly)

The election on June 12th will showcase a Muslim democracy. Although the winner is not in doubt, it could have a big impact on Turkey’s future

Southwest Airlines

Smiles and free peanuts

The secret of Southwest’s success

Garsington Opera

High notes and ha-ha’s

Beautiful new grounds, pity about the opera

Editor's note

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The Singapore slink
From Banyan - 20 mins ago
That old razzle dazzle
From Babbage - June 7th, 22:19
A narrow victory
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Bloodshed and confusion
From Newsbook - June 7th, 21:29
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