Overweight Cats For Sale At Ohio Animal Shelter

First Posted: 06/ 5/11 01:56 AM ET Updated: 06/ 6/11 11:30 AM ET

HILLIARD, Ohio (AP) -- A central Ohio animal shelter with an abundance of chubby cats is having a sale on its fattest felines, hoping a discount entices potential owners to take one home.

The Capital Area Humane Society says the fat cats are on sale this summer for $15 each or two for $20, instead of the usual $70 adoption price.

Development manager Mary Hiser says the cats packed on the pounds before arriving at the shelter, and the extra weight can cause them health problems.

The Columbus Dispatch reports that nine of the shelter's 55 cats are overweight. Volunteers keep them in an area that offers extra room to run and burn off calories.

The largest cat is a 6-year-old black-and brown shorthair named Zebe, who weighs 23 pounds.

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file)- A bulky dog lies on the promenade of Chania on Crete, Greece, 15 September 2007. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka (Credit Image: © DPA/ZUMA Press)
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HILLIARD, Ohio (AP) -- A central Ohio animal shelter with an abundance of chubby cats is having a sale on its fattest felines, hoping a discount entices potential owners to take one home. The Capit...
HILLIARD, Ohio (AP) -- A central Ohio animal shelter with an abundance of chubby cats is having a sale on its fattest felines, hoping a discount entices potential owners to take one home. The Capit...
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0 minute ago (10:19 AM)
Some of these guys should really be tested for Pangeaface­. http://www­.cutething­sinpaint.c­om/2011/06­/facial-co­ntinents-h­ave-not-ye­t.html
5 hours ago (5:22 AM)
20 bucks each works out at how much per kilo for live dog food?
8 hours ago (2:32 AM)
It is such a shame when owners don't catch their animals before they get so fat. It's no more healthy for animals to be obese than people. I mean the owner IS the one who doles out the food is it not?

We adopted our son's cat, when he moved, who is getting older and less active, and has been gaining weight. We put her on a different food regimen and she is gradually dropping weight, even though she's as lazy as ever. I did at least buy her a tall cat perch to feed her on and look out the window from--so at least she has to jump that far to eat, drink or watch kitty TV.

Some animals I have had can have a bowl of food sitting out; they regulate themselves­. But some, like the two terriers we have right now would be lard-butts if we didn't regulate their food and exercise. They would eat every morsel in sight if they could.

Being food-drive­n helps make training dogs easier but it can sure make weight maintenanc­e an issue.
One of the most cynical optimists you'll ever meet
16 hours ago (6:43 PM)
Well, now there are some photos of fat pets - but none of them are of the Ohio strays being sold.

If the pets shelter really wants to sell these cats, they should post photos of the, no matter how unprofessi­onal. You'll be swamped with buyers. Fat cats are greatly beloved .... if they are seen!
19 hours ago (3:06 PM)
please do not sell them to any Koreans,..­. they eat them.
Hissing and scratching with gusto.
20 hours ago (2:40 PM)
Some of those cats are simply hideous: They look like dogs!
21 hours ago (1:15 PM)
Does this fur make me look fat?
21 hours ago (1:13 PM)
that poor dog! Dachsunds are prone to overeating and are pros at begging. But this is animal abuse. He should be taken from the owner(s) they are going to love him literally to death
09:57 AM on 6/07/2011
How did these cats get fat??? Maybe the shelter gave them too much food. Hopefully, people will adopt them and get the cats back to normal weight.
J Michael Norris
Don't mistake narrow-mindedness for perspicacity.
05:39 AM on 6/07/2011
I thought this was an article about republican congressme­n.

My bad.
Joel Kent Melville
05:19 PM on 6/06/2011
the only person responsibl­e for these animals getting fat are the owners I feed my dog once a day thats it and Ive had him dang near 10 years. over feeding leads to health problems same as humans oh and if u have a dog try to walk it once a week at least.
Another Universal Soldier
07:37 PM on 6/06/2011
Not SO!!!!
I adopted a Siam. that had to eat chicken and rice for the rest of his entire life due to Biliary Stones. He had Surgery 3 times. I was told that he would 'Die" if he ate dry food.
He eats 3/4 C of Indoor Weight Control cat food each day....aft­er 3 years. He becomes vicious...­.cries, chews items, tries to trip you while walking, Bullys my other cat....whe­n he does not get the 2/3 twice a day. Vet said that his body does not Metabolize like other Liver in cats.
Another Universal Soldier
07:44 PM on 6/06/2011
You must be on the Wrong Thread....­The Dog Stories are OVER>>>>TH­ERE!!!!!!
8 hours ago (2:38 AM)
In our defense, some of the pictures WERE of dogs, so Joel wasn't the only one to mention them. (like uhm, me)
08:23 AM on 6/07/2011
You probably should feed your dog smaller portions twice a day. How would you like to only eat ONE meal per day. I'm not saying feed him more food...jus­t maybe consider adjusting the frequency.
8 hours ago (2:39 AM)
I've always done that with my animals. I don't know whoever came up with that one meal a day thing. It just has to be the right amount.
02:11 PM on 6/06/2011
before bbw were on discussion now bbw cats fat cats lols http://orb­itgoogle.c­om/news-of­-the-world­/big-fat-c­ats-for-sa­le-at-ohio­-animal-sh­elter
House Music Forever
05:46 PM on 6/06/2011
Another Universal Soldier
07:45 PM on 6/06/2011
Did not see you posted this....LO­L
02:08 PM on 6/06/2011
Obviously republican cats, they could be a hard sale.
01:33 PM on 6/06/2011
When I moved away from home, I left my cat Eliot w/ my mom. He was a stray that I had taken in years before, and I didn't want to take him away from his home. My cat was 8 lbs when I left. Soon, it had ballooned to 15 lbs. My mom would promise that she was giving it diet food, taking it to the vet, etc. I finally found out that she had changed my feeding routine for him. While I left food out for him all of the time, she switched to once a day. I figured that Eliot had been eating when he was hungry previously­, but was now downing the whole bowl, because he didn't know that food would be coming again. LOL. She never did get him to lose the weight, but he lived for many years. That's why w/ all my subsequent pets, I leave food out all the time. Therefore, they can regulate their own intake to when they are truly hungry.
20 hours ago (2:38 PM)
i do the same with my fit and trim mini pin, and it works like a charm. she eats tiny amounts throughout the day and has a crazy good metabolism (much better than mine, i'm sure).
Que? Que? Queee?
01:07 PM on 6/06/2011
I have a few cats and only one is considered 'obese'. She is one of a litter of three. We have all three cats. The two other cats eat the same food and have the same level of activity. For some reason that one cat is 'rotund' (as my son calls her). All of the other cats (non-relat­ed) are of normal weight, too. So, when the vet gives us a hard time about her weight I tell him or her my story, which makes them shake their heads. It's genetic.