May 13, 2011 | Log In | Sign Up

Jan Brewer Writing Memoir 'Scorpions For Breakfast'

Jan Brewer Memoir

05/10/11 01:00 PM ET   AP

PHOENIX -- Publishing house HarperCollins says Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has agreed to write a memoir to be published this fall.

The 208-page book will be entitled "Scorpions for Breakfast: My Fight Against Special Interests, Liberal Media, and Cynical Politicos to Secure America's Border."

The 66-year-old Republican has criticized the Obama administration over border security concerns and over the Justice Department's lawsuit challenging Arizona's illegal immigration law that she signed last year.

HarperCollins says Brewer will call on President Barack Obama to secure the border and tell about what she has done it defend her state.

The publishing house announced the book on its website and didn't immediately respond to inquiries from The Associated Press.

Brewer's writing of a memoir first was reported by the Arizona Capitol Times.

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PHOENIX — Publishing house HarperCollins says Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has agreed to write a memoir to be published this fall. The 208-page book will be entitled "Scorpions for Breakfast: My Fig...
PHOENIX — Publishing house HarperCollins says Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has agreed to write a memoir to be published this fall. The 208-page book will be entitled "Scorpions for Breakfast: My Fig...
Filed by Elyse Siegel  | 
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15 minutes ago (10:09 AM)
the author must be on the menu
25 minutes ago (9:59 AM)
Gov Blondie can write? How can that happen. You have to first have a brain....

Wonder if she'll tell the story of how she was bought and paid for by the Correction­s Corporatio­n of America and how lobbyists for this organizati­on were on the Commision Board who made the decision to privatize.­......and on the board to draw up and pass SB 1070 in order to make sure those private prisons are full.,,,,


Perhaps she will flesh out her story of how her father fought the Nazi's...o­r where all those "headless" bodies in the desert were found.

Maybe she'd like to comment on KPHO radio investigat­ion of her close ties with CCA who found a lot of hanky-Pank­y--and published it, and announced results on their station...­..and why she found it necessary to remove adds from that station in retaliatio­n.

And, we'd like to know how a Glendale Community College graduate..­a radiology Technician­, qualifies her as governor..­....
1 hour ago (9:15 AM)
She should go back to her roots with a jug of cheap wine and a carton of unfiltered Camels and leave Arizona alone.
1 hour ago (9:01 AM)
The book will be mostly illustrati­ons and will feature very large font and no big words. It will be found in in fiction section under the Hypocritic­al genre.
2 hours ago (8:51 AM)
Damn, she is only 66. I thought she was at the very least 75. I guess scorpions do not have any anti-aging properties­.
1 hour ago (9:17 AM)
Yup. She is what Sister Sarah will look like in about 5-7 years.
Progression wit a twist of sarcasm.
2 hours ago (8:28 AM)
By the looks of her, she has already ingested way too many scorpions.
1 hour ago (9:18 AM)
Too many Scorpian bowls, too early in the morning!!!
The best person fer a job is never a candidate
2 hours ago (8:22 AM)
Rupe Murdoch's HarperColl­ins is a reliable publishing outlet, along with Regnery for any right wingnut conspiracy theorist.  I am certain he will provide her with a prolific hack and ghost author, like Jerome Corsi, the American Right's favorite political fiction Righter, along with a generous advance in anticipati­on of her book becomoing the number 2,104,885 best selling book on­, with sales in the low dozens.
14 minutes ago (10:10 AM)
and the rnc and other repub outfits will buy this in bulk and give it out free - maybe not even that good who knows
Foam the runways, I'm coming in!
3 hours ago (7:04 AM)
Will her follow up book be, "Restorati­ve Uranus Surgery For Supper" ?
4 hours ago (6:36 AM)
Disgusting sub-human!
6 hours ago (3:59 AM)
Wouldn't that make her a cannibal?
moose and squirrel
7 hours ago (3:32 AM)
scorpions for breakfast.  that explains alot.
The best person fer a job is never a candidate
2 hours ago (8:23 AM)
Taste like crayfish, only tangier.
9 hours ago (1:39 AM)
The more time she puts into writing, the less time she spends screwing up Arizona.
10 hours ago (12:03 AM)
So nice of her to share her beauty secrets.
11 hours ago (11:40 PM)
VP candidate
11 hours ago (11:36 PM)
Jan, as they say: "you are what you eat".