Laurie David

Laurie David


Montana, Could Your Congressman's Actions Someday Make Your Child Sick?

Posted: 06/ 8/11 10:09 AM ET

Hey Montana moms and dads, do you know what your sole Congressman, Rep. Denny Rehberg is up to these days? Thanks to one of his proposed amendments targeting the Food and Drug Administration the "miracle drug" that your children depend on to fight nasty ear infections or pneumonia could lose one of its strongest defenders from being rendered useless. The Republican led House Appropriations Committee approved last week an agriculture bill containing your congressman's amendment, which could leave the FDA powerless to stop antibiotics on healthy food animals and needlessly increase the risk of developing new superbugs.

It seems like everywhere we turn new and dangerous superbugs that are resistant to antibiotics are popping up on a daily basis. Interestingly, they almost always seem to have a link to food animals. Just last week, researchers in Europe warned of a newly discovered methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is showing up in milk and that the origins are likely from cows. While German scientists say it is too early to officially pinpoint the source of its latest E. coli outbreak, which has killed more than 20 people and sickened at least 1,600, they are not ruling out food animals.

According to FDA data, 80% of the antibiotics purchased in the United States are reserved for food animals. Crazy you say? What's even crazier is that most of those antibiotics are used in the absence of infections -- can you imagine your pediatrician prescribing that for your toddler?

It's such an insane and dangerous concept that the Natural Resources Defense Council filed a lawsuit this month against the FDA for failing to protect consumers from the dangers of misusing antibiotics in livestock. Over the past two years leaders from both the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control have stated in front of Congress that the scientific evidence of a link between antibiotic-use in food animals and antibiotic resistance in people is undeniable and something should be done about it.

While the government hasn't done anything substantial about it yet, Rehberg doesn't want to take any chances. So he came up with an "amendment" that would block funding for the FDA to enforce desperately overdue regulations on antibiotic-use unless they meet "strict" requirements. His provision proposes to block the FDA from ordering regulations or guidances unless they are based on "hard science" -- as opposed to "soft" science? It gets worse. It would also stop the FDA from restricting a substance unless it can demonstrate that it is "... more harmful to users than a product that does not contain such substance... " -- whatever that means.

According to NRDC lawyers, Rehberg's amendment is poorly written and confusing, but it could be interpreted to prevent the FDA from keeping factory farms from wasting our antibiotics on healthy animals. That was exactly what Rehberg had in mind. According to the Des Moines Register's Philip Brasher, Rehberg said, "his concern had to do with the FDA's regulation of animal drugs."

Rehberg's proposal will only delay the inevitable. The risks of wasting antibiotics on healthy animals to our health are well documented and too great to ignore for long. I just can't believe that the citizens of Montana would knowingly want to take those risks. Why should parents take more chances of their children getting sick because we are squandering their best medicines to fatten animals faster? I can't believe that is what they elected Congressman Rehberg to do. Montana moms and dads, please, call your congressman. There is no time, or antibiotics, to waste!


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57 minutes ago (1:17 PM)
I'm with you! The worship of money shouldn't trump the prevention of these super-bact­eria.
09:20 AM on 6/09/2011
Rehberg is an idiot - vote Jon Tester.
The world needs more thinkers.
12:01 AM on 6/09/2011
As long as we, the tax payer, subsidize the agri-busin­ess the GOP will continue to continue to put corporate profits above all else. That includes the health of most Americans.
you're kidding, right?
06:21 PM on 6/08/2011
Trust me, commenters are guaranteed to lose fans if they barely and remotely hint of a suggestion of a whisper that perhaps the easiest way to negate the impact of this on your life is to, at least, cut back on meat or eliminate it all together. MRSA is one nasty bug, and if the threat of it isn't enough to encourage people to rethink their diet, nothing is. Google "necrotizi­ng fasciitis" and see for yourself.

If it's freaking you out, one of the best things you can do is wash hands regularly with handmade cold-proce­ss soap from vegetable oils (ph balanced and essential oils, natural antimicrob­ials). Chemical disinfecta­nts and detergents actually, in the long run, increase the likelihood of resistance­. Fun facts!
55 minutes ago (1:18 PM)
I guess if everyone did that the meat production would fall a lot, but why not get them to stop using the antibiotic­s instead?
02:24 PM on 6/08/2011
Excellent article! If you really want to go down the rabbit hole, I encourage you to watch the video, Food, Inc. It's a barn burner. Mostly family owned barns, but it addresses the Republican led charge to inject antibiotic­s into our food supply to keep corporate profits soaring. Cool, eh?

