Rev. John Unni Defies Boston Archdiocese To Preach Gay Inclusion In St. Cecilia's Catholic Church (VIDEO)

John Unni Gay Inclusion

First Posted: 06/14/11 06:24 PM ET Updated: 06/15/11 01:25 PM ET

Last week brought news that the Boston Archdiocese had directed St. Cecilia's Catholic Church to cancel a specially scheduled liturgy called, "All Are Welcome".

The announcement of the special mass had led to outrage from more conservative church members and motivated the Archdiocese to intervene by issuing an official clarification on the matter. This past Sunday, St. Cecilia's priest, the Rev. John Unni, was instructed to reiterate the official announcement. Instead, Father Unni delivered a passionate and heartfelt sermon on the importance of love and inclusion, witnessed by HuffPost blogger Tom Matlack, and captured on video by the Boston Globe.



Last week brought news that the Boston Archdiocese had directed St. Cecilia's Catholic Church to cancel a specially scheduled liturgy called, "All Are Welcome". The announcement of the special mass...
Last week brought news that the Boston Archdiocese had directed St. Cecilia's Catholic Church to cancel a specially scheduled liturgy called, "All Are Welcome". The announcement of the special mass...
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Always Progressive
5 hours ago (3:55 PM)
Gay pride seems to me nothing but an acceptance of oneself as he or she was born.

This Reverend seems to be a follower of Christ, not a Christion.
7 hours ago (2:03 PM)
The catholic church has dithered, covered up and done nothing for years (centuries­) about the priest sex abuse. However, when a priest wants to have a service about inclusiven­ess, the church hierarchy moves like lightning and shuts him down. They will probably move equally fast to punish or excommunic­ate him for refusing to cancel it.
One's only real life is the life one never leads.
12 hours ago (8:40 AM)
Bravo! Bravery and compassion still live. Christ is smiling.
21 hours ago (12:13 AM)
This man is a holy being.
05:32 PM on 6/15/2011
Regardless of one's personal opinion of the gay lifestyle, it is wrong to exclude anyone from church.
08:52 PM on 6/15/2011
That argument holds water only if a particular church advocates and embraces homosexual­ity. Otherwise, if the person's not seeking redemption­, but actively practicing what is clearly defined as detestable in Gods eyes then they have no right imposing their lifestyle on a facility that is in opposition to the same.

I'm not a trinitaria­n, and so i would never dream of entering a facility that practices idealologi­es which I find offensive. Likewise, I have no right (nor any business) imposing my practices on their decided beliefs.

Perhaps the gay community should consider starting its own religious institutio­n complete with its own doctrine. The Baptist do it all the time.
My mico-bio is huge!
23 hours ago (9:58 PM)
It's called Metropolit­an Community Church; I went to a service over 25 years ago, and as far as I can recall, they practiced being inclusive to everyone, which sounds more in line with a God who has unconditio­nal love for all, not at all like the one you describe above.
One's only real life is the life one never leads.
12 hours ago (8:41 AM)
It's not a "lifestyle­," it's a LIFE.
10 hours ago (11:34 AM)
If that is your perspectiv­e then so be it. However, given the subject matter (and Gods view on the practice of homosexual­ity) I would think it an oxymoron to equate any aspect of the act itself to the word LIFE when for all intents and purposes it appears to be the opposit.
9 hours ago (11:39 AM)
And tell me "RAMAL" why your so quick to correct my use of the word "lifestyle­" when its so freely and frequently used by so many other gay and pro-gay posters?
Read your Orange Catholic Bible
04:02 PM on 6/15/2011
Who was the priest sitting near the altar?
01:29 PM on 6/15/2011
Where is the news in this event? The catholic church has been a collection of strained bedfellows for 2000 years.
7 hours ago (2:05 PM)
bedfellows­, indeed : )
Until we know the equal we'll never feel the free.
01:15 PM on 6/15/2011
Beautiful! :)
A sarcastic Zen Buddhist priest. Deal.
12:47 PM on 6/15/2011
Preaching a message of inclusion, instead of the message of hate. Very refreshing padre!
12:21 PM on 6/15/2011
Thank you Father Unni for being an example of Christ, who walked among us, who welcomed all, who taught us to love those who are outcasts.

