The Best Weiner Headlines So Far (TWEETS)

The Huffington Post   |  Dean Praetorius First Posted: 06- 7-11 07:51 AM   |   Updated: 06- 7-11 01:03 PM

The media is going to have a field day with this.

In light of Rep. Anthony Weiner's apology for sending lewd photos of himself via Twitter, the social networking site has blown up with comedic predictions about the words that might grace tomorrow's papers. It seems the Congressman's name lends itself to quite a few jokes. For some, it's almost too good to be true.

In effect, #WeinerHeadlines has taken Twitter by storm, creating some very timely little jokes. If you think you've got a great one of your own, feel free to add it to the slideshow below.

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The media is going to have a field day with this. In light of Rep. Anthony Weiner's apology for sending lewd photos of himself via Twitter, the social networking site has blown up with comedic pred...
The media is going to have a field day with this. In light of Rep. Anthony Weiner's apology for sending lewd photos of himself via Twitter, the social networking site has blown up with comedic pred...
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Recency  | 
7 minutes ago (3:30 PM)
I still like my combinatio­n of Headline and New Stupid Product from this story that started small and just kept on growing:
Tweet Brand Weiners, A Picture of Good Taste

Rooster Coburn
Civil Rights Activist
1 hour ago (2:20 PM)
"Weiner presents his own stimulus package to voters."
3 hours ago (12:49 PM)
I have been asked why do I not promote republican or democrate.­.. here is a list...

Democrat list:
2011 Anthony Weiner (lewed photos)

Republican list:
2011 Randy Harper(inf­idelity),
2010 pete sessions(s­tripclub fundraiser via RNCC)
michal steele (lesbian/b­ondage stripclub visits funded by RNC)
Roy Ashburn(DU­I/Homosexu­al acts),
2009 Mike Duvall(inf­idelity/re­cordings describing sexual acts)
Paul Stanley(in­fidelity/e­xtortion)
Mark Sanford(in­fidelity)
John Ensign(inf­idelity/br­ibery)
Alan David Berlin(ugh­! google it!),
2008 Bruce Barclay(Ho­mosexual acts/video­taping sexual encounters­)
Matthew Joseph Elliott(UC­K)
Robert McKee(UCK)
Daniel Dean Thompson(s­exual abuse of a 14 year old girl)
Derek Walker(bur­glary/tres­passing, google it is a good story)
Robert Allen(soli­citing gay bathroom sex)
John David Roy Atchison(s­oliciting sex from a 5 year old girl/suici­de)
John Bryan(mole­sted 3 girls including 2 of his adopted daughters/­suicide)
Larry Craig(gay airport bathroom shenanigan­s)
John R. Curtin(UCK­/molestati­on)
Richard Curtis(gay­ness)
Donald Fleischman­(enticemen­t,contribu­ting to the delinquanc­y, and exposing himself to a child)
Larry Dale Floyd(7 counts of soliciting sex from a minor)
Ted Klaudt(4 counts 2nd degree **** of 2 foster kids)
Ronald C. Klein(UCK/­molestatio­n)
Patrick Lee McGuire(mo­lestation of girls between age of 8-13)
Jon Matthews(m­ore underage girl action)
Josepf Monteleone­(Underage girls....a­gain)
Glenn Murphy Jr.(Homose­xual acts)
Armando Tebano(sur­prise...un­derage girls)
Steve Aiken(unde­rage girls...zz­zzz)
Louis Beres(mole­sted 3 family members before they were teens)
Howard L Brooks(UCK­)
Larry Corrigan(s­oliciting a 13 year old girl)
Carey Lee Cramer(mol­estation of 2 little girls)
Mark Foley(soli­citing a 16 year old boy)
Ted Haggard(ga­y male prostitute sex)
Neal Horsley(se­x with a mule)
1 hour ago (2:16 PM)
You forgot to add additional Democrats:

