Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker Replaces Multicultural Painting With Bald Eagle

Scott Walker Painting

First Posted: 06/10/11 05:26 AM ET Updated: 06/10/11 05:26 AM ET

Wisconsin's Republican Governor Scott Walker has recently come under fire after the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reported that he and first lady Tonette Walker had removed a painting of underprivileged children from his Executive Residence.

The painting, entitled Wishes in the Wind, was created by David Lenz, who carefully chose the children in the painting. He described his choices to The Journal-Sentinel:

The African-American girl, featured in a Journal Sentinel column on homelessness, spent three months at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission with her mother. The Hispanic girl is a member of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee. And the boy's father and brother were killed by a drunken driver in 2009.

The Walkers replaced the image, which had hung above their fireplace, with an image of Old Abe, a Civil War-era bald eagle from Wisconsin. The eagle is part of a Civil War-themed collection now on display at the Executive Residence, shown in commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the beginning of the war.

Walker, who has spent the beginning of his first term seeking union reform and cutting funding for education and social services, claimed only the best intentions. A press release from the Executive Residence explains,

The painting Wishes in the Wind, which was previously on display in the Drawing Room, is on loan to the Central Library in Milwaukee where 560,000 visitors each year will see it, learn about its significance and continue the discussion about providing hope and optimism for the least privileged in our society. By comparison, the Executive Residence hosts approximately 15,000 visitors each year.

Historian John Gurda, vice chairman of the Central Library's Board of Trustees, however, acknowledged the sticky situation his organization faced, saying, "My point of view is this is not the Walkers' house, this is Wisconsin's house. This was commissioned by an organization that was there long before Scott Walker came in and will be there long after he is gone."


Wisconsin's Republican Governor Scott Walker has recently come under fire after the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reported that he and first lady Tonette Walker had removed a painting of underprivileged ...
Wisconsin's Republican Governor Scott Walker has recently come under fire after the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reported that he and first lady Tonette Walker had removed a painting of underprivileged ...
Filed by Travis Korte  | 
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One of the many "little People"
06:22 AM on 6/13/2011
06:39 PM on 6/12/2011
Historian John Gurda, vice chairman of the Central Library's Board of Trustees, however, acknowledg­ed the sticky situation his organizati­on faced, saying, "My point of view is this is not the Walkers' house, this is Wisconsin'­s house. This was commission­ed by an organizati­on that was there long before Scott Walker came in and will be there long after he is gone."
04:07 PM on 6/12/2011
And as usual, the Huffington Post has distorted this.

Barack Obama removed the American flag from his campaign plane and replaced it with a "Obama for Change 2008" post. But you lazy union hogs didn't go crazy over that.

I hope you all lose your jobs because the businesses go overseas due to the union harassment­. Why should you get 5 percent annual raises and RIDICULOUS pay and benefits while the rest of us are barely holding onto our jobs! WE, the TAX PAYERS, employ you! You don't like working in the cold, dark, and "underpaid­" public sector (sarcasm)? THEN GO FIND ANOTHER JOB LIKE THE REST OF US ARE TRYING TO DO!

I and 14 million Americans would be glad to have a janitor job period! Yet are we screaming like animals in a capitol? You are despicable­, ungrateful­, brainwashe­d and greedy union thugs that are an insult to the unemployed­. Unions have destroyed businesses and will destroy jobs. They favor the employed but make it 10 times harder for those who aren't so lucky. Just wait- businesses will flock to China because they're fed up with unions busting their business. THEN NOBODY WILL HAVE JOBS. This isn't about Walker, this is about unions destroying our country and our financial well-being­!
06:27 PM on 6/12/2011
So tell us Nick ... How do you really feel ?
22 hours ago (11:20 AM)
How do I feel? Disgusted that people are fighting as if it's their lives in jeopardy when all that's at stake is maybe them contributi­ng a bit more to their pension! It is unions that are responsibl­e for some of the Debt; it is unions that have notoriousl­y drove business from this country; it is unions that have continuall­y harassed anyone who is not in their cause! I refused to join a union, and now it is impossible to get a public sector job. Even teaching- with the liberal teachers in bed with the union, it is literally impossible for a conservati­ve non-union member to get a job.

I am DISGUSTED. That is how I feel. Much of you are unskilled workers and yet you demand the same wages as a doctor or a teacher who went to school for years and years. There are millions who would be happy for the job you have. If you think working for the government is so harsh then leave and let someone else take it.
07:58 AM on 6/13/2011
Aren't those continued and unpreceden­ted tax cuts helping to provide you with a job?
22 hours ago (11:23 AM)
They're not enough. I'm not exactly a big business supporter but we NEED the businesses to be rich in order for them to provide jobs! The reason they're sitting on trillions is because they are unsure of many things provided by this administra­tion- Obamacare, new regulation­s, and anti-compa­ny laws. It's all fun and games "defending the middle class" until you've bankrupted America's economy.
Bios? We don't need no stinking Bios!
23 hours ago (10:08 AM)
You're unemployed­? With your shining positive attitude and total lack of knowledge of anything other than Walkers Teapublica­n talking points? I'm Shocked! Shocked I tell you.
22 hours ago (11:25 AM)
Why don't you go make a fool of yourself in front of the whole country and try to destroy the capital *cough* which the taxpayers built *cough*.

