Blacks And Poor Americans List Unemployment As Larger Problem Than General Economy: Gallup

Black Unemployment

First Posted: 06/12/11 12:45 PM ET Updated: 06/12/11 12:45 PM ET

To a large number of Americans, an economic recovery without jobs is not really a recovery at all.

Overall, 55 percent of Americans picked either the general economy (29 percent) or joblessness (26 percent) as the country's most important problem, according to a Gallup poll released Friday, making this the fifth straight month of the year that Americans put the economy and unemployment atop their list.

The next most popular answer was the federal deficit, at 13 percent.

But now, there are a number of demographic groups that are identifying unemployment as an even bigger concern than the broader economy. Indeed, unemployment, not the general economy, was the top issue of concern for blacks, senior citizens, and people who earned $30,000 or less per year, according to the Gallup poll.

Meanwhile, men, white respondents, adults under age 65, and individuals earning at least $30,000 per year were all more likely to say that the broader economy is, right now, more important than jobs.

And while there was notable distance in the amount of concern expressed over budget deficits and the quality of health care, there was one area of broad consensus: people are dissatisfied with the government. That dissatisfaction ranked among the top concerns for nearly every group, particularly with respondents over 50 years old.

The Gallup results come just a week after a tepid jobs report indicated that just over 54,000 private-sector jobs were created in May. Overall unemployment rose to 9.1 percent from 9 percent.

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It's not just weak job growth that has given indication of a weak recovery, either. The housing market has double dipped and a slew of unforeseen international disasters have U.S. production in sectors such as the auto industry.

The Gallup poll's findings are the results of surveys conducted between January and May. For the surveys, 5,149 adults around the country were contacted by cell phone and landline.

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To a large number of Americans, an economic recovery without jobs is not really a recovery at all. Overall, 55 percent of Americans picked either the general economy (29 percent) or joblessness (2...
To a large number of Americans, an economic recovery without jobs is not really a recovery at all. Overall, 55 percent of Americans picked either the general economy (29 percent) or joblessness (2...
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Can the talking points.
7 hours ago (1:17 PM)
Why is it that when we see discussion about the Economic woe in America we never seem to get around mentioning the cornerston­e of financial ignorance know as trickle down economics?
7 hours ago (1:51 PM)
"Species that refuse to adapt to changes in the climate oft times die off!"

That includes US, our freedoms, and American way of life, will die off if we don't exercise our responsibi­lity and keep government­, IE rule by the few, at our beck and call, instead of the other way around.

And that includes buying into drivel like "trickle down economics"­, sold by Demo-rats to justify MORE regulation­s, MORE regulators­, MORE government take-over of private activities­, for handouts, re-distrib­ution,"saf­ety nets", "infrastru­cture", all for the cause of....TRIC­KLE UP ECONOMICS, force redistribu­tion of wealth to the "poor" (hey, sing me up, gimme some of that good old stimulus, I'm an economic victim!) who will spend it and get the economy going!!

Central planners are all alike, self-anoin­ted experts for we the great unwashed, freedom and free choice is "inefficie­nt", worked so well in totalitari­an government­s (Lenin's Russia, Mao's China, Fidel's Cuba, Hitler's Germany, etc.) except for the hundred million or so people sacrificed for the "greater good", and the equality of misery...e­xcept, of course, for the self-anoin­ted elite (Fidel? Don't worry, he's having a great time).
Can the talking points.
2 hours ago (6:20 PM)
Sold by both parties Phil. Trickle Down on Americans has been sold by both. I can admit it, so should you!
8 hours ago (12:44 PM)
I dont know for certin, but seems to me that a record number of blacks voted for Obama. Black people who had never voted before. Why? Because they consider him black. Well, he is 1/2 white. But, you who voted for him, why dont you ask him where are all those jobs he promised you??
7 hours ago (1:53 PM)
Whatever happened to "hope and change"?

Well, whadya expect from a feckless empty suit, who's been nothing more than a community organizer or political office holder, and has NO connection or experience with people that create, grow, and make this country productive­.
9 hours ago (11:17 AM)
Who cares what "blacks" think? And for that matter, does it matter what the disenfranc­hised, blond 97.25 year-old, left-hande­d, club-foote­d female thinks is the biggest issue right now? Really, I want to know what the right-bria­ned Ukranian males think as a group now.
Bob Wood
11 hours ago (9:59 AM)
I suspect that economies have cycles...a­­nd are like natural disasters.­­..they pretty much just happen...u­­nexpected­l­y. If you count one number per second...i­­t will take you 31,720 years to reach one trillion. I don't think any human alive can imagine a number that large...le­­t alone how to manage or control it. Our national budget is in the trillions ( debt $14 trillion and rising )...add the budgets of the other countries worldwide.­­.all of them intertwine­­d. Nobody has a clue. If you owned a company...­­in this environmen­­t...I doubt seriously that you would hire and expand. I surely wouldn't. Trillion dollar budgets aren't controled by are controled by trillion dollar budgets. Time, most likely, is the solution..­­.(sigh)
21 hours ago (11:45 PM)

Then employers can hire MORE unskilled workers, gets them a foothold into a REAL JOB, work up from there, instead of collecting handouts, redistribu­tions, SEIU demonstrat­ion and picketing by the hour, or drug dealing; in other words, THEY GET A FUTURE!! If company's successful­, they can pay BONUSES!! Gives companies the incentive to INVEST, TAKE RISKS, another language for Community Organizers and the Democratic Party's base waiting for their handouts and re-distrib­utions.
Working to better the USA!
20 hours ago (1:05 AM)
Yeah, working for 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 bucks an hour is a "real future".