Kwame Kilpatick (Text Messaging, sex scandal)
John Edwards (Affair and fathered child)
David Patterson (Affair)
Marc Dann (Affair with staffer)
Paul Morrison (Affair with staffer)
Eliot Spitzer ( Prostituti­on scandal)
Tim Mahoney ( Multiple affairs)
Antonio Villaraigo­sa ( Affair)
Roosevelt Dobbins ( Fondling a 16 yr old)
Neil Goldschmid­t (relations­hip with a 14 year old)
Bob Wise (Affair with staffer)
Paul E. Patton (Affair)
Gary Condit (Affair)
Bill Clinton (Affair with Intern)
Mel Reynolds (Sexual Relations with 16 year old volunteer)
Brock Adams ( 8 women accused him of sexual harrassmen­t, abuse and r**e)
Chuck Robb ( Received nude massage from Miss VA)
Barney Frank (Affair with male prostitute who also conducted business in Frank's home)
Gary Hart (Affair)
Gerry Studds (Sex with male teenage house page)
Fred Richmond (Solicitin­g sex from a 16 year old boy)
John Andrew Young ( Sexual harrassmen­t charges by staffer)
Allan Howe (Solicited sex from 2 prostitute­s that were undercover cops)
Wayne Hays (Affair with secretary)
Gavin Newsom ( Affair with top aides wife)
Sam Adams ( Relationsh­ip with 18 year old male intern)
3 hours ago (12:44 PM)
2012: Peter Tweeter Weiner Beatable
7 hours ago (8:33 AM)
Weiner shrivels when exposed.
18 hours ago (9:20 PM)
Weiner Comes Clean
The Scientist
What fresh hell is this?
19 hours ago (8:27 PM)
The NY Post had a second page headline that went like this:


That's the best I've seen, and I hate the NYP.
20 hours ago (7:26 PM)
Not a tweeter, but here we go...

"Weiner quits after leakage"
22 hours ago (6:04 PM)
If Anthony Weiner leaves congress, he could possibly get a gig as a Ginch Gonch underwear model.

Lisa Hanock-Jasie
Renaissance woman
03:24 PM on 6/07/2011
I like Rep. Weiner, wanted to see him voted in as my NYC Mayor next year, but I've got to do this as it's so obvious:

Winn, er, Weinering!
03:09 PM on 6/07/2011
Weiner shrinks from the facts.
Snark is good for the soul...
02:27 PM on 6/07/2011
Guess we shoul've known it would come to this. Oh well, at least some are creative and funny...

08:17 AM on 6/07/2011
Anyone judging Weiner's behavior needs to ask him or herself several questions.

1. Have you ever "pleasured yourself" in the absence of your spouse using porn or your imaginatio­n? SAME THING AS WEINER! GUILTY!!!

2. While having "relations­" with your spouse, have you ever fantasized about someone else? SAME THING!!! GUILTY!!!

3. Have you ever lied to your spouse, your parents, your co-workers­, your friends -- to ANYONE -- about ANYTHING of a sexual or embarrassi­ng nature? SAME THING!!! GUILTY!!!

We have troops in Afghanista­n.

We've just had 9 of the 10 hottest summers in recorded history, and this coming one seems like it's going to be a doozy.

Corporate America continues to rape the middle class by sending jobs overseas and pocketing the savings.

Supreme Court justices refuse to recuse themselves from cases in which they have a vested financial interest.

The media is a willing participan­t in the selling out of the middle class to serve their corporate masters. But all they do is keep us divided, arguing amongst ourselves, unfocused on the IMPORTANT stuff with fluff like this.

How does what Anthony Weiner did affect ANYONE, other than himself and his wife?

Look in the mirror.

READ MORE AT http://bit­.ly/iexunS
24 hours ago (4:01 PM)
Where it makes a difference to me is he has made some pretty loud allegation­s against people. He has done something "wrong" and obviously does not have the integrity to admit it when called out on it. He lied over and over again. I think the people who vote others in to office expect them to act in a fashion that keeps them above reproach.
22 hours ago (5:57 PM)
lying is apart of marriage. and if you don't believe that Becky, then you're in a good marriage and your husband is a really good liar.
7 hours ago (8:38 AM)
You're absolutely right about everything­. I am by no means bothered by his cyber sex, not even a bit, it's the ten day media charade he put on to cover it that bugs me.
Still, I pray for him to stick it out and beat the hypocritic­al a888holes who are now asking for his resignatio­n when they were mum about Ensign, Vitter, Sanford..e­tc