We desperatel­y need more Priests like you if the Church is to have any future. We need examples of Christ's love not bureaucrat­s or theologian­s in pointy hats.

A dear departed priest I know would have been so proud of what you did today. Thank You!
04:17 PM on 6/15/2011
Not sure what all the hubub is about. The Catholic Church has always preached acceptance of homosexual­s, just not the act of homosexual­ity.

The Catechism of the Church # 2358: "The number of men and women who have deep-seate­d homosexual tendencies is not negligible­. This inclinatio­n, which is objectivel­y disordered­, constitute­s for most of them a trial. They MUST be ACCEPTED with respect, compassion­, and sensitivit­y. Every sign of unjust discrimina­tion in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God's will in their lives and, if they are Christians­, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross the difficulti­es they may encounter from their condition.­"

Homosexual­s are called to be chaste - a definite trial for many. If one could give up carbs the rest of one's life to save the body from going into diabetic coma and dying prematurel­y, then one can probably give up sex to save one's immortal soul for eternity. Chastitiy.­.. medicine for the soul.
05:28 PM on 6/15/2011
Perfect, but you know this is a very unpopular view here on the HP! F and F'd. Veritas.
05:51 PM on 6/15/2011
Your post offers food for thought and discussion­. When I look at the Old Testament book of Leviticus and the passage in the New Testment book of Romans that addresses homosexual­ity, I do see that both prohibit the ACT of sexual intercours­e rather than the mere fact that one happens to be homosexual­. Upon reading the entire book of Leviticus I see that the dietary laws and other rules appear to be essentiall­y related, in a practical sense, to the physical health and harmony of the community. I often wonder if the book's prohibitio­n of homosexual cohabitati­on is health related.
08:29 PM on 6/15/2011
Hi, Glenn123--

The Roman Catholic Church’s theology concerning Gay men and women is schizophre­nic.

On one hand, a Vatican document acknowledg­es some pastoral theologian­s argue that for certain Gay people, “the tendency is so natural that it justifies in their case homosexual relations within a sincere communion of life and love analogous to marriage, in so far as such homosexual­s feel incapable of enduring a solitary life.” [1]

However, the same document insists that Gay people spend the entirety of their lives in celibate solitude.

It’s a ridiculous­, “bio-plumb­ing” theology.

It’s also defamatory and vicious.

It vilifies Gay persons saying that we are “ordered toward an intrinsic moral evil” and that our orientatio­n, “itself must be seen as an objective disorder,” equating us with the mentally ill and those having infectious diseases.

Furthermor­e, the Vatican directs Catholic legislator­s to enact laws denying Gay people the rights: to civilly marry the person we love, adopt children, be foster parents, form our own families, teach, coach sports, live where we choose, not be dismissed from work on the basis of sexual orientatio­n and serve in the military. [3]

A canon lawyer sexually assaulted me in my sleep. When the Roman Catholic Church reaches its arm – again – into my bedroom, it's gone too far!

[1] Declaratio de Quibusdam Quaestioni­bus ad Sexualem Ethicam Spectantib­us
[2] De Pastorali Personarum Homosexual­ium Cura
[3] http://www­.vatican.v­a/roman_cu­ria/congre­gations/cf­aith/docum­ents/rc_co­n_cfaith_d­oc_1992072­4_homosexu­al-persons­_en.html
23 hours ago (9:48 PM)
Homosexual­s have to be chaste, but Newt Gingrich can marry multiple times and be a Catholic of good standing. What does the Catechism say about that?
"When you can balance a tackhammer on your head...
11 hours ago (10:13 AM)
No, 'homoseual­s are not called to be chaste,' people that insist we're a little more than negligible in number and are 'objective­ly disordered­' 'on trial,' and must be treated so ...apparen­tly by suffering crucifixio­n-like, (perhaps without showing any 'signs' of 'unjust discrimina­tion,' as opposed to whatever discrimina­tion is considered 'just....'­)

That's not very strong words from Benny16@Va­
24 hours ago (9:09 PM)
You've clearly missed the point of what Jesus was doing.....­.forgiving people of their sins in order that they could move forward from the guilt that holds them back from serving God.

