May 5, 2011 | Log In | Sign Up

Miracles Claimed From Late Pope's Intercession

John Paul

First Posted: 04/26/11 09:12 PM ET Updated: 04/26/11 09:12 PM ET

By Francis X. Rocca
Religion News Service

VATICAN CITY (RNS) Jesse was just 10 days old in November 2009 when he was diagnosed with Herpes simplex, a virus often lethal to a newborn child. Doctors at Children's National Medical Center in Washington, D.C. told his parents that he had no better than a 50 percent chance of surviving, and at most a 25 percent chance of living without severe brain damage.

As the Virginia boy waited for a possible liver transplant, his grandfather started praying to the late Pope John Paul II, who died in 2005 and will be beatified by Pope Benedict XVI on Sunday (May 1).

Practically at once, Jesse's vital signs began to improve. He went off dialysis a few days later, and was released the following month with a clean bill of health, after what the specialist in charge called a recovery of unprecedented swiftness.

The hospital's medical staff hailed Jesse as the "miracle baby."

Jesse's story comes from a new book, The Miracle of Karol, whose recent publication in Italy was timed to coincide with the beatification of the potential Polish saint born as Karol Wojtyla.

Author Saverio Gaeta writes that he culled Jesse's case, along with dozens of other possible miracles attributed to the late pope's intercession, from "thousands" of such stories reported around the world since John Paul's death.

A church-certified miracle -- typically defined as a "scientifically inexplicable" recovery from a physical ailment following prayers to a deceased Catholic -- is generally required for beatification. (That requirement is waived in the cases of martyrs.) Another miracle, occurring after beatification, is required for sainthood.

"A miracle ... is like a kind of postmark from God through which he guarantees the sanctity" of those celebrated by the church for their "heroic virtues," says Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins, former head of the Vatican's Congregation for the Causes of Saints, in Gaeta's book.

In John Paul's beatification cause, the necessary miracle is believed to have come in the 2005 healing of a French nun, Sister Marie Simon Pierre Normand, who had been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 2001. According to a Vatican investigation, she quickly recovered from
the disease after two fellow nuns prayed for help to John Paul, who had also suffered from Parkinson's.

Various media outlets reported last spring that medical experts had cast doubt on the French nun's recovery -- reports that Gaeta dismisses as the "empty clamor of journalistic polemics."

One thing, at least, is clear from the unverified stories recounted in Gaeta's book: When John Paul is declared "blessed" this Sunday, the celebrations will extend far beyond the confines of St. Peter's Square.

Gaeta's book appears aimed at bolstering the credibility of the miracle officially attributed to John Paul, both by offering details of the nun's case, and by sampling reports of other possible miracles collected by the Rome office of the official advocate for John Paul's

Gaeta, the editor-in-chief of Famiglia Cristiana, one of Italy's highest-circulation magazines, claims to have had privileged access to the advocate's files of letters, many of them left by pilgrims at John Paul's tomb in the Vatican. With the exception of the nun, Gaeta's book provides only the first names of the persons involved in the cases he cites.

Spokespeople for the Archdiocese of Washington and for the dioceses of Arlington and Richmond, Va., said they knew nothing about the case of baby Jesse. A spokeswoman for Children's National Medical Center declined to comment, citing privacy laws.

Gaeta told a reporter he would not divulge the persons' identities unless the postulator's office obtained their permission first.

Among the other stories recounted in Gaeta's book is of a Pennsylvania schoolboy named Luke, who suffered an apparently disabling neck injury while playing lacrosse in June 2005. A neurologist at a Philadelphia pediatric hospital pronounced the boy in good health three days later, after a friend of his grandmother prayed to John Paul.

A spokeswoman for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia wasn't available for comment or verification of the boy's story.

Gaeta also cites a Catholic man in an unnamed U.S. city, who asked for John Paul's intercession and promptly recovered from cirrhosis of the liver.

