May 7, 2011 | Log In | Sign Up

ReconRobotics' Recon Scout Throwable Bot To Climb Boats, Foil Pirates

Reconrobotics Recon Scout Throwbot

The Huffington Post  Thomas Houston  First Posted: 05/ 4/11 05:22 PM ET Updated: 05/ 4/11 05:22 PM ET

Last week, we learned that the robots learned the comparatively pedestrian skills of catching balls and making coffee. This week, things have gotten a bit more serious with a tiny new anti-pirate bot.

ReconRobotics and SSC Pacific announced a new bot that can be blasted out of a gun, crawl metallic walls and be deployed via a larger "marsupial" robot. This one pound, beercab-sized bot is a modified version of ReconRobotics' Recon Scout Throwbot. Discover Magazine's Discoblog reports that U.S. forces have already been using the current version of the ReconScout Throwbot, which can be tossed 120 feet, in Iraq and Afghanistan. Both of the remote-controlled bots pack a video camera, and are able to send live footage back to the control unit.

The new bot will have magnetized wheels for "climbing up and over" a ship's hull (watch a prototype in the video below), and ReconRobotics believes it will be helpful for anti-pirate operations where a remote controlled, robot-mounted video will be able to safely board a ship and send back footage. Low light isn't a problem either; the 'bot has infrared illuminators to see in total darkness.



Last week, we learned that the robots learned the comparatively pedestrian skills of catching balls and making coffee. This week, things have gotten a bit more serious with a tiny new anti-pirate bot.
Last week, we learned that the robots learned the comparatively pedestrian skills of catching balls and making coffee. This week, things have gotten a bit more serious with a tiny new anti-pirate bot.
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Recency  | 
20 hours ago (2:38 PM)
Forward 10 years and they'll be screaming "Extermina­te!" with an eye stalk and the inability to go up stairways easily (except for the ones that hover).
2 minutes ago (10:06 AM)
lol love the dr who reference
20 hours ago (1:54 PM)
The size of a beercab? Does no one use spell-chec­k anymore or am I unaware of something that could actually be kinda awesome? "Yo! Beercab!"
24 hours ago (10:38 AM)
Yup but if the boat is made of carbon fiber eh not so much about climbing up the sides of boats.
22 hours ago (11:54 AM)
most pirates are not using carbon fiber hulls....
24 hours ago (10:25 AM)
Anyone remember the old Tom Selleck movie "Runaway"?
20 hours ago (2:37 PM)
Yes and what was scarier...­.Gene Simmons or the bots? Perhaps both?
12 hours ago (9:50 PM)
The little spider robots, definitely­, why does it always have to be spiders?
09:30 AM on 5/05/2011
This thing seems similar to some of the tech thats already been around to scout buildings. I'm sure I saw something like this 4 years ago by a swiss co.? Unless this thing can swim and then climb onto its targeted port, I'm not that impressed with it.
12:21 AM on 5/05/2011 must be the future
07:55 PM on 5/04/2011
It can climb walls and has an infrared camera....­..hmmmmm..­..where can I buy one?
07:54 PM on 5/04/2011
now that's cool