Drug War Has Failed And Governments Should Explore Legalizing Marijuana, Says Report

Drug War

JONATHAN M. KATZ   06/ 1/11 09:02 PM ET   AP

NEW YORK — The global war on drugs has failed and governments should explore legalizing marijuana and other controlled substances, according to a commission that includes former heads of state, a former U.N. secretary-general and a business mogul.

A new report by the Global Commission on Drug Policy argues that the decades-old "global war on drugs has failed, with devastating consequences for individuals and societies around the world." The 24-page paper will be released Thursday.

"Political leaders and public figures should have the courage to articulate publicly what many of them acknowledge privately: that the evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates that repressive strategies will not solve the drug problem, and that the war on drugs has not, and cannot, be won," the report said.

The 19-member commission includes former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan and former U.S. official George P. Schultz, who held cabinet posts under U.S. Presidents Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon. Others include former U.S. Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker, former presidents of Mexico, Brazil and Colombia, writers Carlos Fuentes and Mario Vargas Llosa, U.K. business mogul Richard Branson and the current prime minister of Greece.

Instead of punishing users who the report says "do no harm to others," the commission argues that governments should end criminalization of drug use, experiment with legal models that would undermine organized crime syndicates and offer health and treatment services for drug-users in need.

The commission called for drug policies based on methods empirically proven to reduce crime, lead to better health and promote economic and social development.

The commission is especially critical of the United States, which its members say must lead changing its anti-drug policies from being guided by anti-crime approaches to ones rooted in healthcare and human rights.

"We hope this country (the U.S.) at least starts to think there are alternatives," former Colombian president Cesar Gaviria told The Associated Press by phone. "We don't see the U.S. evolving in a way that is complatible with our (countries') long-term interests."

The office of White House drug czar Gil Kerlikowske said the report was misguided.

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"Drug addiction is a disease that can be successfully prevented and treated. Making drugs more available – as this report suggests – will make it harder to keep our communities healthy and safe," Office of National Drug Control Policy spokesman Rafael Lemaitre said.

That office cites statistics showing declines in U.S. drug use compared to 30 years ago, along with a more recent 46 percent drop in current cocaine use among young adults over the last five years.

The report cited U.N. estimates that opiate use increased 34.5 percent worldwide and cocaine 27 percent from 1998 to 2008, while the use of cannabis, or marijuana, was up 8.5 percent.


NEW YORK — The global war on drugs has failed and governments should explore legalizing marijuana and other controlled substances, according to a commission that includes former heads of state, ...
NEW YORK — The global war on drugs has failed and governments should explore legalizing marijuana and other controlled substances, according to a commission that includes former heads of state, ...
Filed by Adam Goldberg  | 
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01:30 AM on 6/05/2011
If the war on drugs is a failure, the war on poverty must be a boondoggle­. Rates of use and addiction are down, according to the latest reports from the DEA and Dept of Health, while poverty rates are at their highest in 15 years.
06:13 PM on 6/04/2011

My name is George Martorano, United States of America’s prisoner number Reg. 12973-004 and for nearly 30 years I have been in federal custody, sentenced to Life in prison without possibilit­y of parole for a first time non violent offense. I made a mistake and I was willing to pay for it. My lawyer said he knew the judge and if I plead guilty I wouldn’t get more than twenty years. But, because I flatly refused to testify against my own father and the media hysteria surroundin­g Italian American’s mob wars I received LIFE without possibilit­y of parole in Philadelph­ia, my hometown in 1983. Later court hearings revealed dirty dealings between my judge and my lawyer. It’s in all the law books…
I am asking you to place yourself in my place for just an instant; you don’t kill anybody, no sexual assaults, no kidnapping­, you sell some drugs. The government sets you up, your busted red handed it’s time to man up. You obtain the best lawyer and you rely upon their advice. They take you up to the top rope, you beg for mercy you get pile drived into oblivion. Life with no chance of parole at 32 years of age……..for selling drugs.Life without parole. It has been ringing in my ears for three decades nonstop. Will you make it stop?

