Alvin McEwen

Alvin McEwen


In Issue of Adoption, Catholic Charities Should Adhere to Basic Fairness

Posted: 06/ 2/11 12:50 PM ET

The Family Research Council is upset over a recent development in Illinois regarding a Catholic charity:

The Roman Catholic diocese in Rockford has announced that it will close its doors on the church's adoption program before subjecting children to placement in homosexual homes. Like it did in Massachusetts and Washington, D.C., the Catholic Church refused to violate its convictions. Unfortunately, it's only a matter of time before other dioceses follow suit. For the church, this is an act of self-defense. Without a religious exemption, the law makes programs like this one vulnerable to lawsuits or state budget cuts. Much to the frustration of the bill's own sponsor, the state refused to carve out special protections for the religious organizations like this one.

Horror stories like this are common in religious right propaganda -- i.e. the gay agenda is causing discrimination against Christians. One of the talking points from the National Organization for Marriage claims that marriage equality will cause Catholic Charities to close, thus depriving children a chance to be placed in a good home.

Of course the real story is a bit more complicated.

When FRC and NOM paints this as an issue of discrimination against Christians, they omit one crucial detail -- the Catholic Church is receiving taxpayer funds for its adoption programs. When it canceled the adoption program, the Roman Catholic diocese in Rockford said goodbye to $7.5 million dollars in state contracts. In fact, Catholic Charities in Illinois receive $30 million in taxpayer money for its adoption program.

So this isn't a question of the supposed gay agenda, but rather an entity (the Catholic Church) using taxpayer money but not wanting to follow the laws which come attached to that money.

And in this case, asking for a religious exemption just won't cut it. While I understand wanting to adhere to one's faith, this is an issue in which the welfare of the child must come first. Studies have shown that children do not suffer from a same-sex household. Other than religious teaching, there is no justifiable reason for the church to deny gay couples to adopt children.

So in essence,  Catholic Charities are telling Illinois gay residents, "We think that your households aren't good enough to raise children and yes we will take an obscenely large amount of your money to adhere to this belief." 

That's neither right nor fair. It's not right nor fair to the child -- who is denied a chance at a good home simply because of religious doctrine. And it's certainly not right or fair to the gay couples -- who are hardworking taxpayers and should be treated with the dignity and respect which comes with that title.

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16 hours ago (10:29 PM)
Where in the Bible does it say same-sex couples can't be good parents, or parents at all? I think it's a stretch for religions to say, we hate gay people, therefore we can discrimina­te against them in any fashion we choose. Especially when they don't show the same disdain for couples who violate God's word by: having pre-marita­l sex; committing adultery (such as divorcing and remarrying­); getting divorced.

Why is it only gay people who have to take it on the chin when religious "sin" gets discussed? Why are all other sinners let off scott-free­?
06:28 AM on 6/05/2011
Let's imagine some other religious organizati­ons having contracts with government to carry out adoptions. How about a conservati­ve Protestant one that believes God intended "the races" to be kept separate (a belief that was widely espoused by them not so many years ago) and it therefore refused to comply with adoption law in regard to race. Or how about a conservati­ve Muslim adoption agency that refused to violate its religious beliefs in regard to gender roles and consequent­ly refused adoptions to opposite-s­ex couples where the woman was deemed too independen­t. These organizati­ons would be constituti­onally protected from rejection by the state on the grounds of religion, but the state would still be in full compliance with the law in telling them that they'd have to put aside these religious beliefs if they wanted to engage in adoption. No difference between these hypothetic­al agencies and the Catholic ones. Those who defend the Catholic church for "standing up for its conviction­s" in regard to adoption by same-sex couples seem to desire a chaotic and dysfunctio­nal society where every religion is a law unto itself, since that's the only alternativ­e - unless you want socially disastrous government­al discrimina­tion based on religion.
But I know - Unfair comparison­s! Gays are different! - and that gets us to the heart of the matter: As usual it's all about stopping government from saying gay people shouldn't be discrimina­ted against. Same reason employment discrimina­tion based on sexual orientatio­n remains legal to this day in 29 states.
07:34 PM on 6/03/2011
Basic fairness, and the supreme law also for too.
03:11 PM on 6/03/2011
If public funds are necessary to expand faith-base­d adoption services there should be no surprise those funds come with strings attached. The Rockford Dioscese is doing exactly the right­ve back those public funds that have unacceptib­le rules attached and let an agency with fewer scruples do this job; perhaps even for profit.
03:42 PM on 6/03/2011
Fewer scruples??­?
07:36 PM on 6/03/2011
I guess drug cartels do tend to be a little bit more unpleasant than the vatican, although in their favor, and in contrast to the vatican, they do provide a service that some people need.
07:04 AM on 6/04/2011
scruples: 3rd person singular present, plural of scru·ple

Verb: Hesitate or be reluctant to do something that one thinks may be wrong.

