May 23, 2011 | Log In | Sign Up

Will Graham on Preaching, Public Statements and His Famous Family

William Graham

First Posted: 05/20/11 03:28 PM ET Updated: 05/20/11 03:28 PM ET

Belmar, NJ Patch:

William (Will) Franklin Graham IV is the grandson of Billy Graham and the son of Franklin Graham. Graham is an associate evangelist at Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and assistant director of The Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove. He just returned from the Philippines, where he preached to 97,000 people in four days. Graham is a graduate of Liberty University and holds an MDiv. from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Kendra, live near Asheville, North Carolina with their three children.

Your grandfather was just released from the hospital, where he was treated for pneumonia. How is he doing?

My grandfather’s doing quite well. He’d been the hospital a number of times before and no-one’s even reported on it, but this time it seemed like everybody was picking it up. … What we found out had happened was someone at the hospital probably called their church and put Billy Graham on their prayer list and that started a leak that kind of jumped the press...

Read the whole story: Belmar, NJ Patch


William (Will) Franklin Graham IV is the grandson of Billy Graham and the son of Franklin Graham. Graham is an associate evangelist at Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and assistant director of T...
William (Will) Franklin Graham IV is the grandson of Billy Graham and the son of Franklin Graham. Graham is an associate evangelist at Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and assistant director of T...
Filed by Josh Fleet  | 
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Recency  | 
0 minute ago (7:04 PM)
I clicked on the heading and went to the place where they wanted me to sign in on "their info net connection­", but I did not want to as I saw they still do not consider God's disapprova­l of the making of "graven images" anything to worry about. Exodus 20:4,5. I wonder if they are still using the "Hell Fire" doctrine, I know they have had the opportunit­y to see all the locations where there is a word that has been translated to read "hell" in the Scriptures­, for I gave them a complete list of all the locations around 40 years ago. If any want to see the list and try to get right with God on this subject you may click on the link and print out the list and look them all up in your King James, Catholic Douay or your copy of the Hebrew Holy Scriptures at your convenienc­e.

10:00 PM on 5/20/2011
So, the army and the navy of the Philippine­s provided the transporta­tion for Graham's rallies? How would that go over here in the U.S.?