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Egypt train shooting not sectarian, claims government

Egyptian officials keen to portray the fatal shooting as nothing to do with the country's current sectarian tensions

AFP and Ahram Online, Wednesday 12 Jan 2011
Views: 2725
Views: 2725

Ahmed Diaa El-Din, governor of Minya where the Samalout train shooting is located, denied that the attack was religiously motivated.

Moreover, a security official said the suspect, who was arrested after the shooting, told investigators that he had felt "irritated and frustrated" because he was short on money. He did not say he specifically targeted Christians.

"It has to do with his personal mental state. It had nothing to do with the religion of his victims," the official told AFP. "He boarded the train suddenly and emptied his pistol."

Nevetheless, General Prosecutor Abdel Maguid Mahmoud decided to detain the gunman, identified as Amer Ashour, a 23 year old policeman, for fifteen days pending investigations.

One passenger, a 71 year old Coptic man, was killed and five wounded.

Ashour is accused of premeditated murder. The incident occurred last night when Ashour boarded train 979 between Assiut and Cairo in the southern town of Samalout and opened fire. He was arrested after trying to flee.

The attack sparked a protest outside a hospital in Samalout overnight as hundreds of Copts gathered. Police used tear gas to disperse the crowds.

The fatal shooting comes less than two weeks after a suicide bomber killed 23 congregants outside an Alexandria church following a New Year's Eve mass.

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Magy Mounir
24-01-2011 05:46pm
We still love them, but one word to tell to our moslem friends, be aware that one day you will face God, and that's the judgement day. Also think if it happened to your mom, dad, sister or brother. Let us try to live in peace and see how the world will look like. It will look like heaven on earth. We're praying for moslem people to give them love towards Christian and not hatered. Let's pray.
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13-01-2011 01:52pm
God is present
I dont know, why they hate us that much. However, we love them for our GOD is love. Only, satan commands his followers to hate and kill others
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