April 27, 2011 | Log In | Sign Up

'Birther' Claims Force GOP Leaders To Take A Stand

Birthers Gop

By CHARLES BABINGTON   04/22/11 03:13 PM ET   AP

WASHINGTON -- It's the conspiracy theory that won't go away. And it's forcing Republican officials and presidential contenders to pick sides: Do they think Barack Obama was born outside the United States and disqualified to be president?

As the Republican candidates tiptoe through the mine field, Democrats are watching. They hope the debate will fire up their liberal base and perhaps tie the eventual GOP nominee to fringe beliefs that swing voters will reject.

In recent days several prominent Republicans have distanced themselves, with varying degrees of emphasis, from the false claim that Obama was born in a foreign country. But with a new poll showing that two-thirds of adult Republicans either embrace the claim or are open to it, nearly all these GOP leaders are not calling for a broader effort to stamp out the allegations.

"It's a real challenge for the Republican Party and virtually every Republican candidate for president," contends Democratic pollster Geoff Garin. If it's not handled well, he said, all-important independent voters might see Republicans as extreme or irrelevant.

Many Americans consider claims of Obama's foreign birth to be preposterous, unworthy of serious debate. Yet the "birther" issue threatens to overshadow the early stages of the GOP effort to choose a presidential nominee for 2012. Real estate mogul Donald Trump has stirred the pot lately, repeatedly saying Obama should provide his original birth certificate.

From a political standpoint, it's impossible to dismiss the matter as conspiratorial fantasy, akin to, say, claims that the 1969 moon landing was staged. In the latest New York Times-CBS News poll, 45 percent of adult Republicans said they believe Obama was born in another country, and 22 percent said they don't know. One-third of Republicans said they believe the president is native born.

The same poll a year ago found considerably less suspicion among Republicans. A plurality of GOP adults then said Obama was U.S.-born, and 32 percent said they believed he was foreign-born.

In the latest poll, about half of all independents said Obama was born in the United States. The other independents were about evenly split between those saying he is foreign-born, and those saying they don't know.

Ten percent of Democrats said Obama was born overseas, and 9 percent were unsure.

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Obama's birth certificate indicates he was born in Hawaii in 1961. Newspaper birth announcements at the time reported the birth, and news organizations' investigations have rebutted the birthers' claims. The Constitution says a president must be a "natural born citizen."

Trump's leap to the top tier of potential GOP presidential contenders in recent polls has frustrated party leaders who'd like the birthplace issue to go away.

The House's top Republicans _Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor – say they are satisfied that Obama was born in Hawaii. But they have declined to criticize those who state otherwise, and Boehner has said it's not his job to tell Americans what to think.

Trump, meanwhile, keeps fueling the fire. Even though many people doubt he will run for president, he has forced other Republicans to take stands.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania have been the most direct in rejecting the birthers' claims. "I believe the president was born in the United States," Romney told CNBC.

Santorum has no doubt that Obama was born in Hawaii, and he "believes this debate distracts us from the real issues," said his spokeswoman, Virginia Davis.

Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour accepts the president's word about his birthplace, his staff said.

Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty told an Iowa audience, "I'm not one to question the authenticity of Barack Obama's birth certificate." He added a little jab: "When you look at his policies, I do question what planet he's from."

When ABC's George Stephanopoulos showed a copy of Obama's birth certificate to Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, who was ambivalent at first, she said: "Well, then, that should settle it. ... I take the president at his word."

Former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin gave mixed signals in a recent Fox News appearance. She praised Trump for "paying for researchers" to dig into claims of Obama's foreign birth. But she added, "I think that he was born in Hawaii because there was a birth announcement put in the newspaper."

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee has dismissed claims that Obama is foreign-born, calling them a distraction. But on a February radio show, Huckabee referred to Obama "having grown up in Kenya," the birthplace of the president's father.

Obama grew up in Hawaii and Indonesia. A spokesman said Huckabee's statement was simply a mistake.

Aides to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said voters have not asked him about the birthplace question and he has not discussed it.

The issue has spread to several states where Republican-controlled legislatures have introduced or passed bills requiring presidential candidates, and sometimes others, to prove their citizenship. Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, a Republican, recently vetoed such a bill, calling it "a bridge too far."

Democrats think the birthplace issue might fire up liberals, especially minorities, who in many cases have been dispirited by Obama's frequent compromises with conservatives to pass legislation. Blacks who embraced Obama's barrier-breaking election now see some Republicans claiming he has no constitutional right to be president.

The New York Times-CBS poll was worded in a way that might have subtly encouraged respondents to say Obama is foreign born. "Some people say Barack Obama was NOT born in the United States," the poll's callers said, but they did not offer counter arguments.

Moreover, some pollsters think respondents will seize a chance to call Obama a Muslim or non-citizen to convey something else: a dislike for him or his policies.

"Some people who strongly oppose a person or proposition will take virtually any opportunity to express that antipathy," writes Gary Langer, who polls for ABC News.

Garin, the Democratic pollster, doesn't buy it in this case. The birthers' claims are so prevalent, especially on conservative TV and radio shows, he said, that poll respondents are likely to say what they truly believe about a much-discussed topic.

"There are high- profile people, including Donald Trump and many others in the conservative media, who advocate and validate this point of view each and every day," Garin said. The big question about the birthplace issue, he said, "is the extent to which it drives a wedge within the Republican Party" and turns off independents in November 2012.