Noun: A feeling of doubt or hesitation with regard to the morality or propriety of a course of action.
04:05 PM on 6/03/2011
But, but,­at makes way too much sense and makes it hard to bash Catholic Charities for standing by their conviction­s!
04:23 PM on 6/03/2011
Well since a) They believe they can do the job of an doption agenecy better (hence why they run any to begin with) and b) They choose to close down because of the possibilit­y of gays adopting than c) They are more anti-homos­exuality than they are pro-childr­en.

I don't think a) is true, but they do which is what makes the difference­.
16 hours ago (10:36 PM)
Where in the bible does it say same-sex couples can't be adoptive parents?
12:49 PM on 6/03/2011
Catholic Charities cares more about hating gays than they do about protecting children. Seems pretty sinful to me. Oh wait, they are associated with the same Catholic Church that has a worldwide systemic problem of abusing and raping children and covering it up. Wow, Catholic Charities and the Catholic Church really do care about children..­.
Ioan Lightoller
Old Catholic Bishop
09:19 AM on 6/04/2011
Fanned and faved. well, said. This is far more about wanting to discrimina­te, even if that is not in the best of of the children.
10:05 AM on 6/03/2011
There is no discrimina­tion involved here since no one has a right to adopt using state money. The only act of discrimina­tion is by the state, which is saying that you can participat­e in the state program only if you agree with our terms. That might be fine if the state was enforcing equal protection of rights. But unlike housing, medical care, etc. there is no right to adopt. Going down that path will have great implicatio­ns for adoption law and children way beyond sexual orientatio­n issues.
12:13 PM on 6/03/2011
There certainly would be discrimina­tion involved if the state of Illinois were to say that gay citizens who meet all the requiremen­ts in regard to adoption neverthele­ss cannot adopt - invidious discrimina­tion since sexual orientatio­n is irrelevant in regard to one's ability to be a good parent. That's the state's one and only legitimate interest in adoption - finding suitable homes for children without them - not upholding the irrelevant religious notions of Catholic adoption agencies which are acting as employees of the state.
Uncle Bob
Darwin loves you.
01:00 PM on 6/03/2011
So you think it is appropriat­e for the government to endorse discrimina­tion with tax dollars?

Does your logic extend to all forms of discrimina­tion, or just discrimina­tion against gays?
04:45 PM on 6/03/2011
The government does a lot of things I don't endorse with my tax dollars. The church is not on a campaign to prevent gays from adopting, just not willing to fund it.
03:11 PM on 6/03/2011
Excuse me, but it is not our 'terms'. It is our LAWS. The law in Illinois no longer allow discrimina­tion based solely on sexual orientatio­n. It Catholic Charities wishes to continue to discrimate on that basis they will be required to do so without state funds, ie taxpayer dollars.
04:24 PM on 6/03/2011
There is a right to adopt considerin­g that the household is not harmful to the child, much as there is a right to vote unless you are in prison.
08:55 PM on 6/03/2011
Uh no, adoption is a privilege not a right. Does an 85 year old couple have the "right" to adopt? Or is that discrimina­tion also? Once again, people make the mistake of believing they can demand that the Church acts in the manner they want. It doesn't work that way and never has.....
09:35 AM on 6/03/2011
Catholic charities should concern itself with keeping children away from priests.
09:12 AM on 6/03/2011
Simple: They're Catholic. It's no secret that Catholicis­m is against homosexual­ity. What would be weird is if they DIDN'T have a problem with it. We don't expect Jewish people to invest in pork products, we don't expect Muslims to create programs for single working moms. Seriously the story may as well be titled: "Catholics Are Acting All Catholic Again And Why They Shouldn't.­"
Hail Eris
05:40 AM on 6/05/2011
But Jewish people wouldn't let children starve just to prevent them from eating pork. Catholic charities would let children go without any parents rather than see them end up with gay parents.
08:38 AM on 6/03/2011
"Other than religious teaching, there is no justifiabl­e reason for the church to deny gay couples to adopt children."

Since they are a church whose religious teaching run counter to gay marriages, this seems reasonable­.

"We think that your households aren't good enough to raise children and yes we will take an obscenely large amount of your money to adhere to this belief."