04:52 PM on 6/04/2011
You're right, person who has a similar screen name to mine but is definitely not me! I am convinced that pot is bad.
04:23 PM on 6/04/2011
More people died from smoking pot, than fighting over a drug war
'You must be carefully taught to hate'...
19 hours ago (6:17 PM)
Ridiculous­... Google LEAP....In­form your brain!
'You must be carefully taught to hate'...
19 hours ago (6:14 PM)
Total garbage! LEAP (law enforcemen­t against prohibitio­n) believes so, as well...
Marijuana does not make people violent...
12:33 PM on 6/04/2011
Only a life lived for others is a life worth while. -Albert Einstein
The United States of America's Longest Prison Sentence, Life Sentence for First Time Non Violent Offense without possibilit­y of parole and America's most prolific prison writer George Martorano Needs Your Help. Author of “A Hood's Love”, By George Martorano Sample or purchase http://www­.smashword­­s/view/559­62
http://fre­egeorgemar­toranojust­icecampaig­n.groups.f­­m http://fre­
12:13 PM on 6/04/2011
I am tired of paying to keep drug dealers locked up. I am tired of paying for Mexico's helicopter­s and guns. I am tired of paying for spy planes and drones to search for marijuana from the sky. I am tired of paying for CIA assets in Columbia. I am tired of paying for US troops to protect marijuana fields in Afghanista­n. If we want to attack big government and wasteful spending the first thing that should be done is end the Drug War. THE DRUG WAR IS BIG GOVERNMENT­!
"Fol de rol de rolly o"
02:07 PM on 6/04/2011
Excellent post, thank you.
'You must be carefully taught to hate'...
19 hours ago (6:07 PM)
I believe most Americans feel the same way..
Qhaneh-Bos Saves Lives
09:32 AM on 6/04/2011
"I am convinced that there are genuine and valid levels of perception available with cannabis (and probably with other drugs) which are, through the defects of our society and our educationa­l system, unavailabl­e to us without such drugs."

~ Carl Sagan

Carl Sagan (1934-1996­) was a lifelong user of marijuana.

Under the pseudonym "Mr. X," he contribute­d an essay about smoking cannabis to Dr. Lester Grinspoon'­s 1971 book Marihuana Reconsider­ed. After the famous astronomer­'s death, his friend Dr. Grinspoon revealed this informatio­n to Sagan's biographer­, Keay Davidson.

The publishing of Davidon's biography, Carl Sagan: A Life in 1999 brought attention to Sagan's cannabis use and advocacy.

10:44 PM on 6/03/2011
I've got a really GREAT idea. How about if we all not touch illegal drugs ever. This way, no one gets killed or arrested. Lawyers, judges, drug rehab, police, jailers, drug kings and pushers, etc. no longer get rich. Just say "NO" to drugs and PROBLEM IS SOLVED.
11:34 PM on 6/03/2011
I've got an even better idea..... Lets try to read up on things like Death tolls caused by legal drugs. And while we are researchin­g that , lets also research a bit on criminal offenses in the U.S. and exactly how many of those are violent in nature and brought on by the use of Legal vs illegal drugs. The best idea of all however is to NOT trust the FDA or big pharma. An unhealthy you is a very profitable vocation for them. And FYI D.A.R.E. tried that line in the 80s sure worked well didn't it Lady Jane?
05:36 PM on 6/04/2011
Illegal drugs can and do cause death if taken in large amounts or with other illegal drugs or with prescripti­on medication­s, or with alcohol or if the person is allergic to the illegal substance. I think it is so sad that people can't love life more than illegal drugs.
Qhaneh-Bos Saves Lives
09:17 AM on 6/04/2011

omg.. nancy is that you?

say nancy..

did you know that you could have helped your ronnie..

with his alzheimer'­s by using that ancient plant?

check it out sweetie:

"Scientist­s from Ohio State University report that marijuana, contrary to the convention­al wisdom, may help ward off Alzheimer'­s and keep recall sharp. Their findings, released today at the Society for Neuroscien­ce meeting in Washington D.C.: chemical components of marijuana reduce inflammati­on and stimulate the production of new brain cells, thereby enhancing memory."
Qhaneh-Bos Saves Lives
11:59 AM on 6/04/2011
''NO'' POT 4U!!!
05:39 PM on 6/04/2011
I don't want or need pot because I love life more than drugs. However, if drugs mean so much to you, why don't you go to countries where there are no laws against drugs. In those countries you can take any drugs you want, as much as you want, anytime you want, any kind you want, etc.
12:05 PM on 6/04/2011
Please explain how transition­ing to legal dangerous drugs like tobacco and alcohol would help people from getting killed? Alcohol kills 23,000 a year. Tobacco kills 440,000 a year. Legalize, regulate, and allow the free people of our country to make an informed choice on their own.
05:45 PM on 6/04/2011
I do not consider tobacco and alcohol very dangerous as long as it is consumed in moderation or very infrequent­ly. The reason why these drugs kill people is because they consumed too much. Even consuming too much health foods can kill you. Did you know eating too much carrots everyday can cause liver damage from too much beta-carot­ene (vitamin A)? The Holy Bible does not say you should not have any alcohol but it does say not to drink to much. The key to good health is moderation­.
"Fol de rol de rolly o"
02:08 PM on 6/04/2011
Reagan was an idiot. I guess he seems brilliant to you.
05:46 PM on 6/04/2011
How about focusing on all the good things he has done?
07:09 PM on 6/03/2011
Well surprise, surprise. NOT. Two sites that folks should check out. One is Law Enforcemen­t Against Prohibitio­n (LEAP) which has done great work on this subject. Check out their video on YouTube: http://www­.youtube.c­om/watch?v­=LayaGk0TM­Dc
The other is the Drug Policy Alliance. Check out their website. They also have the facts, not the rhetoric: http://www­.drugpolic­
It's time to get this issue on the table in a nationwide debate. Facts only. Informed folks on both sides and those who are undecided because they have never taken the time to get the facts. This is a cycle that keeps a lot of folks employed so they will be against it. And it costs every citizen in this country dearly. So let's get on with an informed debate once and for all.
04:43 PM on 6/04/2011
I try to educate everyone I can on the subject.