And stop believing the liberal media garbage. Such as this site right here. We all know Ariana Huffington­'s positions.­...
20 hours ago (1:30 PM)
That you magically equate the two says more about your irrational­ity than anything else. I don't even want to dignify your post with a breakdown of how these two things aren't in the same realm. The rational mind can figure that out.
Freelance Photographer
19 hours ago (1:55 PM)
U R quite the drama queen. Chill out!
01:34 PM on 6/12/2011
It's just on loan to the Maine Department of Labor.
12:20 PM on 6/12/2011
The only picture Scott Walker and his wife To -Tee want hanging above the fireplace is a picture of the black folk picking cotton.
Perfectly my flawed self at all times
23 hours ago (10:29 AM)
Wow !
Bios? We don't need no stinking Bios!
13 minutes ago (9:02 AM)
As much as I detest Scott Walker and plan to volunteer every spare moment working on his recall, I think your comment goes jesssssst over the line. I believe he wants to see everyone picking cotton regardless of their race or religion; if they're earning under $150K, or not contributi­ng to his campaign.
11:12 AM on 6/12/2011
I think this is a good thing. I don't think Scott Walker is capable of appreciati­ng or deserves to have "Wishes in the Wind" on display for his personal gratificat­ion. It will be displayed in a much better place at the museum where it can touch people who are capable of feelings. Walker should replace it with something that really suits him; say a print of some dogs playing cards, or perhaps, Elvis on black velvet.
10:42 AM on 6/12/2011
Even though I agree with most people that he is a disrespect­ful thug, this story has more questions then answers. The painting was in his Executive Residence, over his fireplace. The painting is now in a better place. If he spends any private time at all at the Executive Residence he should have at least a minimum of opportunit­y to adjust the surroundin­gs. Actually 40 people a day average sounds like a lot of visitors for a residence. I guess it depends on how much time he spends there, as to if this is a non-story or not.
10:08 AM on 6/12/2011
Yes, those Koch Brothers. Libs love jobs, they love employers that treat employees like valued resources and they love companies that do not foist the costs of production upon the public, in other words, they like the theoretica­l capitalist that sees labor and the adjoining community as stakeholde­rs. What they don't like are companies that spend so much money influencin­g and changing rules in their favor and to the detriment of society as a whole. What they don't like is companies that behave as if God is dead and Money is god. Yeah, those Koch brothers.
Proud American, former Republican
02:44 AM on 6/12/2011
Why are we not surprised? Out of sight-out of mind.
02:20 AM on 6/12/2011
I feel sorry for the voters in Wisconsin.­...even moderate Repugs.
I bet they never expected to get what they did.
Walker promised jobs and he is ruthlessly trying to destroy everything the workers built up over decades.

The same goes for the voters in other states with these remorseles­s Repug governors.
I really do NOT believe most voters wanted a slash and burn Repug agenda.
05:40 AM on 6/12/2011
This is not slash and burn. It is simply utilizing strategies the will privide the same level of service at less cost.

Jobs are a byproduct of the demand for goods and services. When taxpayers have to pay for overcompen­sated govt workers, they have less to spend on their own wants that create that demand for goods and services.

You are welcome to hire 10 people this week if you want to create jobs.
Vet from Maine
10:29 AM on 6/12/2011
Overcompen­sated government workers? Link?
06:31 PM on 6/12/2011
Idoit ...
Bios? We don't need no stinking Bios!
23 hours ago (10:10 AM)
My aunt and uncle WERE Republican­s. They're also Teachers. Now they're Democrats.
Fear breeds slavery.
11:30 PM on 6/11/2011
Hopefully this man and his cohorts will become an endangered species...­.....and kept in zoos for exhibition­. and newturd
11:21 PM on 6/11/2011
Malignant Tumor!

And the crap he, his GOP Tumors are cooking up to prevent the recall, with help from His Masters the KOCH Bro's. only means HE and his fellow Stooges Will Be Voted Of of Office.
08:25 PM on 6/11/2011
Forty times as many people may now enjoy the painting as had previously­.
This is another case of manufactur­ed outrage.
Vet from Maine
10:32 AM on 6/12/2011
How do you "enjoy" a painting of homeless children? I would "enjoy" a painting of no more homeless children.
12:28 PM on 6/12/2011
Ok, we can nitpick semantics I suppose.

Let us use the word "appreciat­e" then.

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12:59 PM on 6/11/2011
I guess he didn't want to be reminded of what his party has done to this country. Just like the Mural that he got rid of paying homage to working people.
01:23 AM on 6/12/2011
The mural was in Maine, diff Gov same party.
02:06 AM on 6/12/2011
Ya can't keep up without a scorecard.

It is just that they all act so much alike.