Sister Joan Chittister, OSB

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My Prayer for Pentecost

Posted: 06/10/11 01:33 PM ET

The Holy Spirit embodies the life force of the universe, the power of God, the animating energy present in all things and captured by none. On this great feast of Pentecost, the coming of the Spirit of God, I invite you to pray with me:

May the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
bring fire to the earth
so that the presence of God
may be seen
in a new light,
in new places,
in new ways.

May our own hearts
burst into flame
so that no obstacle,
no matter how great,
ever obstructs the message
of the God within each of us.

May we come to trust
the Word of God in our heart,
to speak it with courage,
to follow it faithfully
and to fan it to flame in others.

May the Jesus
who filled women
with his Holy Spirit
fill the world and the church
with new respect
for women's power and presence.

Give me, Great God,
a sense of the Breath of Spirit
within me as I...
(State the intention
in your own life at this time
for which you are praying.)


The Holy Spirit embodies the life force of the universe, the power of God, the animating energy present in all things and captured by none. On this great feast of Pentecost, the coming of the Spirit o...
The Holy Spirit embodies the life force of the universe, the power of God, the animating energy present in all things and captured by none. On this great feast of Pentecost, the coming of the Spirit o...
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Recency  | 
2 hours ago (5:00 PM)
A miracle has happened, a miracle has happened, a miracle has happened, rejoice there is a -God- the Huffington Post has allowed a blogger to put a pure Christian prayer with no liberal bias on this ultra liberal site?
Defeat Inactivity - Get Healthy
17 hours ago (2:05 AM)
A 'catholic visionary'­, how can one be a true visonary and a catholic at the same time
02:40 PM on 6/11/2011
"The Holy Spirit embodies the life force of the universe, the power of God, the animating energy present in all things and captured by none."

now I disagree with much of catholic dogma but this above quote is very well stated. now the materialis­t and interestin­g neither most of the religious have a clue of the validity of this quote but maybe the materialis­ts do at a subconscio­usness level as least some of them as they are a major contributo­r on this religion section of huff post.

that animating energy might best be defined as aminating vitality and intelligen­ce not the intellect kind but best be defined as divine intelligen­ce, which we humans are at the low end of that scale in spite of what we think of ourselves.
23 hours ago (8:05 PM)
Very well put. Fanned
I am gray and italic
12:00 PM on 6/11/2011
Catholics make excellent Pentecosta­ls.
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04:10 AM on 6/11/2011
On Pentecost Sunday, I will start being a lector at Our Lady of Lourdes. I know that I was chosen by the Lord to start on this day. I tried so hard to be a lector on any given day I even volunteere­d during Lent. However, our Liturgy man was adamant because I was a neophyte.
10:05 AM on 6/11/2011
A favorite and tradional reading. May God bless you and all that hear it.
11:16 AM on 6/11/2011
Welcome Holy Spirit, We pray in your presence, fill us with your peace. Never Let us be separated from you and stay with us until the end!
02:08 AM on 6/11/2011
Pentecost is Sunday the 12th of June 2011,
symbolical­ly you should reach your Pentecost on Pentecost
09:39 PM on 6/10/2011
Truly a feminist nun and a lovely poem whether or not one is a believer.
Dale Andersen
unlike you, I use my real name...
07:25 PM on 6/10/2011
Thank you, Sister, and God Bless us all, each one of us. And pray for the people of Syria, especially the Christian minority there...
09:41 PM on 6/10/2011
It sounds as if you want the Christians to be safer than the non Christian Syrians. Does your God differenti­ate?
01:31 AM on 6/11/2011
personally I think she wrote the prayer in hopes obtaining some accolades from others, which of course runs afoul to instructio­n by Jesus to pray in secrecy to the father who listens in secrecy.

And the only thing more rediculous than her ranting toast to women, is your comment. You must be nasally, because, I'm sorry, but your a real whiner!
04:02 PM on 6/10/2011
Thank you for sharing your lovely prayer.
03:15 PM on 6/10/2011
The religions of mankind must be classed among the mass delusions of this kind. No one, needless to say, who shares a delusion, ever recognizes it as such. (Sigmund Freud)
Awaiting refund for '08 campaign contribution
04:32 PM on 6/10/2011
Atheism is "a monstrous evil." Empirical data supporting Francois-M­arie Arouet's assertion can be found by googling "state atheism."
Misterioso Adversario
Some Jerk With an Opinion
06:37 PM on 6/10/2011
Heh, nah
Member of the reality-based community
04:50 AM on 6/11/2011
Religious societies are LESS moral than secular ones: