World's Most Dangerous Cities (VIDEO)

Cape Town

First Posted: 06/ 9/11 01:32 PM ET Updated: 06/ 9/11 01:32 PM ET

AOL Travel News:

Traveler beware: The list of the world's most dangerous cities was released and with a few exceptions, consider it a primer in where not to go.

While it's always wise to be vigilant when in a foreign place (even a place as innocuous as New Orleans), keep a heightened sense of awareness when traveling to, say, Rio de Janeiro (which has a crime rate "similar to a war zone") or Cape Town.

Interesting fact: More than 50 murders happen a day in South Africa. More than half of those occur in Cape Town.

Read the whole story: AOL Travel News


Traveler beware: The list of the world's most dangerous cities was released and with a few exceptions, consider it a primer in where not to go. While it's always wise to be vigilant when in a forei...
Traveler beware: The list of the world's most dangerous cities was released and with a few exceptions, consider it a primer in where not to go. While it's always wise to be vigilant when in a forei...
Filed by Kate Auletta  | 
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9 minutes ago (12:32 AM)
uumhh....O­akland, CAlifornia­? Grew up there....I­'ve got love for Oakland, just glad I do not live there any longer!

As for these bleeding hearts who blame the US for screwing up these Third World countries, take a look at the corrupt govenments of these same countries before blaming the US.
Eat your spinach
15 hours ago (9:39 AM)
Caracas, Venezuela? Number one? So much for Hugo Chavez and his beneficenc­e.
17 hours ago (8:06 AM)
The most dangerous city in the world is Washington D.C. Thousands of people are backstabbe­d, stepped upon, and screwed over on a daily basis.
22 hours ago (3:06 AM)
What a waste of time.
For example, the comment about Baghdad cites statistics going back to 2003 and the US invasion-- why aren't current statistics (since the US drew down forces) used? Or the comment about Mogadishu: I don't doubt it's dangerous, but why did it make the top-ten list if there aren't statistics to support its inclusion.
15 hours ago (9:53 AM)
Baghdad before the Useless Snakes destroyed it was actually more FREE, modern, clean than it is now.

Of course most of the destroyers never were in Baghdad before 2003. I was.
12:07 AM on 6/10/2011
Well, if New Orleans wasn't in the top 10, it is now. At least for the writer of that article.
my dog has midriff bULGe
11:49 PM on 6/09/2011
The citizens of these cities are doing something pro-active about population control, starting at the local level. We should applaud them!

My version of a positive spin on a negative account.
11:18 PM on 6/09/2011
How can this be? The most dangerous cities all have strict gun control. That was supposed to be the universal solution
24 hours ago (12:51 AM)
In order for something to be funny, it needs to have an element of truth.

6 hours ago (6:55 PM)
exceot I wasn't meaning to be funny. I just hoped to get a couple of simple minded stage one thinkers to dwell on it for a few minutes. Looks like the theory was too complex
11:14 PM on 6/09/2011
Who constructe­d the list ? And where ,for God's sake, isbthe list?
10:06 PM on 6/09/2011
Can someone just list them, that would be awesome? I don't have sound working right now to watch a video.
Don Stalvino
10:09 PM on 6/09/2011
I second that emotion.
Democrat in the South
Empathy, the most important word
11:11 PM on 6/09/2011
There was no talking, just music. The words on the screen didn't stay long enough to read it.
10:01 PM on 6/09/2011
The AOL merger has brought HP quality down. I clicked on the headline, cool to spend 20 seconds seeing what they thought the 10 most dangerous cities were, expecting it to be a slideshow that I could quickly scroll through, and rate if I wanted to.

Instead I have to watch a video starting with an advertisem­ent. Not that curious.
Democrat in the South
Empathy, the most important word
11:14 PM on 6/09/2011
HP is NOT good any more. I wish I knew another site that was what HP used to be. It's hard to find a good article here anymore. There used to be so many good writers I couldn't read it all. Now there are just s few left. I don'[t even want to click on much.
my dog has midriff bULGe
11:43 PM on 6/09/2011
In my 5-½ years here, I've had an ongoing lovehatere­lationship­, with a resulting four usernames just to make myself feel good about starting all over again. Like you said, most of the good writers/co­ntributors are gone.
23 hours ago (1:23 AM)
I've been spending a lot more time reading the Daily Kos blog lately, they are what the Post used to be.
08:38 PM on 6/09/2011
Detroit ... too weird.
Windsor, Ontario, Canada ... straight across the river from Detroit.
Windsorite­s can actually watch live murders happening before their eyes with a decent pair of binoculars just by gazing towards Detroit.
No need to subscribe to expensive reality TV channels.
Anyway, Windsor has about 2 murders per 100000, go figure.
19 hours ago (5:55 AM)
Windsor is a beautiful city. We used to drive from Detroit to Windsor on our way to Wheel's Inn.
I heart Bernie Sanders
15 hours ago (9:59 AM)
The more corrupt the government is the more crime in the streets. Like the saying goes.... there can be no peace without justice
From deep in a dark blue enclave.
08:35 PM on 6/09/2011
I got onto the a oh L page and it was scar-ee.
From deep in a dark blue enclave.
08:34 PM on 6/09/2011
I got on the AOL page, and it was a dark and scar-ee place.
07:07 PM on 6/09/2011
Great to see two United States cities up there with the rest of 'em! Says a lot about the land of the free!
05:03 PM on 6/09/2011
I cant believe Detriot is not up there!
05:20 PM on 6/09/2011
It is.
06:18 PM on 6/09/2011
It's number 9 I think :)