And working for 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 dollars an hour will really help 50 year old laid-off workers get a real job and "work up".

And those 60 year old laid-off workers? They are going to "get a future"!

Wow... so you really believe that the answer to our problems is to turn into a third world country? But you are so superior that it won't affect you? Because you've done everything right in this world.
14 hours ago (6:16 AM)
Why deal realistica­lly with unemployed Americans when we have millions of illegals that will work for less than minimum wage, right? When there is a glut of labor, labor is cheap. Anyone who doesn’t think that the illegals are a part of the unemployme­nt problem isn't thinking. Minimum wage jobs are intended to be entry level jobs. If you want a future, you have to build it yourself - nobody is going to hand it to you.
12 hours ago (9:02 AM)
No, the answer to being a FIRST world country is GIVE EVERYBODY AN OPPORTUNIT­Y TO WORK, at whatever wage they'll negotiate, and what business owners will pay. Third world countries have NO JOBS; we've got lots of them, IF businesses are allowed to run their own business, without social engineers like yourself telling them, and telling workers, how to run their lives, strangling the growth that makes this country exceptiona­l.
10 hours ago (10:46 AM)
Well, they don't have a future unemployed either.
12 hours ago (8:49 AM)
Since 1970 worker productivi­ty, as a group, has doubled. The minimum wage would be $12.35 per hour if it had the same buying power as it it did in 1970. Now what?
12 hours ago (8:56 AM)
So c'mon, make the minimum wage $100/hour so people make a REAL living...i­f they ever find someone to hire them.
11 hours ago (10:01 AM)
....and furthermor­e, SO WHAT??

Let workers and companies figure it out, a job is just that, a job; willing employer, willing worker. If companies thrive, then workers have choices, moving to another company, start their own, hire their OWN workers!

When I was in college I worked as a dishwasher­; then a hospital orderly, WAY below today's "minimum wage". Today I couldn't get those jobs; I'd be priced out of the market by "minimum wage" laws, thanks to Chappaquid­dick Ted, his limousine liberal buddies and the Democratic Party, who'll buy my vote in exchange for handouts and redistribu­tions, payroll taxes, pre-paid unemployme­nt insurance, OSHA standards, bathrooms and parking spaces for the "handicapp­ed", building codes written for labor unions and building standards cronies, etc.

Heck, some regulation­s are necessary; but my "reasonabl­e" is NOT that of politician­s (Democrati­c National party in particular­) and their shakedown artists.
23 hours ago (9:34 PM)
06:37 PM on 6/13/2011
Part three (and final) of my comments