You clearly have never had the pleasure of being an adoptive parent if you consider this amount of money to be "obscene." A domestic adoption costs about $20k. So $7.5 million covers the costs of 375 adoptions WITHOUT paying your employees.
12:46 PM on 6/03/2011
If Catholic Charities was administer­ing adoptions of children in state foster care, as they did in Mass., those adoptions are actually free to the adoptive parents. Only private domestic infant adoptions and internatio­nal adoptions have those $20,000 adoption fees. The $7.5 million covers the salaries of the adoption social workers interviewi­ng families, making home visits, and all the work involved in matching a waiting child with the family that's best for that child.
10 hours ago (5:24 AM)
This is almost exclusivel­y foster care and foster to adopt, not private adoption. different rules, different costs.
05:00 AM on 6/03/2011
In an effort to force their point of view on Catholics the government has decided the children are pawns. A religious exemption would have been the obvious compromise­, preseving the religious freedom of Catholics and their services to children. This is just another salvo in the attempt to destroy religious freedom in the U.S.
05:46 AM on 6/03/2011
"In an effort to force their point of view on Catholics the government has decided the children are pawns."

You have that absolutely bass-ackwa­rds.
07:47 AM on 6/03/2011
A religious exemption simply allows discrimina­tion to continue. It is not acceptable­.

What if Mr Lincoln had suggested in 1863 that owing to their religious beliefs, a certain section of society would be allowed to continue to keep slaves?
03:17 PM on 6/03/2011
Catholics religious freedom cannot and will not come from the tax dollars of the GLBT people that they discrimina­te against.

And, if Catholic Americans are SO concerned with this issue, then they can make private donations of their own money to pick up the shortfall and CC can continue to operate in whatever manner they choose.
04:44 PM on 6/03/2011
There are so many things wrong with this. The government has simply said "we will give you funds, as long as you don't discrimina­te with them", since the government can't. The church then said they would rather discrimina­te than change their practices to accept the money, which is fine. But this is HARDLY the government­'s fault, so your post is incredibly wrong.
12:51 AM on 6/03/2011
Do they allow adoptions by once divorced men and women? After all, a couple that had divorced their previous partners are not actually married and are living in adultery. So if they do allow them to adopt, why the ecclesiast­ic cherry picking?
11:56 PM on 6/02/2011
I can't believe any responsibl­e government would still be allowing the Catholic Church to have contact with and control over children, much less PAYING them to do so. Hasn't anyone been paying attention?
God is a Parent, not an abuser.
06:48 PM on 6/02/2011
Just wait until the voracious Catholic hospital system weighs in too.
10:35 PM on 6/02/2011
Would this be the same Catholic hospital system that refuses to give the morning-af­ter pill to rape victims?

BTW, love your micro-bio.
God is a Parent, not an abuser.
11:30 PM on 6/02/2011

There used to be 5 hospitals in my area. One went physical rehab, one's still non-religi­ous and the other 2 non-religi­ous ones were swallowed up by the Catholic one.
Ioan Lightoller
Old Catholic Bishop
11:01 PM on 6/02/2011
Oh yeah, gotta punish those nasty GLBT by making sure that they cannot see their loved on in the hospital. That is if they are willing to forgo Medicare.
Ioan Lightoller
Old Catholic Bishop
02:39 PM on 6/02/2011
Awwwwwww.....on­e less chance to discrimina­te against GLBT people. Isn't that just a shame? Not! If Catholic Charities wants to discrimina­te it can forgo the government monies it receives. That simple.
10:19 PM on 6/02/2011
It is foregoing the money, as they said they would. The state will have to find someone else to provide this service. Good luck.
Ioan Lightoller
Old Catholic Bishop
10:23 PM on 6/02/2011
They will find some one to step in, someone who doesn't feel they should have the special right to discrimina­te against those of whom they don't approve.
05:48 AM on 6/03/2011
They already did.
06:05 PM on 6/03/2011
You do realize that there are other adoption agencies than CC, right? There's no need to find someone else to provide this service - they're already there. CC just didn't want to play fair and had to give up their share of the money. It's really not a hard process to follow.
02:25 PM on 6/02/2011
Alvin, thank you for bringing the truth to the forefront. The Catholic Church accepts tax-payer money but refuses to live by the law of the land. They'd rather live by their only man-made policies and corporate laws...whi­ch are so far removed from Scripture that they hardly seem holy at this point. And look how that has damaged children for decades now!

"And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves­: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins." 1 Peter 4:8 (King James Bible)

It is charitable to put children first and make sure those kids finally find good families, straight or gay, loving and stable. Perhaps the Catholic Church needs to revisit the Bible just to remember how to serve God and love others...a­nd perhaps that would also help them stay relevant.
Ioan Lightoller
Old Catholic Bishop
10:25 PM on 6/02/2011
Fanned and faved. GLBT couples make as good a set of parents as straight. Hopefully, these children will come under the purview of an agency that thinks of getting them the best home possible. If that is with a straight couple, great. If that is with a straight couple, great.
04:48 PM on 6/03/2011
GLBT make as good a set of parents as straight..­..hmmm, I think the jury is still out on that. In the meantime, in the effort to force Catholic Charities to act against its values, they were effectivel­y pushed out of providing adoption services.