The Opinion Pages

Left to right: a club in Berlin, the
Left to right: Carsten Koall/Getty Images; Jason Alden, via Bloomberg; Jock Fistick for The New York Times
Room for Debate

Where Would Hemingway Go?

In every era, one city is designated as a magnet of creativity and energy. Which city is most dynamic in Europe now?


Harry, I Hardly Knew Ye

With Harry Potter, as with every other mass-market cultural phenomenon, we face a choice: Are we in, or out? comment iconComment


The Opposing Party

Confused about the position of Congressional Republicans on the economy? Good. You should be. comment iconComment


A Supreme Court Scorecard

A review of the just-concluded Supreme Court term.


The Courts Step In

Recent rulings to block enforcement of measures that restrict abortion rights and essential health care are important victories for women’s rights. comment iconComment

Op-Ed Contributor

Vive la Similarité

The ties that bind America and France are more important than most of us know.

Op-Ed Contributor

The Republican Case for Compromise

The G.O.P. must embrace a budget deal and avoid a default on America’s debt.

Opinionator | Townies

Phantoms of the East River

What started out as a birding tour on the East River becomes a journey into New York's dark history.


Bloggingheads: Libya and Impeachment


Glenn Greenwald, left, of and Ilya Somin of George Mason University School of Law debate Congressional options on Libya.


Drawdown in Iraq

Baghdad needs to decide quickly whether it wants a small American force to remain.


Gun Mayhem Along the Border

The gun lobby is opposing a requirement to report multiple sales of semiautomatic weapons along the border, but in fact more such gun controls are needed.


The F.E.C. Awakes

A heartening ruling says candidates cannot solicit large-scale donations for the new Super PACs.

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In Mogadishu: A Lifeline For Somali Rape Victims

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Living With Mistakes