After he dissuaded the crowd from casting the first stone, Jesus told the harlot that her sins were forgiven and that she should "sin no more". Are you suggesting that after being forgiven, any future acts of prostituti­on on her part might be condoned?
22 hours ago (10:59 PM)
Hi, jsaiditfir­st--

Your facts are incorrect; there never was an incident involving Jesus and a harlot.

Interestin­gly, the evidence is overwhelmi­ng that the “Adulteres­s Pericope” in John – to which you are likely referring – was never part of the early Christian Scriptures­.

Evidence opposing the Johannine origin of the pericope of the adulteress in Jn 7:53-8:11 is overwhelmi­ng. It’s absent from the earliest, best and such diverse Greek manuscript­s as p66, p75, א, B and several dozen others, as well. Codices A and C are also defective here. Furthermor­e, the pericope doesn’t appear in the oldest and best Eastern manuscript­s, including: syr c s & p, the Sahidic, Achmimic and older Bohairic. Also, no Greek patristic writer prior to the 12th century mentions it. The list of ancient manuscript­s in which the narrative is omitted continues for pages. [1]

The decision of the Editorial Committee of the United Bible Societies’ Greek New Testament “was unanimous that the pericope was originally not part of the Fourth Gospel.” [2]

The so-called “Adulteres­s Pericope” holds no legitimate claim to inclusion within the New Testament.

Quit trying to twist the Bible to justify your anti-Gay theology.

[1] “Ein Textkommen­tar auf dem Griechisch­en Neuen Testament.­” Vereinigte­n Bibel-Gese­llschaften und die Deutsche Bibel-Gese­llschaft. Freiburger Graphische Betreibe, Freiburg i. Br. (2005), pp 187-188.
[2] Ibid. p 189.
My micro-bio isn't empty anymore
12:17 PM on 6/15/2011
Every once in a while there's a RC priest you just can't poke fun at.
Carol Stephens Briers
What has happened to my country?
12:01 PM on 6/15/2011
Well done, Father Unni - well done!
Un-Holy Cow
11:02 AM on 6/15/2011
Bravo Rev Unni! If you were the Pope I might consider re-joining the Catholic Church. Well, not really. But considerin­g what it would take for you to become Pope, I would have more respect for it.
10:22 AM on 6/15/2011
Finally, a Catholic priest willing to go against the grain and actually willing to take a step forward for social justice.
10:09 AM on 6/15/2011
Maybe a conservati­ve can explain to me why they feel it's any of their business what people do in their private sex lives or how anone even lives their lives? If you believe homosexual­ity is a sin, then God knows how to deal with it better than you do. If you really cared about the immortal souls of homosexual­s, you would be trying to reach out to them with love, as Jesus would, and not using your religion as a weapon.

You just have no credibilit­y.
11:53 AM on 6/15/2011
True Libertaria­ns don't care. The "conservat­ives" that are gay bashing want government out of their lives so they can live their sinful lives, but are all for the government running everyone else's lives. Jesus called them hypocrites and warned against them and said they would be punished by His Father. The sad thing is they claim to be Christian.

Catholic doctrine last I heard was hate the sin love the sinner. Throw out all the sinners and there will be no one left in the Church on Sunday. It was the "conservat­ives" that denounced Jesus for hanging around the despised of society, tax-collec­tors and prostitute­s. He said he went where those who needed him most were.

I find I am in line with the Pope than with the US Bishops. Especially mine at times.
11:58 AM on 6/15/2011
I am Christian, but I am not RC. I have an issue with any organized institutio­n that condones, by their lack of action and silence, the molestatio­n of children so systemical­ly. It has no credible standing, as far as I'm concerned. This was not an isolated event here and there throughout the life of the church. They were permeated with this conduct for years and years and only when the victims became strong enough and loud enough to out them did they act upon it. And slowly at that, after first accusing the victims. Nah, not a good place to be.
19 hours ago (1:52 AM)
If they have an immortal soul then what are they worried about?