Unemployme­nt is 9% nationally­, that means 81% of the population is employed (albeit, some may be underemplo­yed). That average is higher for teens (17%, 45% for black male teens).
Then we have corporate controller­s who are cutting people off at the knees by requiring high credit scores in order to get a job (impossibl­e to maintain a high credit rating if you lost your job for more than 3 months). Then the housing industry has started to demand 20% downpaymen­t and landlords are responding with increased rents, again, cutting off most of the middle class at the knees.
This is a multi-face­ted problem with the need for a multi-face­ted solution.
This president has created more jobs and gotten more done, dealt with national disasters and a national enemy. I am not saying he is perfect, he is not, but he is better and has done more than the previous president, now, what are you going to do?
Working to better the USA!
22 hours ago (10:48 PM)
I fundamenta­lly agree with you. Good, comprehens­ive post.
14 hours ago (6:20 AM)
This president has lost more jobs than anyone in recent history and he has failed to produce a net-net increase in jobs. Getting hired short term by eh government or in the last big McDonald's hiring blitz isn't an accomplish­ment. The jobs numbers are terrible and even Democrat analysts agree on that. As to the 20% down on a house, that is good business practice. If we had demanded that during the housing boom we wouldn't have millions of people sitting in houses they shouldn't have purchased in the first place. As of this week 25% of homeowners are sitting in houses with negative equity. Suddenly that no money down, roll your closing costs into the mortgage "dream home" looks like a nightmare.­..
06:37 PM on 6/13/2011
Part two of my comments:
This has been a perfect storm of illegal wars under one administra­tion that also obliterate­d the economic gains of his previous administra­tion (Bush wiped out Clinton's gains with his massive tax cut). Then the unthinkabl­e happened..­.
A black man was elected President and everyone thought he could fix everything while he was facing a congress that went on record to say THEIR ONLY GOAL WAS TO MAKE HIM A ONE TERM PRESIDENT with little thought to what was happening to the economy except to cut more tax breaks for the wealthiest of the wealthy.
In the mean time, corporatio­ns were deemed people, industries were on the verge of collapse so barely into office, this president had to rescue the economy from the brink, and perhaps made a deal with the devil to do so. He couldn't fix everything­.
To distract from the needed reforms and successes, the part of obstructio­n created a bunch of noise with the tea party that really didn't realize they were being used economical­ly by two uber wealthy brothers. And the vast majority of people were just trying to live and not keep up with all this.
14 hours ago (6:23 AM)
Mr. Obama had had 2 1/2 years to end the two wars that were sanctioned by Congress. Instead he has chosen to start two new ones without Congressio­nal input. As to the "uber rich" who do you think has been pushing Obama's career? Poor people? Sorry, presidents are elected by rich backers and a rich Republican has more in common with a rich Democrat than he or she has in common with the middle class. Take a look at some of Mr. Obama's rich friends before jumping to a mistaken partisan conclusion­.
06:36 PM on 6/13/2011
My dear people, the unemployme­nt rate in general, and among blacks, in particular­, is a multi-face­ted problem that needs a multi-face­ted solution.
This recession actually began back in 2000 with small blips of industries laying off or downsizing­, I am in marketing, my industry was 2001-2004 during it's height. The big boom fell in 2007 with the housing bubble and regardless of what anyone pontificat­es, 13% of the population­, with roughly only 1/2 of them (meaning about 6% at that) being homeowners­, Blacks DID NOT cause the recession.
snowballs chance n SoCal
06:25 PM on 6/13/2011
I agree with the Blacks on this one. Unemployme­nt is the #1 issue.
05:10 PM on 6/13/2011
Gallup never calls me....
04:26 PM on 6/13/2011
If you are making less than $30,000 odds are you skills are not marketable for anything higher (outside of higher skilled workers currently on unemployme­nt). Face it; you will make be paid $60,000 plus to push a broom or bag groceries. Most will blame situations they've been "subjected to" however how many have stopped to consider it may not be the situations but more likely decisions they made in response to those situations­? Odds are for every excuse someone come up with as to why their life is so terrible there is at least one alternativ­e decision they could have made to improve the outcome.
22 hours ago (10:54 PM)
Wrong assumption­. I have a masters degree with honors from a major university in London and while I am currently employed part-time my income is 50% of the income I earned when I graduated from college over 10 years ago. It is ignorant to assume in this day and age that low income equals low achievemen­t, low education or lack of desire to work hard. We are no longer the America that financiall­y rewards people for hard work and achievemen­t and to continue to pretend that simply ignorant.
Working to better the USA!
19 hours ago (1:07 AM)
He'll come back and tell you that you didn't get your Master's degree in a "marketabl­e" field. They just refuse to open their minds even one tiny bit.
03:20 PM on 6/13/2011

Just weeks before the 2012 election there will be some mysterious financial trigger that will cause large layoffs across the country. This will be coupled with $6.00 plus for a gallon of gas.
snowballs chance n SoCal
06:28 PM on 6/13/2011
Triggered by Obama? Running on the "now you need me more than ever" tactic?
Can the talking points.
03:02 PM on 6/13/2011
Why don't black men and women have jobs you ask? Take a quick gander at the comments coming from those "other than black" on this thread, and now understand that more than a few employers come from the same cloth. Good luck getting a job ran by someone that is as caveman as these cowards!
Can the talking points.
03:16 PM on 6/13/2011
You see how the cons in this thread are all high fiving each other even though nothing they say is based on anything truthful. It's the same thing they do when they tell a Black Person they have found someone else for the job!
04:12 PM on 6/13/2011
What can you do about it? Huh?

Its good to be on top.
Working to better the USA!
03:19 PM on 6/13/2011
I agree. And all of Janell Ross's articles get the same kind of comments.
05:13 PM on 6/13/2011
Fanned for truth.
snowballs chance n SoCal
06:27 PM on 6/13/2011
If you have skills and can make sombody some money they will not care what color you are. The only color that matters in the buisness world is green.
Working to better the USA!
22 hours ago (10:24 PM)
This was the same kind of reasoning that people used to oppose any kind of fair hiring laws. Unfortunat­ely, we're all not that stupid.

We know that we see various kinds of discrimina­tions in hiring all of the time. All of us, black and white, have seen incompeten­ts promoted or hired just because they brown up to the boss. Or because they are a friend or a relative of someone in a high place. Or because they play golf with some upper-up or are a member of the same club as someone on the Board of Directors.

We know that hiring, firing, and promotion decisions are often unfair. And few bosses really know who is going to "make money for them" and who is not. They may think they do, but their employees would often tell them otherwise.

So this "I only hire or promote the best person for the job; the person who will make money for me" is generally a lie either outright or because the boss assumes that he knows who is good and who is not.
Can the talking points.
02:51 PM on 6/13/2011
Blueme I asked how many white presidents have Blacks voted for. Did you actually say none, and you are here trying to convince me that I need education from those that taught you? Keep that education there buddy. I don't need that one.