23 Awesome Graduation Fails (VIDEOS)

The Huffington Post   |  Jocelyn Richard First Posted: 06-12-11 12:00 PM   |   Updated: 06-13-11 10:37 AM

In 2011, an estimated 3.1 million young adults will climb the precipitous bleacher steps to adulthood by graduating from high school. Unfortunately, that means there are at least 3.1 million opportunities for center-stage embarrassment as teachers, friends, and relatives look on in horror (or, in many cases, laughter).

Take floor-length gowns, pressure to impress, and auditoriums full of rolling camcorders, and you've got a recipe for some awesome graduation fails. Below we compiled 23 of the most epic commencement disasters the web has to offer. Have a graduation fail of your own that hasn't made its way to YouTube? Tell us about it in the comments.

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In 2011, an estimated 3.1 million young adults will climb the precipitous bleacher steps to adulthood by graduating from high school. Unfortunately, that means there are at least 3.1 million opportuni...
In 2011, an estimated 3.1 million young adults will climb the precipitous bleacher steps to adulthood by graduating from high school. Unfortunately, that means there are at least 3.1 million opportuni...
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0 minute ago (8:34 PM)
Please stop using the word "EPIC" on things so trivial. Especially if they're obviously fake.
17 minutes ago (8:17 PM)
How about this for a fail. I have three kids and they all graduated college and all had their surname pronounced wrongly by the person reading it out. It only has 5 letters!
1 hour ago (7:15 PM)
They would have been funnier if there weren't so many obviously fake ones.
Max Shaw
My micro-bio is no longer empty.
5 hours ago (3:15 PM)
Eh...How many pratfalls are really necessary? Unless someone takes out half the orchestra with him when he falls then I dont care. Probably all planned. Theres always THAT guy/girl.
6 hours ago (3:02 PM)
I quit watching at 15. Most of them were obviously planned.
"This isn't right, this isn't even wrong." - Pauli
7 hours ago (1:58 PM)
I think some of those were planned pratfalls.
8 hours ago (12:31 PM)
Got old after a while.
Micro-bio?! Do I need to be inoculated?!
10 hours ago (11:03 AM)
Too many of them are fake.
10 hours ago (10:33 AM)
After watching the first five besotted youths fake a fall, it got very tiresome. The boy who attempted the somersault was the best, because at least he tried something original.
Let's get dangerous.
20 hours ago (12:59 AM)
The fake/stage­d ones were easy to spot and became annoying really fast. Most all of them after the fourth or fifth videos was fake. The first two were the best.

I like how the girl in the second one snaps back up to raucous cheers. Perfect.
20 hours ago (12:45 AM)
Probably the first time many of those kids have had on dress shoes in their lives.
23 hours ago (9:39 PM)
HIGH LARIOUS. Kudos for posting. As Homer would say, "it"s funny because it isn't me"
08:17 PM on 6/13/2011
A queue the Stage Fall!
What's a micro bio??
06:36 PM on 6/13/2011
Most of these were fake. Tacky.
04:57 PM on 6/13/2011
awwww so sorry to see that. This is a lifetime memory and it's on tape.

On the bright side, at least you have your diploma