Simon Johnson: Explaining France's Determination To Run The IMF

Imf Chief France

First Posted: 06/ 3/11 03:38 PM ET Updated: 06/ 3/11 03:38 PM ET

New York Times:

Just a few years ago, euro-zone countries were at the forefront of those saying that the International Monetary Fund had lost its relevance and should be downsized. French authorities regarded the I.M.F. as so marginal that President Nicolas Sarkozy was happy to put forward the name of a potential rival, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, as a candidate for its managing director, in fall 2007.

Read the whole story: New York Times

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Just a few years ago, euro-zone countries were at the forefront of those saying that the International Monetary Fund had lost its relevance and should be downsized. French authorities regarded the I.M...
Just a few years ago, euro-zone countries were at the forefront of those saying that the International Monetary Fund had lost its relevance and should be downsized. French authorities regarded the I.M...
Filed by Harry Bradford  | 
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Recency  | 
16 hours ago (4:26 PM)
The French are pretty eager to spend American money through the IMF. I suggest that they fund it themselves if they want to influence Third World nations with cash gifts.
13 hours ago (7:55 PM)
Good point!
7 minutes ago (8:31 AM)
Its a global world, French interest are problably the same as the US....Look no further than libya....b­ut, hey, that gave you a chance to take a shot at the French, pretty much a national sport in the US