Louis Ferrante

Louis Ferrante


Former Mafia Associate Gives Lessons For Success In Legitimate Business (PHOTOS)

Posted: 06/ 6/11 08:00 AM ET

If you're climbing the corporate ladder and eager to succeed, you can glean some valuable lessons from mobsters who are employees of the longest running organization in history: the Mafia.

If we shed our prejudices, we'll find that accomplished mobsters are just like top business leaders.

The Mafia shares the same power structure as any corporation. A don is exactly like a CEO, steering the business (or family) into the future. His capos are middle-managers or department heads, and his soldiers are employees.

Whether corporate or Mafia, people who acquire diplomatic skills, leadership qualities, and the enthusiasm to motivate will master their respective fields.

In my new book, "Mob Rules: What the Mafia Can Teach the Legitimate Businessman," I explain the better attributes of La Cosa Nostra so that Our Thing can become Your Thing.

1. Lesson 6 - Don't End Up in the Trunk of a Car: Avoid Office Politics.
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When John Gotti took over the Gambino family, mobster Louie Milito had issues with his appointment decisions. Milito felt he was being pushed aside as promotions went to less experienced mobsters. Instead of holding his tongue, Milito took part in office politics, expressing his dissatisfaction. Gotti's new regime called for his immediate dismissal and Milito's whispering was stopped by the whisper of a bullet passing through a silencer. Would Milito have taken a shot had he directed his original dismay to Gotti himself? We will never know.

Avoid office politics. If you have something to say, go through the appropriate channels and express your concerns constructively, to the right people. Your corporate survival is at stake.
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If you're climbing the corporate ladder and eager to succeed, you can glean some valuable lessons from mobsters who are employees of the longest running organization in history: the Mafia. If we shed...
If you're climbing the corporate ladder and eager to succeed, you can glean some valuable lessons from mobsters who are employees of the longest running organization in history: the Mafia. If we shed...
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23 minutes ago (7:43 PM)
This is a just a rehash of an old idea. Many years ago a writer wrote a similar book using Attila the Hun as the reference.
3 hours ago (4:49 PM)
One glaring omission here: Never vouch to supervisor­s for a man you barely know, lest you wanna get whacked out yourself if that individual later screws up. (See Donnie Brasco ("I said I knew him, Lefty, I didn't say I f***** him!")).
4 hours ago (4:05 PM)
insightful­, entertaini­ng and a great promo for his book. i think ill order a copy.
5 hours ago (3:35 PM)
washimgton and lawyers are more organgized crime than the mafia
07:53 PM on 6/07/2011
There doesn't seem to be a lot of difference between organized crime, and politics. Politician­s can't be trusted as much as, Mafia members. It appears that a Mafia mans word, is his bond. Politician­s, are notorious liars.
Chris Roberts writes short stories.
05:49 PM on 6/07/2011
A mob associate is laughing stock, someone to throw plates of pasta at and shine shoes. "This thing of ours" has NOTHING to do with associates­, they're not made.
11:43 AM on 6/07/2011
well, that was a surprising­ly impressive article...

nicely done, sir.
10:46 AM on 6/07/2011
Some folks say that the main difference between the Mafia and the business world is that the Mafia is honest.

The singularly hardest thing that I have to deal with, in any business situation or setting, is ... wondering whether the person I am talking to is lying to me, or using informatio­n (or my innocent lack of it) to their advantage against me. It's not a paranoid thought. I've seen it in all kinds of situations­, coming from bosses, salesmen, co-workers and even customers. The amount of time that I am obliged to spend guarding against such things is a distractio­n, but one that can't be safely avoided.

I especially liked your page on "resumes." Everyone talks about how difficult it is to write a good resume, but it's infinitely harder to figure out whether the resume you are looking at is a good resume. It's the only sales-piec­e you have with which to start a very important business decision that is extremely difficult to gracefully get of, if you get it wrong. And the odds are very high that the "informati­on" on that document is mostly a complete fabricatio­n. People try so hard to "gild the lilly" about what they say they can do (but can't), that you can never really figure out what you most need to know when you are pondering the decision of whether or not to hire them: "what can I utterly and completely depend on you to do?"
11:23 PM on 6/06/2011
Say what you will about mobsters, but they know how the business world works.
06:14 PM on 6/06/2011
The mafia is like a big bumble bee, everybody can see them but nobutty has the courage to swat them and kill them! It is time for the U.S. to stand on it's own two leggs(the CIA and FBI and NSA), make that three leggs plus the military and swat them like the ignosifica­nt insects that infaltrate­d the U.S. and other countries.

This goes for the Russian, China and any other mob like gangsters that exist!

To them I bid a farewell:

03:18 PM on 6/06/2011
Lesson #6:
This does not apply, as Wall Street, the corporatio­ns, bankers, oil companies, Enron, et al, some of the heads of our government present and recent past, are above the law. They can
do whatever they wish and know they will not be prosecuted for their evil misdeeds and crimes against their fellow man, creatures of the earth, and their Mother, Nature itself.
At least everyone knew what Capone and those of his ilk were doing and if they were smart, would have nothing to do with them. They were overt in their actions, not like those mentioned previously­. May the gods save us from all of the above.
Once snowmobiled over open water
03:15 PM on 6/06/2011
In terms of who influenced who, you've got the cart well before of the horse.
03:06 PM on 6/06/2011
Seems to me the corporate world already operates pretty much like the mafia just nobody gets shot.
04:14 AM on 6/07/2011
K Street PR firm board member
03:03 PM on 6/06/2011
Luciano said that earning a dishonest buck was actually harder than earning an "honest" buck and if he had to do it over again he would opt for a "legitimat­e" business.
01:55 PM on 6/06/2011
As Woody Guthrie said "some people will rob you with a six shooter and some with a fountain pen."