Intriguingly, the book also mentions that John Paul's beatification cause involved an official church investigation in New York, held to "take the testimony of an American citizen." Gaeta said the confidential nature of his sources prevented him from specifying the investigation's


By Francis X. Rocca Religion News Service VATICAN CITY (RNS) Jesse was just 10 days old in November 2009 when he was diagnosed with Herpes simplex, a virus often lethal to a newborn child. Doctors at...
By Francis X. Rocca Religion News Service VATICAN CITY (RNS) Jesse was just 10 days old in November 2009 when he was diagnosed with Herpes simplex, a virus often lethal to a newborn child. Doctors at...
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19 minutes ago (6:09 PM)
The RCC is a mess, When people die, according to the Bible that the RCC so liberally IGNORES, they go to be with the Lord and their mission on this earth is complete. The Lord is capable of handling anything at anytime including miraculous healings, after all he is God--did you forget that Catholics? He does not need nor seek helpers from among the those who have gone to heaven, he does not need Mary to tap him on the shoulder and ask him to help someone nor can she do it herself nor does she fast track your prayer--an­d in fact she doesnt do that becasue she is not capable of HEARING YOUR PRAYERS. No where does scrpture teach that anyone in heaven is conscious of anything happening on earth--hea­ven is a place where the earthly life is now behind us.

Catholics seem unable to pray to Jesus direct. They make people their go-between­s becasue their priests and RCC doctrine has enslaved them to the idea that they always need a priest or a dead Catholic to be a go between and in so doing the RCC deprives them of knowing and persuing a personal relationsh­ip with Christ himself.
06:07 AM on 4/29/2011
I'll have a fake one, and a fake one, and an uninvestig­ated one, and an implausibl­e one, and another fake one. Have we got enough now?
04:43 AM on 4/29/2011
The only miracle is that millions of people keep giving him and his successors money.
05:00 PM on 4/28/2011
Read the book by Geoffery Robertson titled:


Even if half of it is true you will change your mind about this religion.
01:50 PM on 4/28/2011
The only miracle I see is that despite the evidence that hundreds of thousands of children have been sexually abused by tens of thousands of priests, reassigned to different parishes or schools by thousands of bishops, covered up by hundreds of archbishop­s and cardinals and instructed to keep out of the hands of civil authoritie­s by tens of popes, the team of vatican geezers with the red-Prado shoe pope in front have not been dragged kicking and screaming to the internatio­nal criminal court in den Hague for crimes against humanity. Just add to this pedophilia network the 2000 years of childhood indoctrina­tion in superstiti­on and their anti-condo­m policy in Africa that in large part contribute­s to 2 million HIV deaths each and every year for decades and decades with no end in sight, and you have a stronger case than ever brought forward for any dictator that ever lived.

That the world takes no action against these criminals is the true miracle (in a horribly bad way).
05:01 PM on 4/28/2011
Exactly! Have you read The Case of the Pope by Geoffery Robertson?
11:38 PM on 4/28/2011
Yes I have and all he writes is pretty straightfo­rward except for those whi chronicall­y suffer from confirmati­on bias or keep their head burried in the sand.
56 minutes ago (5:32 PM)
What a crock of bull. You can't be serious and still look normal. Why is it that Catholics continue to be persecuted in this day and age? It is miraculous how the Church has survived for 2000 years. You apparently know nothing of the truth of the sex scandal so I won't dignify that with any analysis. But I will say that the Church will go on because Jesus promised it would and I believe in Him totally. So There!!!!!
29 minutes ago (6:00 PM)
The reports are undeniably and even these low-ball numbers are impossible to deny. Catholics are not being prosecuted­. In the US, the catholic church believes that it has the god-given right to discrimina­te against anyone they damn please and still receive federal funds.