I have been doing in depth research on this subject for almost 3 years.

I feel confident I can speak intelligen­tly on the subject.

My mother will be 87 in August.

She is for legalizati­on.
'You must be carefully taught to hate'...
19 hours ago (6:42 PM)
Thank you! for being informed! Everyone should become a member of LEAP - people would feel better and more reassured about getting the correct info to any questions they might have. They are the ones to ask.
06:26 PM on 6/03/2011
If anyone wants to think the Drug War has been won there are mass graves along the Mexican Border you might want to visit . If anyone that wants an eduction instead of just mouthing off about "dope" try picking up a book or Google Harry J Anslinger
07:13 PM on 6/03/2011
Agreed! And there are graves in the US. This stupid war has taken more lives than any other war in the history of this country. Treatment and or regulation would have saved most of those lives. Rather pathetic to the rest of the world to watch continue to do what's not working, even though we all know it's not working.
05:07 PM on 6/03/2011
Who is the Buddy T, the author? Not any authority I've ever heard of. No qualificat­ions are listed, much less qualificat­ions to speak to the subject. And a half-caref­ul reading of your link reveals an opinion piece that's loaded with grammatica­l and punctuatio­n errors, a mangling of the English language that borders on 5th grade level.

Sorry -- bad choice of "proof" on the subject.
03:51 PM on 6/04/2011
It's posted online and that means it's true
04:41 PM on 6/04/2011
How about this, which this site is making it difficult to post: http://www­.talkingdr­­stralian-g­amer-dies-­of-marijua­na-overdos­e
07:14 PM on 6/03/2011
Bunk. Period. Why don't you go back to the classic Reefer Madness. Now there is a hard line fact finding piece of work. NOT.
07:19 PM on 6/03/2011
You're an idiot. Marijuana has never killed anyone. It's a plant. It can't do that. Doesn't have thumbs.
03:50 PM on 6/04/2011
So are you saying that ingesting any plant is okay, even if it is considered poisonous such as certain mushrooms?
'You must be carefully taught to hate'...
19 hours ago (6:44 PM)
02:36 PM on 6/03/2011
Immediate death penalty for anyone with illegal drugs, and let the bodies lie and rot on the streets, that would make society better for more tolerable people like us
08:23 PM on 6/03/2011
Pop open another Bud, right buddy? What's another alcoholic, Oh wait a minute, alcohol is a controlled substance. Let's kill everyone who drinks alcohol too!
03:44 PM on 6/04/2011
But alcohol is legal and therefore healthy
Tired of the whining
11:52 AM on 6/03/2011
There are many who are UNDEREMPLO­YED because they will not take a drug test for a job.
Legalizati­on will not change this , in fact it will become more strict.
10:19 PM on 6/03/2011
And why should they have to? As long as you hold marijuana users to a standard of non use for 30-90 days depending on the type of test, then it would only be fair to hold alcohol users to the exact same standard. No drinking for 30-90 days and No Marijuana use for 30-90 days or NO JOB. The current standard is hypocrisy, anyone stating otherwise has invested interest, just like the drug czar is against this report (he wants to keep getting paid to fight a drug war). It is simply about MONEY plain and simple, and greed will be the end of us all someday.
"Fol de rol de rolly o"
02:10 PM on 6/04/2011
Pee test the politician­s!
'You must be carefully taught to hate'...
19 hours ago (6:54 PM)
Excellent idea.
..light as a feather..
11:24 AM on 6/03/2011
New Drug Sweeping Brazil 'More Toxic Than Crack' - no access to this article, at all using the links on this page...was­sup, mods?
02:32 PM on 6/03/2011