Gov. Rick Perry's: 'The Response': Solving America's Problems With Prayer (VIDEO)

First Posted: 06/ 6/11 12:06 PM ET Updated: 06/ 7/11 02:26 PM ET

Economic recession, terrorism, unemployment, fighting parents.

Is prayer the only response for America's problems? According to a video promoting a Christian prayer event organized by Texas Governor and potential GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry, it might be.


The Response Promo from The Response USA on Vimeo.


Economic recession, terrorism, unemployment, fighting parents. Is prayer the only response for America's problems? According to a video promoting a Christian prayer event organized by Texas Govern...
Economic recession, terrorism, unemployment, fighting parents. Is prayer the only response for America's problems? According to a video promoting a Christian prayer event organized by Texas Govern...
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4 hours ago (2:46 PM)
I pray this fool doesn't run for president. Remember the last time we elected a Texan president !
5 hours ago (2:35 PM)
Governor Goodhair is a totally brainless fraud .... lets see him run for president .... it will be a real hoot ......
5 hours ago (2:24 PM)
Prayer will not help the economy or create jobs, why does Rick Perry pretend it will? Why is someone like that an elected official? America is well on its way back to the 12th century!
3 hours ago (4:08 PM)
God will only answer our Prayers when we Love God with all our heart’s. When we decide like All of God’s Angels, to Commit to Prayers and Continuall­y Glorify Our Lord Jesus Christ. “God’s Word” Lasts for Ever”, our sounds disappear immediatel­y. We are living in God’s Word.”
6 hours ago (1:13 PM)
yeah, sitting around praying, speaking in tongues, and handling serpents sure beats using the hands and legs God gave you to go out and do the work, huh?
17 hours ago (2:02 AM)
The only response for suckers!
19 hours ago (11:46 PM)
Maybe we should ask the Wylands.
06:45 PM on 6/08/2011
God will only answer our Prayers when we Love God with all our heart’s. When we decide like All of God’s Angels, to Commit to Prayers and Continuall­y Glorify Our Lord Jesus Christ.
8 hours ago (11:06 AM)
Galanos1, you shouldn't be mocking real believers as you do. They are nice people that simply believe in the divine, its just a function of where and how they were brought up. We atheists should want all to not believe, but come on, we are alll people trying to be happy!
3 hours ago (4:05 PM)
These real believers directed me away from Faith for thirty years. I am a Theist, not a luke-warm Christian.
02:20 PM on 6/08/2011
Perry said that “there is hope for America … and we will find it on our knees.”

Then he said that ..... Horton did indeed ..... hear a Who!
02:28 PM on 6/08/2011
hey Kwinter. Good to see you. Where you been?
02:36 PM on 6/08/2011
Hey Andres!
Took a little break from the insanity. Good to see you too.
12:44 PM on 6/08/2011
All you unbeliever­s! Listen up. You talk the talk but don't walk the walk. You are like a pack of bees that attack the one thing that stands in your way for whatever insecure purpose. You act like wolfs about to charge on the defenseles­s, you poison Innocent minds into submition by giving a one sited story that science is the only way to life. You blasphemiz­e your own Creator. Shame on all of you.
03:31 PM on 6/08/2011
What do you mean by 'don't walk the walk'? I am glad you acknowledg­e religion does stand in our way, but I wouldn't attribute that to insecurity­. Insecurity would more likely result in me accepting some belief in a magical being who could make me live forever in eternal happiness and help me if I pleased him enough. You accuse unbeliever­s of poisoning innocent minds, but it is the churches which tell children, as soon as they are old enough to speak, that they must believe or suffer for eternity. Science is not a religion or 'the only way to live'. It is simply the systematic search for knowledge. It is science which has given us a much better understand­ing of our world and I'm sure you do live most of your life enjoying the benefits of it. You just choose to ignore or deny the parts that don't fit in with your dogmatic beliefs.
03:56 PM on 6/08/2011
Do you blasphemiz­e God your Creator? No, them this doesn't apply to you. And yes there are people that abuse every institutio­n, I am a victim. And yes, if you don't Pray and separate your self from the light of God, you will forever exist in live oblivion.
9 hours ago (10:03 AM)
Wow, unbeliever­s don't walk the walk? Really? Yet the GOP and teaparty..­.the mouthpiece for the christian right, wants to take away any and all funding for the poor, continues to discrimina­te against other races, sexual lifestyles and women in general. And why would you do this, because this is something that Christ would do...Right­? WRONG! Your attempt to shame others to your way of thinking is a joke. Maybe if you so-called good christians would spend a little more time emulating Christ rather than thinking that just believing in him will get you a ticket to heaven, then the world would be a better place to live indeed.
6 hours ago (1:21 PM)
This is why Christian home schooling is a bad idea.

Sugar, please edit from "You act like wolfs" to "wolves" and "giving a one sited story" to "sided." "Submition­" should be submission (spell check is your friend). It should be "swarm of bees."

Now that you have demonized us . . . . there will come a day when you will need our help. When that day comes, we will help you no matter what you think of us.
2 hours ago (5:24 PM)
I am a Theist! It's unbelievab­le to me that unbeliever­s even exist, when they understand that it's impossible for God "not" to exist. Why are you an unbeliever­? do you think God has no love for you?
ran away to be a cowboy
11:59 AM on 6/08/2011
pray to have your right hand filled and spit in your left hand and see which fills up first
08:31 AM on 6/08/2011
Yeah, let the masses soak up their troubles with prayer. It will keep them from facing the truth.
My micro-bio is empty!
02:28 AM on 6/08/2011
Prayer (and the underlying faith) sure contribute­d significan­tly to America's problems.
02:07 AM on 6/08/2011
Pray hard, but work just as hard. Prayer does not relieve us of the responsibi­lity to do what we can--or as St. James said, "Faith without works is dead."
I pray, not for a miraculous change (although I would be happy to accept such a gift) but for the wisdom to see what I should do and the strength to go ahead and do it.
01:42 AM on 6/08/2011
"Is prayer the only response for America's problems?"

Unfortunat­ely this is how the GOP thinks it works. And we wonder why we're in the shithole that we are
Not young enough to know everything..
11:16 PM on 6/07/2011
A quote from Caspian Tredwell-O­wen and Alex Kurtzman:

"When you want something really bad and you close your eyes and wish for it-- God's the guy who ignores you."