The difference between you and I is that I have overcome childhood indoctrina­tion and thrown blind faith through the window. You can do the same and see reality for what it is.
09:32 AM on 4/28/2011
Does everyone remember the power that the "magic practicing priest" had in the account in the "Old Testament" ? Who can say for sure where a "power" comes from ? If it is Satan's purpose to lead any he can away from the true way Our Creator wants His humans to worship, think and conduct themselves and if Satan has powers as a fallen angel, one might look at where the "supposed miracle " is leading people to determine if what is happening is a "good thing" in God's eyes. Ask, do all the doctrine of the "religion" being venerated comply with what Our Creator wants ? This would require studying or listening to the Scriptures enough to know what he wants, but then there are little children who have read other books many, many times. Does Our Creator deserve any less ?
07:24 PM on 4/27/2011
Most people have herpes may feel lonely and shamed. But 70 million are afflicted with STD in the U.S. alone. There is an exclusive community herpespeop­ for singles and friends with herpes. If you just need to find someone to talk to or need help or advice, this is the best place. Never feel lonely again!
07:21 PM on 4/27/2011
When I went to a pentacosta­l church there were dozens of people who said they had been healed by prayer, even of cancer. They all thought the Pope was the anti-chris­t. Several years ago I rushed my son to the hospital with a racing heart-beat­. The young doctor on duty was certain he had an ove-active thyroid and was ready to operate immediatel­y before it damaged his heart. By a stroke of luck (which passes for a miracle in some circles) a more experience­d doctor came by; gave him a seditive, and in short order he was fine: panic attack.
05:27 PM on 4/27/2011
Only when we're in heaven will we realize the effects prayers have had in our lives, all of us, those praying and those prayed for.

Some hate the idea of prayer and bring up every reason why it can't be effective. Some of us live surrounded by prayer and continue to pray endlessly for those who don't believe in it.

The time will come when those who are in heaven because someone prayed for them will be grateful for all eternity for those prayers.
07:04 PM on 4/27/2011
"Only when we're in heaven will we realize the effects prayers have had in our lives..."

You say it like you have been there, so I have a question..­. Where is it?
10:57 PM on 4/27/2011
Read Howard Storms "My Descent Into Death" for a descriptio­n of heaven and the other universes, galaxies and dimensions he found in his near-death experience in 1985. It's on YouTube. You can scoff at that for a while. It should amuse you.

Howard was one tough atheist when it happened to him, but he's a changed man now.
09:46 PM on 4/27/2011
Who wants to exist for eternity? The whole reason our lives have meaning is because we only live for a finite amount of time.
10:53 PM on 4/27/2011
What we want, in this case, is irrelevant­. We're immortal, for good or for ill, by God's choice for us, and we make our decision here as to where we want to spend eternity. Sometimes those who love us pray that they'll be the right choices, and by the grace of God they are.

It makes my heart sink when people kill themselves­, thinking it will be all over then, and know that they'll find that it's only beginning, and they've chosen the wrong path. I pray very hard for their souls, as well as my own and those of my family and friends.

Those who have had NDEs and have seen hell and know what it feels like agree. Uniformly they say they never thought it existed, but have changed their lives irrevocabl­y now.
04:22 PM on 4/27/2011
There is NO evidence for the pope's so-called miracles; they are merely un-substan­tiated claims of alleged cause and effect; Why is it that the standard of evidence for the supernatur­al is so low for so many people while their standard for evidence of global warming is so high? I guess it's true, you can't reason somebody out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.
03:17 PM on 4/27/2011
The late pope sure did a great job stopping Katrina, the south Pacific tsunami, the earthquake in Haiti and the earthquake in Japan.

Pathetic goat-herde­r superstiti­ons.
07:22 PM on 4/27/2011
Well, that was all retributio­n for gay marriage and the like. At least that's what the likes of Pat Robertson said.
01:41 PM on 4/27/2011
Is ok to believe in a religion, anyone, but to keep up with this know...
01:39 PM on 4/27/2011
I guess, they have to keep up with business, nothing else.
01:38 PM on 4/27/2011
If you've been dead for four years how do I know that the cure comes from heaven and not from the hard work of Doctors it sounds like snake oil to me.
Some things I know and some things I don't.
12:52 PM on 4/27/2011
Wow. Shouldn't the god thingy get the credit for healing Jesse instead a pope ghost?
01:07 PM on 4/27/2011
The God thingy does get the credit. You are misunderst­anding Catholic theology.
Some things I know and some things I don't.
01:18 PM on 4/27/2011
I don't misunderst­and it. I'm in awe of the absurdity of it.