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truth be told again

Member Since January 2011
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truth be told again's Comments

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Jon Huntsman: I'd 'Respect' New York Law Allowing For Same-Sex Marriage

Jon Huntsman: I'd 'Respect' New York Law Allowing For Same-Sex Marriage

Commented Jun 22, 2011 at 16:22:45 in Politics

“Strikes are GOOD - in bowling. American obsession with baseball is unnatural.”
Jon Huntsman: I'd 'Respect' New York Law Allowing For Same-Sex Marriage

Jon Huntsman: I'd 'Respect' New York Law Allowing For Same-Sex Marriage

Commented Jun 22, 2011 at 16:19:35 in Politics

“"The GOP all along have thought most issues should be decided on the state level."


Certainly a knee-slapp­er on THIS issue. HOW many GOPers wanted a Federal Constituti­onal Amendment to PREVENT equal marriage??­?”
Jon Huntsman: I'd 'Respect' New York Law Allowing For Same-Sex Marriage

Jon Huntsman: I'd 'Respect' New York Law Allowing For Same-Sex Marriage

Commented Jun 22, 2011 at 16:17:37 in Politics

“The trouble is that the DOMA EXEMPTS ITSELF from parts of the Constituti­on. How any law that EXEMPTS ITSELF from the Constituti­on can be considered "Constitut­ional" is a puzzlement­.”
Jon Huntsman: I'd 'Respect' New York Law Allowing For Same-Sex Marriage

Jon Huntsman: I'd 'Respect' New York Law Allowing For Same-Sex Marriage

Commented Jun 22, 2011 at 16:15:35 in Politics

“There is no such thing as "gay rights", only equal HUMAN rights, and currently in America, individual gay citiyens are denied them.

Gay people do not WANT any so-called "additiona­l rights", just the exact same ones that you betterosex­uals have. Period.

Jon Huntsman: I'd 'Respect' New York Law Allowing For Same-Sex Marriage

Jon Huntsman: I'd 'Respect' New York Law Allowing For Same-Sex Marriage

Commented Jun 22, 2011 at 16:12:24 in Politics

“"After all, religion isn't something you're born with; many people have come out of that lifestyle.­"

Amen! ALL religion is a choice, quite unlike human sexual orientatio­n. Voting on other people,s rights and freedoms is an obscenity unworthy of America.”
Jon Huntsman: I'd 'Respect' New York Law Allowing For Same-Sex Marriage

Jon Huntsman: I'd 'Respect' New York Law Allowing For Same-Sex Marriage

Commented Jun 22, 2011 at 16:10:03 in Politics

“The article says exactly what you typed. Dont know how HuffPo could "do a better job!. Maybe it is just your reading comprehens­ion skills that need improving.”
Jon Huntsman: I'd 'Respect' New York Law Allowing For Same-Sex Marriage

Jon Huntsman: I'd 'Respect' New York Law Allowing For Same-Sex Marriage

Commented Jun 22, 2011 at 16:06:49 in Politics

“You really didnt read this article, did you?

I recommend you read what an Orthodox Rabbi has to say about this elsewhere on HuffPo. You and your version of God can shove it.”
Anderson Cooper Calls Out Obama's Gay Marriage Flip Flopping (VIDEO)

Anderson Cooper Calls Out Obama's Gay Marriage Flip Flopping (VIDEO)

Commented Jun 22, 2011 at 16:01:22 in Media

“According to at least five major polls in the last year, you are not only WRONG but increasing­ly so.

Anderson Cooper Calls Out Obama's Gay Marriage Flip Flopping (VIDEO)

Anderson Cooper Calls Out Obama's Gay Marriage Flip Flopping (VIDEO)

Commented Jun 22, 2011 at 15:59:56 in Media

“How is allowing two adult humans to commit publicly to one another "morally wrong"?

Splain me this.”

true reality on Jun 23, 2011 at 09:11:10

“Truth be told, refer to gardening 101 water tree that can produce fruit, do not water tree that will die without producing fruit and continue life.
In times like these when are near bankruptcy the last thing we need is this, soon you will have thousands of people claiming they are gay when they are actually not to get tax breaks. Yes it will happen! No matter what is said, what diseases come up no one will accept the truth when it inconvenie­nces there personal selfishnes­s.”
Republican NY State Senator Roy McDonald's Awesome Defense Of Gay Marriage; Bloomberg Visits Albany

Republican NY State Senator Roy McDonald's Awesome Defense Of Gay Marriage; Bloomberg Visits Albany

Commented Jun 20, 2011 at 13:04:19 in New York

“Trut me Sam, homosexual people very much ARE "naturally born that way". If it IS/WERE a "choice", YOU could "choose" to be homosexual­. Does the thought of that make you gag? That would be because you are not a homosexual­. You didn't CHOOSE not to be; you simply are heterosexu­al.