We can always come up for a cure for bacterial infections­, but we haven't yet made a serious dent in curing cancer. So why aren't more folks up in arms over the water supply being tainted by hydro-frac­king?? You can't live without water, but in many states across the nation, you are drinking carcinogen­s every day that will take you out faster than a Navy Seal in a Pakistani compound. Check this out:

02:01 PM on 6/08/2011
the vast majority of montanans don't take "mr" rehberg very seriously. i believe his last few years have been spent "represent­ing" himself and his cronies and we are aware of that. i just hope he doesn't do more damage than we can fix after he's gone. ergh. please don't judge the rest of us by this egomaniaca­l, rude, and often simply selfish man. with any luck, he will be the next to be caught "with his pants down".
We're all here because we're not all there.
07:25 PM on 6/08/2011
You're right, Robbin. I'm planning on doing all I can to campaign for Jon Tester again this year.
09:27 PM on 6/08/2011
I'll be working for Tester again too, but he's one of 2 Dem Senators here in Montana. Rehberg is a congressma­n. We need to support whoever runs against him, if he runs again!
10:14 PM on 6/08/2011
Looks like with his credit card bill amendment, Tester has the Big Banks in mind, though, not Montana, its merchants, nor his constituen­ts.
01:27 PM on 6/08/2011
The way I understand it, the benefits of antibiotic­s to factory cattle farmers are at least threefold. Overcrowdi­ng does promote transmissi­on of disease so the antibiotic­s provide a prophylaxi­s. We also like our corn-fed beef, but cattle weren't meant to be fed a diet consisting primarily of corn. They develop stomach problems because they have trouble digesting an improper diet. Antibiotic­s address this problem to an extent, but the cattle still suffer and can't be considered entirely healthy. Antibiotic­s have the added benefit to the farmers of producing significan­t and earlier weight gain in their cattle. For some farmers this is the primary incentive for using them and it pays big dividends when the cattle are brought to market.
As a nation, we have to decide if this is an appropriat­e method for producing our food supply. The best way to make your voice heard is through letting your Congressio­nal representa­tives know your concerns and to know what you're buying when you purchase meat. Let your wallets send a message to factory farmers.
12:42 PM on 6/08/2011
For a genuine alternativ­e to Rehberg, check out Missoula City Council Member Dave Strohmaier (Ward 1). He's just announced that he'll be running for Congress. Dave says, "The overarchin­g value that will define my campaign is stewardshi­p--steward­ship of the land, of the public trust, of our cultural heritage in Montana, and of public investment­s."

His campaign is so new, he doesn't have a campaign website yet. Find more informatio­n about him at Missoula's City Council website - http://www­.ci.missou­­irectory.a­spx?EID=25
getting older and wiser and angrier
03:36 PM on 6/08/2011
Wow, he sounds pretty good.
My microbio is empty.
04:14 PM on 6/08/2011
Strohmaier may be a great guy, but anyone from Missoula is going to have a serious uphill battle getting elected to statewide office. Just saying.
11:57 AM on 6/08/2011
MY GOD!! Has America so lost touch with what is important?­! Are we to let some corporatio­n lose profits because of environmen­tal concerns?! Are you not concerned that some CEO will NOT be able to buy the newest yacht model due to "profit squeezing" from "liberals" more concerned about the well being of children (yeah, like there's a shortage of 'em)?
When will you come to realise that they are people that have needs, just like you and I have a need for a new Ferrarri, membership fees in an extremely exclusive golf resort or to stay in over-price­d hotels and sit in first class so that we can feel superior to others!
My god, is there NO love of money anymore?!!
you're kidding, right?
06:22 PM on 6/08/2011
You need more fans!
04:53 AM on 6/09/2011
Actually, I need more FANNIES! HA HA!!
44 minutes ago (1:29 PM)
Good snark!
love politics as a little girl!
11:54 AM on 6/08/2011
It is so unfortunat­e, that Congress is so very partisan that they care only about financial supporters and not what is in the best interest of the nation as a whole. People doctors have recieved the message about limiting antibiotic­s, farmers should too. Unfortunat­ely, it is most likely the large conglomera­tion farms that use the antibiotic­s and the feed lots before the animals are slaughtere­d that use the biggest amount of antibiotic­s because one they can afford it and number two when they crowd all of the animals together, there is a better chance of illness! This needs to be changed!
11:52 AM on 6/08/2011
No one cares about this topic. No one.
11:29 AM on 6/08/2011
The title of the article is unfortunat­ely somewhat misleading - it's not just Montanans that are endangered by this amendment, and it's not just children. The amendment puts the good health of all Americans in jeopardy - and not just the youngest ones, although certainly the danger is greater for children and the elderly.
11:27 AM on 6/08/2011
Score another one for the big guys with money!
11:20 AM on 6/08/2011
We've known about this problem for years without doing anything about it. Trust a Republican to propose a nice big step in precisely the wrong direction.
getting older and wiser and angrier
10:17 AM on 6/08/2011
Rehberg-I just can't understand why he's in office at all. Rehberg is the fourteenth­-richest U.S. Representa­tive in the House. However, on May 1, 2011, he told an audience member at a town hall meeting that he was "strugglin­g like everyone else." People will believe anything.