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WASHINGTON -- It's the conspiracy theory that won't go away. And it's forcing Republican officials and presidential contenders to pick sides: Do they think Barack Obama was born outside the United Sta...
WASHINGTON -- It's the conspiracy theory that won't go away. And it's forcing Republican officials and presidential contenders to pick sides: Do they think Barack Obama was born outside the United Sta...
Filed by Elyse Siegel  | 
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08:26 AM on 4/25/2011
Obama could put an end to the debate very easily. He chooses not to. Why? What is it that you don't want people to know?
Fear My Micro-bio!!!!!!!!
10:54 PM on 4/25/2011
because he wants you guys to keep making fools of yourself. its politicall­y favorable to him.
21 hours ago (2:03 AM)
President Obama did put an end to the debate. He proved to any reasonable standard that he was eligible for office.
34 minutes ago (10:55 PM)
he's acting like a bully, not like a kind, transparen­t president.
08:25 AM on 4/25/2011
"leaders" .... ?

surely you jrst .....
08:15 AM on 4/25/2011
I believe he is a US citizen. But if any thing this has proven that throughout history no presidenti­al candidate has ever had to abide by the constituti­on that none of them has given proof without a doubt that they are eligible what happen to they are not above the law of the land, I always thought they were giving proof all these years. That means long form B.C & S.S passport school records what ever. Past few years Oregon made a law that in order to just get a drivers license or ID you need your long form B.C my daughters military B.C was not good enough for the DMV
And 2008 finding out that no president has ever had to prove he was eligible like the constituti­on say to THATS SAD
01:26 AM on 4/25/2011
"Moreover, some pollsters think respondent­s will seize a chance to call Obama a Muslim or non-citize­n to convey something else: a dislike for him or his policies."

Only because they won't, like all GOPuppets, tell the truth. They are simply white b!gots who hate having a black man, smarter than the entire lot of GOPee candidates combined, as President.
28 minutes ago (11:01 PM)
"GOPuppets­"? that's a new one, stopcensor­ingme. :) I've been name called a lot of things...b­ut every time it's due to a last resort by the name caller. My guess, in your mind, any criticism of Obama is due to race. That's your last resort.
12:01 AM on 4/25/2011
The choice for the GOP is simple:

Prolong the Birther conspiracy or
Put forth ideas about the economy & job creation.

And the winner is........­..........
08:27 AM on 4/25/2011
.... all they have to show is 30 years of economic lies and failure ....

tax cuts never created jobs .... they only gave us a huge debt ......
10:27 PM on 4/24/2011
"voters might see Republican­s as extreme or irrelevant­"

Or both -- that's how I see it.
07:37 AM on 4/25/2011
I've viewed them like this for some time now... This only solidifies what I already knew.
09:56 PM on 4/24/2011
Combine this with Ryan's Medicare plans, this will be the death knell of the republican party. Hopefully, it will be a very long time before another republican gets anywhere close to the presidency again.
09:10 PM on 4/24/2011
Two thirds of adult republican­s are mentally deficient.
08:29 PM on 4/24/2011
Looks like the GOP grabbed a tiger by the tail and got a lot of ignorant people to back them up in their insanity. Will be interestin­g to watch them change their minds and backtrack. Don't know how our Pres. puts up with Gopers who are so busy doing everything but working on the economy.
01:27 AM on 4/25/2011
The same idiots will follow them no matter what unintended statements of non-fact they put forth.
02:29 PM on 4/24/2011
Trump has the birth certificat­e. He's holding it in a vault I Kenya. He's keeping it as his Trump card. ; )
07:40 AM on 4/25/2011
ba dum bump! Cymbol crash.
Fear My Micro-bio!!!!!!!!
10:55 PM on 4/25/2011
and boom goes the dynomite.
02:05 PM on 4/24/2011
"It's a real challenge for the Republican Party and virtually every Republican candidate for president,­" contends Democratic pollster Geoff Garin. If it's not handled well, he said, all-import­ant independen­t voters might see Republican­s as extreme or irrelevant­. >>> NO Kidding?? The Republican­s have been extreme and irrelevant for several decades.
01:39 PM on 4/24/2011
"Ten percent of Democrats said Obama was born overseas"

Are they thinking "overseas" implies across the ocean in Hawaii?
07:41 AM on 4/25/2011
That could be the case, but given the fact that Americans are notoriousl­y poor at geography, I'm not holding my breathe. :-)
12:36 PM on 4/24/2011
Those who post that Obama was not born in the US are simply hoping that other low-inform­ation voters would think that wasn't fully checked out. In surveys, you have to understand that some respondent­s know what they are talking about and have all the facts (not birther mailings) in front of them. Hawaii has closed the issue, and Bachmann has agreed. Closed issue.

Now, watch this blow up in the GOP's face.

07:44 AM on 4/25/2011
I'd like to see this blow up in the GOPs face too but as I've just written, the GOP is tip-toeing around this because they know well that this is what their sycophants WANT to believe and cling to, and this could be a number one vote getter - we're not talking about a handful of !gn0rant r3dn3cks from the hills, we're talking a significan­t percentage of the American population­.
Julia Bailey
12:11 PM on 4/24/2011
During the last primaries the republican candidates were asked if they believed in evolution, and a whole lot of them said no. Since not understand­ing something taught in high school doesn't seem to be a problem with republican voters, its hard to think of the birther issue being one. But I really don't think the US would ever elect a birther or someone who didn't believe in evolution. The rest of the populace is just too smart for that.
01:29 AM on 4/25/2011
They elected GW Bush (at least the second time around). Never "misundere­stimate" the stupidity of the citizenry.
07:44 AM on 4/25/2011
Egg Zack Lee!
12:09 PM on 4/24/2011

You are being too kind. Republican­s are already extreme and irrelevent­.
07:44 AM on 4/25/2011

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