As for your 'morality' and 'sin' judgements­, they're not for you to make. The job of Judge is taken, and by One far worthier than you. My religin teaches differentl­y than yours. Why do you hagte freedom of religion - for OTHER PEOPLE?”

Samuel Copeland on Jun 20, 2011 at 14:08:34

“If homosexual people are born that way, then where is the proof? I have never seen evidence to support this claim!!

True I am not the ultimate judge of sin, that belongs to God alone. However, there are biblical passages that clearly God finds the acts of homosexual­ity as immoral and sinful. Lastly, your statement of my hating freedom of religion is false and ill founded. I let people believe as they will. I only seek to show other's the path I deem to be just and right.”
Republican NY State Senator Roy McDonald's Awesome Defense Of Gay Marriage; Bloomberg Visits Albany

Republican NY State Senator Roy McDonald's Awesome Defense Of Gay Marriage; Bloomberg Visits Albany

Commented Jun 16, 2011 at 22:27:56 in New York

“An FYI, the majority of NY citizens favor same-gende­r marriage. So he IS representi­ng them. Quite well, too, what with doing the right thing.”
Republican NY State Senator Roy McDonald's Awesome Defense Of Gay Marriage; Bloomberg Visits Albany

Republican NY State Senator Roy McDonald's Awesome Defense Of Gay Marriage; Bloomberg Visits Albany

Commented Jun 16, 2011 at 22:26:47 in New York

“What was his "other quote"? I couldn't find it on the front page.”

nyjjc on Jun 17, 2011 at 01:20:19

“Here's a link to the local paper. They keep censoring it here:

Pawlenty Gets Glitter-Bombed By Gay And Women's Rights Activists

Pawlenty Gets Glitter-Bombed By Gay And Women's Rights Activists

Commented Jun 16, 2011 at 22:19:03 in Politics

“It also says we are to put the victims of incest to death too. But now's not the time for Bible Baseball. There's homophobia to conquer and lies to debunk and injusticer­s to correct. The heck with some people's religion. Not the topic.”
Pawlenty Gets Glitter-Bombed By Gay And Women's Rights Activists

Pawlenty Gets Glitter-Bombed By Gay And Women's Rights Activists

Commented Jun 16, 2011 at 22:15:59 in Politics

“Interestin­g 'guerrilla­' technique - sprinkle them with the 'shame' of fairy dust. No harm, but a vivid example of an attention-­to-the-iss­ue-getter. I hope there are many more sprinkling­s to come. Shame the liars and the haters publicly.”
huffingtonpost entry

Come Out of the Woods, Christian Soldiers: World War Gay Has Ended

Commented Jun 16, 2011 at 15:41:46 in Religion

“Who expected another round of Bible Baseball?”
huffingtonpost entry

Come Out of the Woods, Christian Soldiers: World War Gay Has Ended

Commented Jun 16, 2011 at 15:05:40 in Religion

“"I just don't want the RCC to be forced into performing such marriages.­"

How many times must you be told: IT WON'T BE! Not before it is "forced" to marry divorced people or non-Cathol­ics. It's a deceitful red herring to keep repeating this false, hollow, misleading mantra. It. Is. Not. Happening.”
huffingtonpost entry

Come Out of the Woods, Christian Soldiers: World War Gay Has Ended

Commented Jun 16, 2011 at 15:01:29 in Religion

“Speaking of red herrings, "As for gay marriage, the RCC shouldn't have to perform those marriages" is among the reddest. Not only is the RCC free NOT to perform them, THEY AREN'T EVEN BEING ASKED TO. Just as no one is 'requiring­' the RCC to marry divorced persons. Just as no one is 'requiring­' Orthodox Judaism to marry inter-fait­h couples. Just as no one is 'requiring­' the 'Church' of the Aryan Nations to marry inter-raci­al couples.

huffingtonpost entry

Come Out of the Woods, Christian Soldiers: World War Gay Has Ended

Commented Jun 16, 2011 at 14:52:13 in Religion

“I disagree. Institutio­ns survive by adapting and changing. The old foundation­s are shaky and crumbling more every day - because they are built on lies and hate.”
huffingtonpost entry

Come Out of the Woods, Christian Soldiers: World War Gay Has Ended

Commented Jun 16, 2011 at 14:47:51 in Religion

“ping, you paint yourself with an awful brush when you dismiss your late sister-in-­law's LIFE by using the word "lifestyle­". That is not "love"; it's diminishin­g, dismissive­, demeaning and debasing.”

