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Wedding Season

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Many of you are getting married now. You're still basking in the glow of your big day -- and we want to bask, too. Share your love story - how you met, got engaged, and wed. We'd love to see a wedding pic or two as well.

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Newlyweds Spotlight10

Should High School Sweethearts Marry?

Friday July 15, 2011

Many a couple in my family were high school sweethearts. So far, only one of the couples ended up in divorce court. The others are all still together. Like all couples, they've had their own bumps in the road. Recently, these kinds of relationships came up in a conversation between my brother, me, and others in our family. My brother contends that marrying your high school (or even your college) sweetheart is a big mistake. He thinks that if you marry the person you were with as a kid, the two of you continue your relationship always as though you are kids. He adds that many of these people wake up one day and feel like they missed opportunities because they married the first person they loved.

While I can see his perspective, I must disagree. For starters, the high school sweethearts in our family - at least the majority of them - didn't get married right out of high school. They married years later and had remained a couple through all that time. Granted, they were young newlyweds (most were around 25 years old), but they weren't teenagers. Most of them also had broken up for a time, only to return to one another. They had plenty of time to reconsider their decision to be with this person. They could have left. They could have moved onto other boyfriends or girlfriends or even remained single. And they waited to marry until they went to college and worked a few years.

When my brother says that these couples are at risk to argue or relate to one another the way they did when they were in high school or college, he is mistaken. First, most of us mature and evolve as individuals from the time we are in high school, especially if we move onto college and the workforce and pick up life affirming experiences outside of our romantic relationships. Second, our relationships themselves evolve. Even if we wanted things to always be as sweet as they were at the start of our courtship, they never are. That's the real trouble with these relationships - and any relationship really.

Time passes. Each individual grows in his or her own way, and then together they have to try and incorporate that growth into their marriage, which already shoulders a range of responsibilities - from monthly mortgage bills to conflicting desires about having children. Sometimes, having someone who has been with you since you were a kid and understands you and your evolution can actually make for a stronger marriage. It really depends on the couple. What do you think?

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Dreaming of a Romantic Getaway

Thursday July 14, 2011

With the lazy, hazy days of summer upon us, I find myself lost in la la land dreaming of a romantic getaway with my husband. I picture us on a sandy beach frolicking in the ocean, kicking back on a beach chair, or walking hand in hand in the sand. I can also picture us going on the rides and taking in shows at an amusement park. Or cruising on ship. I can't, however, imagine us camping in the mountains. We're not the camping type. My husband's idea of roughing it is going without the air conditioning on a somewhat hot day or not having his hair gel. Where would you go? Let us know by taking the poll above.

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Roses for Love

Wednesday July 13, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Flowers Bring Romance

Roses - Francesca Di Meglio

The scent of a lovely rose is sometimes all you need to get through the day. © Photo by Francesca Di Meglio

A landscaper's daughter, I've always enjoyed flowers - from walking through a peaceful garden to creating bouquets and flower arrangements. In the summer, the roses my father plants stand tall and proud in the front of our home. From my home office, I can see the neighbors ooohhing and ahhhing at their profound beauty. The other day I went outside and took some pictures of the roses. The photo above was my favorite. It was so soft and pretty. The color was not quite peach and somewhat pink. It had character.

While my husband has bought me flowers many times before and I'm appreciative of their beauty, I am always impressed with my father's ability to grow the flowers for us. He sometimes cuts the roses and hydrangea he has planted and brings my mother bouquets. It seems as though there couldn't be anything more romantic. There's something about fresh flowers in a vase on your table or desk that just bring on feelings of love and warmth - or at least that's how it is for me. That's why this time of year, when the garden is in full bloom, I'm usually in a better mood. Romance is in the air.

Flowers are all beautiful, but the roses stand out for me. They are the royalty of the garden. And a rose is a simple way to send the message of love and passion. I haven't met a rose I didn't like. What about you? What is your favorite flower to receive as a gift?

More Wordless Wednesday blogs

What Is the Most Romantic Thing Your Spouse Has Ever Done for You?

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Deal Breakers

Tuesday July 12, 2011

From before I married my husband, I had decided that there were a few things I would not ever tolerate. Even though I love my husband, if I find out he has cheated on me, I don't think I'd be able to stay married to him. It is my deal breaker. I know some couples are able to overcome cheating. But that's too much for me. I wouldn't be able to trust my husband, and I could never look at him the same way. I think a cheating husband would make me distant and full of resentment, and even if we stayed together at first, we'd grow apart. My husband knows how I feel, and I think it would be the same for him if I ever cheated. It would simply be over. What is your deal breaker? Does your spouse know about it?

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