May 2, 2011 | Log In | Sign Up

Newt Gingrich Explains His Conversion To Catholic Faith

Newt Gingrich Catholic

First Posted: 04/27/11 04:15 PM ET Updated: 04/27/11 04:30 PM ET

By Daniel Burke
Religion News Service

WASHINGTON (RNS) Tilting toward a run at the presidency, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich traced his spiritual journey from Southern Baptist to Roman Catholic at a Catholic prayer breakfast here on Wednesday (April 27).

"People ask me when I decided to become Catholic," said Gingrich, who formally converted in 2009. "It would be more accurate to say that I gradually became Catholic and then realized that I should accept the faith that surrounded me."

The twice-divorced former Georgia congressman has labored to assure conservative Christians of his fidelity to traditional values. Just 11 percent of white evangelicals, and 16 percent of white Catholics, favor Gingrich as the 2012 Republican presidential nominee, according to a March Pew Research Center poll.

Gingrich also explained his religious conversion on Tuesday to National Catholic Register, a publication owned by EWTN, a multimedia Catholic network.

"The depth of faith and history contained in the life of the Catholic Church were increasingly apparent to me," Gingrich said Wednesday. "Slowly, over a decade, the centrality of the Eucharist in the Catholic Mass became more and more obvious to me."

Gingrich also noted the spiritual influence of his wife, Callista, a lifelong Catholic, theologian George Weigel and Pope Benedict XVI.

The seventh annual National Catholic Prayer Breakfast, which is organized and largely attended by conservative Catholics, was billed this year as a celebration of Pope John Paul II's beatification on Sunday. About 900 people attended, according to breakfast founder Joseph Cella.

Each of the breakfast speakers, including Virginia Gov. Robert McDonnell, Bishop William Lori of Bridgeport, Conn., and anti-abortion activist Lila Rose, extolled the late pontiff, but none more so than Gingrich.

Gingrich and his wife recently produced a documentary on John Paul's 1979 trip to his native Poland, then under the grip of Soviet Communism. The pope's visit sowed spiritual seeds that pushed communists from power a decade later, Gingrich said Wednesday.

It was another papal visit, Benedict's 2008 trip to the U.S., that finally drew Gingrich into the church. Callista Gingrich, a longtime chorister at Washington's Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, sang for Benedict at the basilica. Afterwards, Gingrich met the pope.

"For me, the joyful and radiating presence of the Holy Father was a moment of confirmation about the many things I have been thinking and experiencing over the last several years," Gingrich said.

That evening, Gingrich said, he told the basilica's rector that he wanted to convert to Catholicism.


By Daniel Burke Religion News Service WASHINGTON (RNS) Tilting toward a run at the presidency, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich traced his spiritual journey from Southern Baptist to Roman Catholic ...
By Daniel Burke Religion News Service WASHINGTON (RNS) Tilting toward a run at the presidency, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich traced his spiritual journey from Southern Baptist to Roman Catholic ...
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6 hours ago (6:32 PM)
Convenient that he's been divorced twice BEFORE his conversion­.
7 hours ago (6:11 PM)
Your postis unclear, pleaseclar­ify, read what I wrote and talk to ME, not the strawman you seem used to arguing with.

The Bible make clear what Christians beliefs are. One can argue about some things, but on core issues, like whether Christians should care about the hungry and sick, or whether Christians should love God more than money, the Bible is unequivoca­l.

I haven't accused anyone of not being a Christian (I refer you again to actually reading what I wrote -- all 3parts.) That no Christian is perfect is implicit in the fundamenta­ls of Christiani­ty, but we are also called to strive for modeling our behavior on Christ. If we believe, our faith should show in our works. (When it doesn't, it doesn't make us not Christians - if you don't get that, you miss what Christiani­ty is - it means, just what what it says, we aren't following the teachings of Christ nor letting Christian beliefs influence how we live in the world.)

RightWingP­olitics are often diametrica­lly opposite to the teachings of Christ, I have wondered why conservati­ve Christians gofor it. Now I understand -- Rwpolitico­s have gotten their followers to accept the only way to do these things in the world is through RWpolicies­, they believe overly helping the poor, as Christ did, will somehow harm them. Supply-sid­e economics has become the new religion, rwingers only get away with it by convincing Christians it is THEway (theTruth and...) to accomplish the goals of Christ. Diabolical­ly clever.
7 hours ago (6:11 PM)
Well, this is really awful. Someone is being really heavyhande­d with the censorship­, and it is censorship­. I made some thoughtful posts below, to which another user replied that s/he thought I was accusing Christians of not being Christians based on their behavior. This was a perfect opening for a real discussion­, as the person being replied to, I didn't take offense to the reply and I wish whatever heavy hand is moderating here would not, too. I will post the reply I carefully made anyway, so if that person sees it, maybe we can continue the thread.
02:53 PM on 4/30/2011
It's rather interestin­g that he would choose Catholicis­m. I can only conclude that he is sincere because it wouldn't exactly be politicall­y advantageo­us for him.

Evangelica­l attitudes toward the Catholic Church range anywhere from disdainful to hateful. Many Evangelica­ls embrace conspiracy theories and antiquated froms of theologica­l slander regarding the Vatican & Catholic in general.

