Career Center

Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m., Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Career Counseling Services

Whether you are certain of your academic major and career goals, or uncertain about what to do next, a 50-minute personal Career Counseling session may be for you. Our career counselors will help you explore your values, interests, personality, and skills (VIPS).

We will also help you plan a job search strategy and address other concerns associated with the job search process, such as résumé writing, interviewing, and networking.

Several career assessments are available for you to explore your values, interests, personality, and skills (VIPS), including:

A Career Counselor will interpret the assessment results and discuss how the results help identify your career options. There is a small fee for some assessments to cover processing costs.
To learn more about career counseling or schedule a session, visit the Career Education Center reception desk.