
Luxury magazines come and go, especially in these times of economic woe. But a luxury magazine that strikes the right journalistic chord, resonates with its intended audience, and evokes a passion, if you will, begins a beautiful, satisfying relationship. The reader looks to the magazine to take them on a hedonistic journey filled with items of their desire; the low down on what’s haute and provide them the visual wanderlust that fills a lazy afternoon. Such is the mission of INDULGE magazine. We want to make you lust after the latest accessories, be filled with the desire to travel to distant and not-so -distant lands, be in the know about the efficacy of your purchases on the environment; and anticipate what the next page may unfold. Oxford defines luxury as “the state of great comfort and extravagant living,” and we here at INDULGE define luxury as an “understated yearning for the ‘best-of-the-best’ life. Do join us on our quarterly trek and discover new places to visit, new faces to know, and new treasures to fill your fashionable heart’s desire.

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