Alec Baldwin


Anthony Weiner Is a Modern Human Being

Posted: 06/ 9/11 12:41 PM ET

My friend Morgan Rank owned an art gallery in East Hampton several years ago. He moved to Italy, living in the quiet countryside there for nearly a decade. We had lost touch and then, at an art event in New York, someone approached me and said, "Morgan is back." I got a phone number and called him.

Morgan really lived off the grid. No internet. Little telephone usage. When we spoke awhile back, he commented on the digital age he found, in full force, upon his return. "Theses kids with these devices in their hands every minute of the day," he said. "They will never get to know each other the way we did. They will never stare at each other over a candle, jammed into a bottle of Mateus, on a red checkered table cloth in some restaurant."

Which brings me to Anthony Weiner.

The Internet, as I understand it, is best for sharing information, ideas and even feelings. We send our thoughts and feelings, our very spirit, over the airwaves, with astounding velocity. At times, as human beings, we want to attach the body to the feelings, as well. Photos of ourselves and loved ones. Pets. The view out our window. The image of a child's purity.

Photos used to sell something. Houses, apartments, cars, headshots, horses, music downloads, cookware.

Photos to find love. To find sex.

My thought on Weiner is that he is a very busy man. Like most, although not all, politicians, he probably spends a great deal of time going to meetings, raising campaign funds and seizing upon every opportunity to remind people of how great he is as a public servant and a human being. It's exhausting. He exists under a constant pressure cooker of self-analysis and public appraisal. Like other politicians, he needs something to take the edge off. For some people, regardless of occupation, that could mean booze, drugs, gambling, food or shopping. For high functioning men like Weiner and other officials who have lived through such scandals, who are constantly on the go, that leaves one tried and true source of a reliable high. The affirmation that comes when someone lets you know they want to sleep with you. Or even cyber-sleep with you.

This is sex for many people now. No time for Mateus and cheap spaghetti. No time for slowly moving toward one another with a combination of hope and caution, lust and integrity. One can push a button and get something beyond porn. Porn is essentially two dimensional. One sees and hears. Internet sexting can be perceived as three dimensional by adding the component of "feel", regardless of how cheap and unearned those feelings are. That person on the screen is doing whatever they're doing... just for you.

Weiner is so busy, he forgot the important rule that everyone you interact with on this plane becomes a co-conspirator. You rely on them to remain confidential.

Weiner is the modern, high functioning man. The fact that he is married is just one, albeit a huge, factor. I know many people who divorce over such issues of online betrayal. Appointment sex with your spouse doesn't always arrive when you need it most. A modern cell phone, loaded with contacts of willing fellow players, has a table with a red checkered table cloth ready for you at virtually any time.

We tell ourselves that these devices help us communicate more effectively. What they actually do is allow us to bypass the person lying right next to us, across the room from us or at an airport heading home to us, in order to meet our immediate, even inconvenient, needs. To bypass their moods, their current view of us and their own desires, or lack thereof.

Weiner is a modern human being. So he ensnared himself in things that modern humans do. When I first heard about his problems, I snickered and made jokes, too. Now, I'm sad for him, his family, his district and his colleagues.

Let he who is without sin.....