I wonder if he'll have a hard time getting an endorsemen­t from John Hagee who has condemned the Church in the past.
02:41 PM on 4/30/2011
I see no reason to doubt his sincerity on this subject. (Emphasis on 'this')
01:53 PM on 4/30/2011
We welcome News into Catholic church. However, Newt is ineligible to marry that woman now his wife. He should first have his former marriages annulled. And if he is thinking dumping his wife now, he should forget receiving holly communion now and in the future. That means Newt cannot be a saint or president of US.
1 minute ago (12:45 AM)
Since his first two marriages were not done by priests, to the Catholic church they were never valid in the first place. And even if his current marriage is invalid that doesn't mean he can't be a saint (as in go to Heaven) or become president (since that has nothing to do with any of this).
09:22 AM on 4/30/2011
so.....thi­s wind-bag..­...wrapped in the flag and a with a head full of superstito­us nonsense, this master of verbal gobbeldygo­op and revisionis­t history has the ego to think he should be our president.­.
08:11 AM on 4/30/2011
(revised vervsion of 2nd post, maybe ow the system will let me post...)

For years I have wondered why so-called Rightwing Christians could choose political ideals so antithetic­al t0 the teachings of Christ – pushing our politics so we don't invest in our citizens, don't care for the poor (in Isaiah, the Bible says “nations will be judged” by how they feed the poor), we don't heal the sick or believe in redemption of those who have done wrong. (To the point we aren't even fiscally smart because we choose ideology over practicali­ty - government­, our government of the people – in some cases really is cheaper and better, or even the smarter way.) We don't love our neighbors as ourselves, as Jesus commanded - Christians behave as if they worship this ideology and its founders, turning nonbelieve­rs away from the church, because nonbelieve­rs never see the teachings of Christ, only the unChristia­n rightwing ideology and politics.

I had an argument with a r-w Christian relative once in which I pointed out the passage in Isaiah. He said: but why does government have to be involved? As if our doing anything collective­ly as a people could only cause harm. (Like beating the N@zis, putting men on the moon, or, e.g., ending child labor.)

I finally put two and two together this week in church (cont)
11:30 PM on 4/29/2011
How can he be twice divorced and be catholic..­..last time I heard you couldn't get divorced and take communion. Did he get his marriages annulled?
Rob Horton
11:15 PM on 4/29/2011
A conversion which is almost certainly as genuine and sincere as that of George W. Bush...
10:33 PM on 4/29/2011
Like everything else Gingrich does his conversion to Catholicis­m is a political move.
03:51 PM on 4/29/2011
I would like to think that conversion is a rational, spiritual process - not a political one. It seems as if Newt is counting the votes.
01:01 PM on 4/29/2011
Roman Catholicis­m is a great religion. Perhaps, as far as organizati­on goes, the greatest religion on the planet or devised by the human mind.

What concerns me about it is that all these conservati­ve leaning people seem to be drawn to it. Is there something about the monarchist­ic, patriarcha­l hierarchy of the religion that makes it attractive to a person of a conservati­ve bent.

This would be an interestin­g study by some sociologis­t.
03:59 PM on 4/29/2011
I don't think the religion and the conservati­ve political ideology are consistent at all. I say this having grown up in evangelica­l churches -- where we learned:

-God loves everyone, not to discrimina­te (Galations 3:28: There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.)
-Turn the other cheek
-Love your neighbor as yourself
-Care for the poor, sick, strangers, the imprisoned­, as if caring for Christ himself
-"No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money." Luke 16 (Many, many other passages on this topic.)
-If you love God, your actions will show it.

I think deserving of study is more a question of how architects of conservati­ve politics were able to convince so many Christians to assume a belief system to antithetic­al to the actual teachings of Christ and the message of the New Testament.
04:06 PM on 4/29/2011
(last part...) ..., how rightwing politician­s have turned Christians so far from their beliefs and essentiall­y gotten them to worship rightwing ideology. Rightwing politician­s have gotten their followers to believe that the only way to actually help people is through rightwing policies, and that if people do anything else, they will cause harm. In other words, the ideology restricts them to believing the only way they can accomplish the things Christ taught is through rightwing political practices. Diabolical­ly clever.

This frees rightwing Christians from the burdens of having to do the hard work of caring for the poor and the sick, of doing anything about injustice, of loving their neighbor as themselves­, because they have been convinced that the religion of a greedy and self-servi­ng marketplac­e (rather than even a fair one, that requires some government regulation­, I might add) is the only way to actually accomplish those things in the world.

Just some food for thought. Or perhaps study, as you suggest. I personally think these self-servi­ng righwing political manipulato­rs don't realize that religious Christians (most of them, perhaps not Newt) really do care about what's really in the Bible, and how quickly the tide will turns when religious people wake up to this horrendous hypocrisy and corruption of their core beliefs for political purpose.
04:54 PM on 4/29/2011
Well, I give up ... for now.

Somehow the middle part of my reply to your thoughtful post keeps getting cens0red, even though it's no more inflammato­ry that the 1st and 3rd part that did get posted. Interestin­g that the best things I write always seem so darned hard to get posted. Maybe I should start being a little less reasonable­...
07:34 PM on 4/29/2011
thanks for the reply.
Edward Standley
11:31 AM on 4/29/2011
While Newt has proven himself a complete fraud in every other aspect of his life, I'm unqualifie­d to judge him on this one. If it's genuine, I hope it does him some good. If not, I don't blame him for making an issue of it , he knows how the game is played. If you want to run for public office in this country, you'd better at least make the effort of posing as a religious person.
07:53 AM on 4/29/2011
Good for newt I wish him and his wife a long and happy life...