Cato Institute
1000 Massachusetts Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20001-5403
Phone (202) 842 0200
Fax (202) 842 3490
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New Sponsor Renewal Bonus Contribution

Cato Club 200  $25,000+
  Benefactor  $5,000-$24,999
Patron  $1,000-$4,999   Sustaining  $500-$999
Basic  $100-$499   Introductory  $50 - $99 (first time sponsors only)
Contribution amount $ .00

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New Sponsor Renewal Bonus Contribution

Cato Club 200  $25,000+
  Benefactor  $5,000-$24,999
Patron  $1,000-$4,999   Sustaining  $500-$999
Basic  $100-$499   Introductory  $50 - $99 (first time sponsors only)
Contribution amount $ .00

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The Cato Institute is a 501(c)(3) educational institute. Contributions are tax deductible.
Donations may be eligible for corporate matching gifts.

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