Ed Schultz Returns From Suspension (VIDEO)

Ed Schultz

First Posted: 06/ 7/11 08:35 AM ET Updated: 06/ 7/11 08:54 AM ET

Ed Schultz returned to MSNBC on Monday night to a doozy of a story: the Anthony Weiner scandal.

Schultz had been off the air for a week following his suspension in the wake of his comments about radio host Laura Ingraham, whom Schultz called a "right-wing slut."

Schultz did not make any extended statement about his return, but he did allude to it twice. At the top of his show, he said, "I left on an apology and I come back watching an apology." Later, speaking to Al Sharpton, Schultz mentioned that both he and his guest had been mired in controversy at times in their careers.

As for the Weiner scandal, Schultz called on the Congressman to resign. "Take one for the team," he told Weiner.


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Ed Schultz returned to MSNBC on Monday night to a doozy of a story: the Anthony Weiner scandal. Schultz had been off the air for a week following his suspension in the wake of his comments about ra...
Ed Schultz returned to MSNBC on Monday night to a doozy of a story: the Anthony Weiner scandal. Schultz had been off the air for a week following his suspension in the wake of his comments about ra...
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15 minutes ago (9:21 AM)
I am sorry to have to say this, but, in this show, and the next evenings' show, I was completely turned off by Ed. His moral superiorit­y and outrage and bombastic refusal to listen to his guests positions on Anthony Weiner issue, really turned me off; his facial expression­, his body language, his behavior, was offensive to me. He caricature­d himself, demeans himself, and diminishes his effectiven­ess on all other major issues wherein he might have influence and impact. I still do Hardball and, sometimes Rachel, but that is about all anymore, also O'Donnell, but, even these three do not appear genuine anymore. More and more, I just want NEWS.
2 hours ago (7:06 AM)
Ed returned from his self imposed vacation to lower ratings. He'll be gone for good by the Fall. You can take that prediction to the bank.
2 hours ago (7:23 AM)
I hope so!
8 hours ago (1:31 AM)
Being a liberal means never having to say your sorry.
8 hours ago (1:29 AM)
The left is exploding all across this great land.. And I thought the Repubs were in trouble.
11 hours ago (11:02 PM)
11 hours ago (10:24 PM)
12 hours ago (9:47 PM)
Ed is the guy in the bar yelling stuff to impress women in the vicinity. Women aren't impressed. Ed talks louder. A guy punches him. Why did MSNBC hire Ed? Please someone punch him. Again, please. My thanks in advance. (Think of how deflating it is to any viewer to watch this gut bug directly after the glorious Rachel)
13 hours ago (8:11 PM)
Well Ed, according to the comments, you really opened a can of worms on your return. Count me in the 'he should not resign side' it is really up to the voters. New Yorkers don't care about this stuff just like New Englanders­, so you are taking a midwest side. But I am glad to see you back and I did miss you.
15 hours ago (6:54 PM)
WELCOME BACK ED !!!!!!!!!!­!!!!!!!!!! WE MISSED YOU BROTHER ..........­......... NOW LETS GET TO WORK !!!!!!
16 hours ago (5:19 PM)
We should demand that he devote one full hour to his view of The Weiner.
17 hours ago (5:03 PM)
Ed is off the mark.

It's too bad but Ed showed his true colors and has no morals. He has called more than one woman a s@#t and because he now works for MSNBC, they made him apologize for the last time it happened. Now he shuts himself up on his own radio show for fear of losing his TV gig.

He only apologizes for mouthing off when it might cost him money. Now he is trying to deflect attention away from his own lack of morals by shining a light on Weiner.

Ed is a hypocrite.
Power to the PEOPLE... Right on!
20 hours ago (1:34 PM)
Last night I had to change the channel after seeing Ed bully one of Weiner's constituen­ts in his 3rd segment on the show pounding Weiner.

Ed wants Weiner to resign NOT for what he did but because it is causing the media to take the focus off of the REAL issues that are of concern to the American people.

Oh the irony...

Hey Ed why don't you (the media) just decide to focus on the REAL issues???

I understand that this is a big story; I respect Ed's desire to cover it. I respect that Ed has an opinion on it to share...
One segment would suffice, and then move on to the issues that your viewers have come to your show looking for. Like what's happening in WI...

By the 3rd segment of Ed hammering away at Weiner I was disgusted.

Bye Bye Ed... You lost me last night!
16 hours ago (5:52 PM)
Well said!!!!!!
14 hours ago (7:24 PM)
He lost me last night too. The utter hypocrisy and non stop bashing of Dems on Dems is incredible­. With friends like Ed, who needs Rush!
13 hours ago (9:00 PM)
I agree. Enough was enough. I had to bail on Ed last night. Far too much preaching. He didn't want to hear anything but his own opinion.
6 minutes ago (9:30 AM)
Perfect! You hit the nail on the head!. F & F.
1 minute ago (9:35 AM)
As long as there are women out there who will play games with men, since time immemorial­, men will play games, either through magazines or today's mediums. It is not as if he was enticing and playing with little boys and/or little girls or with old ladies, such as myself. It is not as if he was sharing bodily fluids with other people and bringing them home to his wife, which I would find unforgivab­le. He was fantasizin­g, and doing it, unfortunat­ely, in a place that was not secure. That is not smart but it is not immoral, sick, or illegal. And it is not a betrayal of his wife and certainly not a betrayal of TV "personali­ties"!! Or, of his constituen­ts. He never tried to sell himself as a moral paradigm of virtue, preaching one thing and doing another. He is just a man.
21 hours ago (12:48 PM)
No!!!! is right, Congressma­n Weiner should not resign. So much crap is going on and being said, what about Speaker of the House John Boehner, no one talked about his sex probe scandal that was posted in the Enquirer back in February, 2011. Talk about that and let Weiner constituen­ts judge him not you Ed or other media outlets.
21 hours ago (12:16 PM)
Ed returns to cast judgement!­!!

No Ed, Weiner should not resign....­...You of all people should understand that! And unless or until a crime has been broken or a minor has been contacted let his constituen­ts judge him not you Ed.
16 hours ago (5:53 PM)
Couldn't agree more!
15 hours ago (6:46 PM)
None of us lives in a glass house.
09:29 AM on 6/08/2011
To: MSNBC, your coverage of the Weiner story is completely overblown.­...An investigat­ion has been called for, so for now please move on, until there is actually something newsworthy about this story to report. Your slogan "the place for politics" is becoming comparable to that other networks slogan of "fair and balanced". Get back on the high road and stop bottom feeding!