Business books

Aiming high

Aiming high

We launch a quarterly review of business books by considering six of the best

Violent extremists

Of skinheads and jihadists

Their hatred may be different, but it has similar roots

Chinese investment in Europe

Streaks of red

Capital and companies from China are sidling into Europe


The long march

China's economic expansion into Europe is gathering pace


Rough riding

The country’s tricky politics get ever trickier

Deutsche Bank's succession

After Ackermann

Axel Weber's acceptance of the chairmanship at UBS means some rising executives at Deutsche may get a shot at being its next boss

The city of Rome

Noisy and eternal

Rome has always been violent, aggressive and intimidating

Oil markets

Acting with reserves

Dipping into oil stocks is not a wise idea

South Africa

The rise of Julius Malema

The black man who is rude about whites is doing rather well

Editor's note

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