My friend Morgan Rank owned an art gallery in East Hampton several years ago. He moved to Italy, living in the quiet countryside there for nearly a decade. We had lost touch and then, at an art event ...
My friend Morgan Rank owned an art gallery in East Hampton several years ago. He moved to Italy, living in the quiet countryside there for nearly a decade. We had lost touch and then, at an art event ...
RT : New Chrome extension prevents 'Weiner' shame
New Chrome extension prevents 'Weiner' shame
Ooops, posted a DM as a tweet - sorry about that! Deleted now, a la Rep Weiner. :)
4 hours ago from web
RT : What's the big deal? Weiner's only 46, which is like 19 in Congress-years.
Video: There's an App to Avoid a Weiner
RT : Feckless feminists: Top Democratic women dodge tough call on Weiner
DFW: Viewer's: Biker Rally, Mavs, Weiner
RT Spox: "According to Cong. Weiner, his communications w/ this person were neither explicit nor indecent."
Pelosi declines to call for Weiner's resignation
RT : RT : News of the Weird: Politico Playbook plays hide the Weiner.
RT : News of the Weird: Politico Playbook plays hide the Weiner.
News of the Weird: Politico Playbook plays hide the Weiner.
RT : , under-age girl, police involved. Ick.
RT : RT :Rep. Weiner apologizes to neighbors for media blitz
MT : CHECK THIS OUT RT POLITICS: Exclusive: Weiner's Messages to Teenage ...
Rep. Weiner apologizes to neighbors for media blitz
Legally speaking, are the ramifications different if Weiner didn't know the girl was underage?
Somebody tell that idiot babbling on MSNBC that his defense of Weiner was just overtaken by events!
9 hours ago from web
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49 minutes ago (2:33 AM)
Alec, you miss the point. Most people willing to overlook what Weiner did only do so because they feel that it does not bare on his job duties. You go way off the cliff in basically excusing his actions from any sort of ethical or moral criticisms when speaking about him as a person and not as a politician or public figure. He who is without sin...? Yikes, please find a writer to come up with an actual well-reaso­ned defense of this man, then read that script. You are much better in that role.
58 minutes ago (2:24 AM)
This little scribble wouldn't pass an English 101 persuasive essay paper at your small-town community college. The reasoning is, mildly put, lacking. So carrying on, for three years mind you, a quite pervy (and loser-ish) habit, and even directly contacting a high school girl (17 years old) is a mark of a "...high function person," or a busy and great public servant. Please. Your guilt from the exposure of your excellent parenting skills is showing.
60 minutes ago (2:22 AM)
Probably Alec Baldwin is the last person to take relationsh­ip/marriag­e advice from. His "boys will be boys" minimizing of Weiner's behavior has a sexist ring to it, along with the idea that job pressure is a valid excuse. I doubt he would have the same reaction if it had been Weiner's wife sending pictures of her genitals to various men on Twitter and engaging in explicit sex talk with them. If Weiner cannot come up with a better outlet for his emotions, pressures, etc. then he shouldn't be in office.
World Citizen
1 hour ago (2:09 AM)
I don't agree. Politician­s and other people who make a living out of making the public like them, are indeed expected to behave appropriat­ely. Furthermor­e, a politician is also realistica­lly expected not to be STUPID. Weiner has lost whatever honor he thinks he has and like it or not, a politician needs this.
2 hours ago (1:37 AM)
Let he is without sin...? Are you kidding? That's not the point! The guy is a dirt-bag liar. Your anything-g­oes philosophy is destructiv­e and wrong.
2 hours ago (1:32 AM)
there must be an aspect of narcissism that comes from power that allows them to participat­e in such risky behavior that the average person can't afford. I don't believe they think they'll get caught, even though things spread like wildfire on social media and you're depending on strangers to keep your secrets when they can get their 15min of fame and cash to expose them.
2 hours ago (1:19 AM)
There is no excuse for this type of behavior except character flaw.
2 hours ago (1:09 AM)
Let he who is without sin... Really? First of all, Jesus said this and He is without sin. You're not Jesus, so the only thing this could mean is that we should all just give Weiner a pass on his immature narcissiti­c, predatory and immoral behavior..­. And because none of us are without sin, we should all just look the other way and never admonish anyone for anything? The values in this country have gone to Sh*t. You don't point to past bad behavior by others to excuse present bad behavior, otherwise it becomes an endless cycle of excusable behavior to do whatever you please no matter who it ends up hurting. How did we get here?
3 hours ago (12:32 AM)
This is really a non-issue with regard to Wiener's job. It is probably very painful for him personally but someones peccadillo­es have nothing to do with their policy decisions. UNLESS they make sex issues part of their policy issues. What I care about is how he votes on legislatio­n. That is what matters with regard to his job. His sex life is his personal life and while unfortunat­e, is immaterial to what policies he supports or rejects.

Republican­s and democrats alike seem to have a problem with sexual fidelity to their spouses. The only time that is significan­t is when a "family values" candidate doesn't walk their talk. Otherwise the prurient interest we find in this stuff really shows how childish we are as a nation. Get over it and get back to issues that matter.
3 hours ago (12:29 AM)
We're making bets today at work about which one of the many shocked, just shocked politician­s will be next to get caught on the internet.
3 hours ago (12:17 AM)
Thank you Mr. Baldwin, for your understate­d understand­ing of human behavior. I'm repulsed by the bombastic screaming by Big Ed and Chris Matthew's sickening obsession with the scintillat­ing sexual details.
3 hours ago (12:05 AM)
Good post, Alec. I agree. But I'd like to add that I think down deep we are all the same. Every human is seeking validation­, acceptance and love, often disguised as sexual attraction­. And what quicker and easier way, albeit a dysfunctio­nal and pseudo one, to get it through the internet. Modern technology makes it too easy to for the ego to take the reins.
3 hours ago (12:32 AM)
It's not the Ego, it is the Id that takes the reins to sexual conduct, and you are not human if you don't have an Id. Superego, Ego and Id, Keeping them in-check and balanced is the human struggle called life.
3 hours ago (11:59 PM)
I wish Alec Baldwin would stick to acting instead of using his well known name to express his personal thoughts ..........­..UGH
3 hours ago (12:35 AM)
Then don't read him.
2 hours ago (1:28 AM)
you're expressing yours, why shouldn't he?
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4 hours ago (11:20 PM)
Anthony, Anthony, Anthony, do ya not know that ya have to make up an alias name for your social media accounts. What are you doing putting your full name and occupation out there on the super highway. You are giving the 40 somethings a bad name here in the cyber world.
4 hours ago (11:52 PM)
I agree - I just don't understand why a man this intelligen­t would do something so stupid like use his own name unless he subconscio­usly wants to be caught. Is the thrill the sex or the risk taking? I think the man has a sex compulsion / addiction and needs therapy or he's not just going to stop this behavior after six years. This is not mature adult behavior and in my opinion would qualify as emotionall­y cheating to most women. I'm sure his wife of less than a year is devastated­. This isn't the modern man most women would want to marry.