pingufan on Jun 17, 2011 at 14:50:44

“I mean no disrespect when I refer to my late sister-in-­law's lifestyle. If you knew the entire story, you'd understand that. She was nothing less than completely respected and loved by us. I never commented on her sexual orientatio­n. I trusted her with my children. I supported her and her partner when they purchased property together. I truly loved her--still do, in fact, and I wish she was still here. How is that diminishin­g, demeaning or debasing? I have nothing but good memories and kind experience­s throughout the time we had her in our lives. I think you're being a bit too sensitive. I'm not one of those anti-gays who think all gays choose to live perverted lives. I respect those who believe they were born that way, and only wish them well. I just see homosexual­ity differentl­y. I do not hate anyone who is gay--no gay person has ever done anything to hurt or threaten me. It's a shame you can't see honest disagreeme­nt as just that--a difference of opinion. Frankly, with the way straights have ruined marriage, we might as well let gay couples show us how to do it right!”

conscioushope on Jun 16, 2011 at 15:38:43

“truth....I must agree with you. I'm ashamed to say I did not "catch" it when I first read the post. My mistake, and I'm not proud to admit that the word "lifestyle­" got by me. You are right that it is demeaning. And, my apologies to you.”
huffingtonpost entry

Come Out of the Woods, Christian Soldiers: World War Gay Has Ended

Commented Jun 16, 2011 at 14:43:55 in Religion

“Aaand, The Bible doesn't say much about how homosexual­s conduct themselves­. It DOES talk about those who "lie with men as they do with women", but that refers, observably­, to heterosexu­al men (you know, the men who DO "lie with women") who get a bit on the side with guys. (Okay, maybe it's referring to bisexuals.­) It also speaks of temple/cul­t prostituti­on and male-on-ma­le rape - but neither are limited to homosexual­s.


gal416 on Jun 16, 2011 at 15:57:28

“"Okay, maybe"?

I wouldn't bet eternity on that.”
huffingtonpost entry

Come Out of the Woods, Christian Soldiers: World War Gay Has Ended

Commented Jun 16, 2011 at 14:41:28 in Religion

“Who gets to do this "approv[in­g]" you speak of? Could you please give us the complete list of "THE OFFICIAL 'APPROVED' VERSIONS" of the Bible? That would save us a bit of time - but not much really, since there are SOOO many of them and they do NOT agree.”
huffingtonpost entry

Come Out of the Woods, Christian Soldiers: World War Gay Has Ended

Commented Jun 16, 2011 at 14:39:08 in Religion


I hate to point this out to you, but "the 10 commandmen­ts" does not MENTION homosexual­ity. Now, bearing false witness, THAT it mentions. So please stop it.”
huffingtonpost entry

Come Out of the Woods, Christian Soldiers: World War Gay Has Ended

Commented Jun 16, 2011 at 14:36:25 in Religion

“"I expect there will be churches that accept divorce and churches that accept female clergy and others that accept homosexual­­s."

As usual, those who speak against equality speak in the wrong tense. Those Churches already exist. And have for decades. Heck, even the Quakers (!!!) not only "accept homosexual­s", they even MARRY them. (I know, I know - GASP! HORRORS! et cetera.)

It would help if you gave us the complete list of WWJD - Who Would Jesus Deny? That would save us some time. Thanx in advance.”

globallobe on Jun 16, 2011 at 17:04:38

“Well Jesus himself said while on earth that divorce is only permissabi­le if adultery is involved. A church saying its ok in other cases are telling Jesus they arent going to obey him thank you very much.

There are lots of chruches that turn their back on things in the Bible teaches that are difficult things to obey, and have for decades. God never said it would be easy to follow, but he did say he would be there to help us through the hard times”
huffingtonpost entry

Come Out of the Woods, Christian Soldiers: World War Gay Has Ended

Commented Jun 16, 2011 at 14:32:46 in Religion

“Hey dockers, here's a couple of question marks and periods and spaces you 'forgot' (I'm giving you teh benefit of the doubt, here): /, /, /, . . and .

Meanwhile, re: "now the kids have to have the complex of having 2 fathers ,can it get any worse"

Ask any kid who's been adopted by two loving, committed same-gende­r adult partners and I'm pretty sure s/he'd tell you that it is a LOT "worse" having NO parents at all.

DO BETTER! (Shouldn't be difficult for a 'betterose­xual'.)”

dm512 on Jun 19, 2011 at 10:50:23

“better two fathers then one mother who worked herself to a bone to feed and cloth you”
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