International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Working together to make human rights a reality for all.

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Join the General Listserv

ESCR-Net hosts a general listserv, which allows groups to post information about campaigns and events, pose questions and seek input or assistance, and share information on issues of general interest in the field of ESCR.  Members also receive updates about ESCR-Net's activities and meetings.  Currently, the general listserv has approximately 1500 groups and individuals that participate from around the world. 

Guidelines for Posting to the General ESCR-Net Listserv and Discussion Groups/Thematic Listservs


ESCR-Net - International Network for Economic, Social & Cultural Rights    © ESCR-Net

Tel/Fax: +1 212.681.1236/1241 | | June 17, 2011: Urgent Action - planned forced land acquisitions and repression of dissent in Jagatsinghpur | d | an iapps site