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Conservation Biology

Published on behalf of the Society for Conservation Biology

Edited by:
Erica Fleishman

ISI Journal Citation Reports® Ranking: 2009: Ecology: 14 / 127; Biodiversity Conservation: 2 / 28; Environmental Sciences: 6 / 180
Impact Factor: 4.666

Conservation Biology is the most influential and frequently cited journal in its field. The journal publishes groundbreaking papers and is instrumental in defining the key issues contributing to the science and practice of conserving Earth's biological diversity.

TopNews and Announcements

BBC covers "Management of the panzootic white-nose syndrome through culling of bats"

The Independent covers "Investigating and managing the rapid emergence of white-nose syndrome, a novel, fatal, infectious disease of hibernating bats"

Slate covers "Documenting loss of large trophy fish from the Florida Keys with historical photographs"

Psychology Today covers "Carnivore-livestock conflicts: Effects of subsidized predator control and economic correlates on the sheep industry"

Discovery News covers "Roads, interrupted dispersal, and genetic diversity in timber Rattlesnakes"

Mongabay covers "A matrix-calibrated species-area model for predicting biodiversity losses due to land-use change"

Science News covers "Effects of management of domestic dogs and recreation on carnivores in protected areas in Northern California"

Wired News covers "The potential conservation value of non-native species"

Southern Fried Science covers "Ecosystem services as a common language for coastal ecosystem-based management" and "Obscuring ecosystem function with application of the ecosystem services concept"

Free online access to this journal is available to institutions in the developing world through the AGORA Initiative with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Members of the Society for Conservation Biology with subscriptions to Conservation Biology can access the journal through SCB's website, www.conbio.org

NIH Public Access Mandate
Please visit Wiley-Blackwell's policy statement on the NIH Public Access Mandate.


Top 5 articles accessed from 2008:

Biofuels and Biodiversity: Principles for Creating Better Policies for Biofuel Production
Martha J. Groom, Elizabeth M. Gray and Particia A. Townsend

Five Potential Consequences of Climate Change for Invasive Species
Jessica J. Hellmann, James E. Byers, Britta G. Bierwagen and Jeffrey S. Dukes

The How-Much-Is-Enough Myth
George F. Wilhere

Assessing the Effects of Climate Change on Aquatic Invasive Species
Frank J. Rahel and Julian D. Olden

Using Carbon Investment to Grow the Biodiversity Bank
Sarah A. Bekessy and Brendan A. Wintle