Eric Grzymkowski

Eric Grzymkowski

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'Attack Of The Killer Facts': Grossest And Weirdest Facts Ever (PHOTOS)

Posted: 06/ 8/11 08:55 AM ET

In an age where the answer to almost any question rests right at our fingertips, it is quite humbling to discover there is still a demand for a bound compendium of strange (and slightly disturbing) information.

While scraping through the dregs of the internet researching my new book, "Attack of the Killer Facts: 1001 Terrifying Truths About Little Green Men, Government Mind-Control, Flesh-Eating Bacteria, and Goat-Sucking Vampires," (Adams Media, a division of F+W Media; May 2011) I learned two concrete things. First, never Google "alien sex experiments" unless you are fully prepared mentally for what you will see. Second, the world is a far weirder place than I could have ever possibly imagined.

Here you will find 17 of the strangest bits of trivia I unearthed from various books, magazines, websites, and general hearsay. Some are shocking, some are disgusting, and a few are both, but all of them offer a unique insight into the delightfully disturbing world of the weird.

Fact Attack: Worms invading your ass!
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Nearly all humans experience pinworms, a parasite that causes itching around the anus, at some point in their lives. To determine if you have an infestation, have a partner gently touch around your anus with tape while you sleep, when the worms are most active. They will stick to the tape and should be visible.

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In an age where the answer to almost any question rests right at our fingertips, it is quite humbling to discover there is still a demand for a bound compendium of strange (and slightly disturbing) in...
In an age where the answer to almost any question rests right at our fingertips, it is quite humbling to discover there is still a demand for a bound compendium of strange (and slightly disturbing) in...
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1 hour ago (4:11 AM)
What I need to know is how to infect all the grasshoppe­rs along my favorite trout streams with those worms. Volunteer chum...
5 hours ago (12:16 AM)
Clarificat­ion for #14, he did not break through the "unbreakab­le" glass, he knocked the entire window (floor to ceiling) out of its frame and followed it out. He had performed this demonstrat­ion many times before and these things tend to add up...
6 hours ago (10:56 PM)
ummm...all milk is breast milk.....i­t just comes from an animal's breast
11 hours ago (6:33 PM)
Oh great, that's one use for duct tape that I would have rather not known about!
12 hours ago (5:24 PM)
The authors of the study insist that the only effective method for containing the outbreak is immediate and systematic eradicatio­n of the infected.

Errrrrrm, DUH!
13 hours ago (4:34 PM)
Pinworks circling uranus or Palin's e-mails? tough choice, hmmm
15 hours ago (2:28 PM)
I actually seen the horsehair/­grasshoppe­r fact on Discovery channel I think it was Planet Earth mini series.
12 hours ago (5:21 PM)
Check out this parasite. It makes snails 'glow' like a target so that the snail becomes more visible to birds. The parasite is ingested by the bird then spread out over a wide area to reproduce. pretty funk if you ask me.

01:13 PM on 6/09/2011
Googling "Alien Sex Experiment­s" is not nearly as fun as this article would suggest.
"Be the change you wish to see in the world"
12:19 PM on 6/09/2011
"Nearly all humans experience pinworms,.­.."

Next time you have to speak in front of a group and are feeling nervous, think of this.
11:38 AM on 6/09/2011
Now y'all know WHY a dog drags its butt on the carpet!!
11:37 AM on 6/09/2011
My friend told me a harrowing story about pinworms. If hemorrhoid­s start bothering me, I'm thinking pinworms! Ten again, if I get a headache I'm convinced that someone is stabbing my Voo-Doo doll effigy with a hat pin!
11:11 AM on 6/09/2011
Amongst Ed Gein's trophies was his Mother's vagina, he painted it silver.
11:04 AM on 6/09/2011
Read online pin worms are beneficial to people with MS and in allot of cases they reverse much of the damage wrought by the ailment. It's true.
03:30 AM on 6/09/2011
Just some thoughts..­.
If zombies are really real, I'm getting a gun.
Cats' would make AWSOME spies.
Am I the only one not a little freaked by the horsehair worm invading the mind of a grasshoppe­r.
01:03 AM on 6/09/2011
Whee does a bald female buy a merkin these days? I'm not talking about a bald head, now.