Osama Bin Laden's Final Message To His Children: 'I'm Sorry For Neglecting You'


The Huffington Post  Mark Hanrahan  First Posted: 05/ 4/11 02:13 PM ET Updated: 05/ 5/11 08:03 PM ET

A Kuwaiti newspaper has published slain Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden's last message to his wives and children.

The four-page document is a will, dated December 14, 2001, months after the 9/11 attacks that made him the most wanted man in the world.

In it, Bin Laden apologizes to his children for his absence in their lives, "You, my children, I apologize for giving you so little of my time because I responded to the need for Jihad," he writes.

He also instructs his children not to follow in his footsteps - specifically telling them not to join Al Qaeda. He cites precedents from Islamic texts as a justification for forbidding his children to engage in 'holy war'. The UK's Daily Telegraph reports that Omar bin al-Khattab, the successor of the Prophet Mohammad as Islam's leader, also left written instructions to his son, Abdullah, not to wage holy war.

The document is largely devoted to justifying Bin Laden's efforts to destroy America and Israel. There is no mention of passing on his possessions or assets, despite the fact that Bin Laden was at one point believed to have a personal fortune worth tens of millions of dollars.

The terrorist leader's will had a message for his wives, "don't consider marrying again, and devote yourselves to your children and guide them to the right path."

He signed the document "Your brother Abu Abdullah Osama Muhammad Bin Laden."

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A Kuwaiti newspaper has published slain Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden's last message to his wives and children. The four-page document is a will, dated December 14, 2001, months after the 9/11 at...
A Kuwaiti newspaper has published slain Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden's last message to his wives and children. The four-page document is a will, dated December 14, 2001, months after the 9/11 at...
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10:23 AM on 5/19/2011
Is that a california king?
05:57 AM on 5/08/2011
This guy was totally whacked. He thought more of the religion than his children.
03:16 AM on 5/08/2011
06:33 AM on 5/08/2011
Osama Bin-Laden Planned to Use Disgruntle­d Blacks to Attack the US


Well done Mr. President for knocking off that fool Osama. The one thing Osama forgot; Black people are American first!

But, Republican­s are lining up to challenge President Obama in next year's election will be banking on pressing domestic issues to turn the tables on him. That's why they are intent on destroying America by sitting on 1.2 trillion dollars, fake oil prices from speculatio­n, and of course purging voters from the voters list.

After all, they say they want the communist to FAIL. What a pathetic strategy to regain the White House. BTW, where are the jobs republican­s promised? Nothing new to offer in their quest for greed and White House; except fears and smears through manipulati­on.

There is a national effort since the Koch bothers brought the midterms and Citizens United to shave voters off the list.

With new era Jim Crow laws comparable to asking a black person to recite the Constituti­on forwards and backwards.

Curbing Voting Rights

In Wisconsin, Republican­s continue to hobble the state Democratic Party with a new voter-ID law.

Fox NOISE and the Supreme Court justices & the Koch brothers don't realize money can't buy everything­..

People are rising up.

02:55 AM on 5/08/2011
to bad i dont understand this language to know what they r saying.But i found that dude that was mentioned in this article named OMAR,its spelled UMAR
02:51 AM on 5/08/2011
i searched the Omar dude on facebook and i found his page.To bad i dont understand to know wtf hes saying. his name is spelled Umar
11:44 PM on 5/07/2011
The name 'bin Laden' will be shed by all those who bear it just like 'Hitler' and 'Mussolini­' were after WWII.
11:14 PM on 5/07/2011
If true then he values his own children, yet no one else. And its do as I say not as I do. Confused man indeed. His children will have many challenges keeping themselves together. And I hope they follow his command if indeed this is his will.
57 years old Christian American -US Army Veteran.
08:16 PM on 5/07/2011
As a Christian I really don't find much to favor about the Islam religion..­....BUT...­that part about having a lot of wives and them all getting along and all in love with me is quite tempting. I may have to take another look at this thing. I mean...wel­l.... I'm just saying.
06:15 PM on 5/07/2011
The whole sad and ironic thing is Islam is based on Christiani­ty. Many scholars now believe Muhammad simply obtained early Christian texts and reworked their teachings and stories. The truth is historical­ly Muhammad was known to keep slaves, beat them and even execute them on occasion, he was not a kind man.

Regardless it seems we have all forgotten the tale of Isaac and Ishmael. For all our difference­s, intoleranc­e of others and hate, we are still two brothers from the same father.
04:39 PM on 5/07/2011
I feel justice has been served by his­ch more so than I did when Iraq or even Afghanista­n was invaded. That said, there is a tiny bit of humanity in even the worst of humankind, and I honour his good intentions to save his children from a life of hatred and revenge.
03:32 PM on 5/07/2011
A coward.
02:09 PM on 5/07/2011
You know....Bi­n Laden is a striking figure.
He's got that I'm "IT" smirk, which kind of reminds me of....
Can we see some over-lays please ???
01:58 PM on 5/07/2011
Simply translated­...."See you in HELL" !!!
01:41 PM on 5/07/2011
It's the economy, stupid! Could someone please tell Obama that since he just wants to brag about his so-called capturing of Osama, when it was the Military that did it. How about helping the U.S. instead of giving milllion$ of u.s. money to our frenemies like Pakistan, Libya, Brazil, etc.??
09:52 PM on 5/17/2011
You've been getting way too much misinforma­tion from FoxSnooze
01:38 PM on 5/07/2011
How sad that this man, like all the other Muslims, are duped and deceived by their moon god, Allah who is no other than Lucifer the devil, the morning star. When all is said and done, he is doomed for everlastin­g because of it.
01:53 PM on 5/07/2011
Amen to that my friend!
02:02 PM on 5/07/2011
he was duped by NOBODY he knew exatly what he was­d did not want his children to follow in his foot steps. Somewhere along the line he realized what a narssasist­ic ego maniac he was. Hopefully his children listen and don't idolize their father. Hopefully the kids father is actually the wives neighborho­od mailman and the kids were conceived while this fool was hiding in some Afgani hole in the mountain